
Hello folks!!!! Im on this weight loss journey and hopefully I will be successful. Ive tried different ways to loose weight with little to no results. So I'm trying something new again. Encouraging and motivational words are accepted..:happy:


  • JodieChampoux
    JodieChampoux Posts: 17 Member
    Good luck!
  • Tors1984
    Tors1984 Posts: 25
    Hi, I'm fairly new too, but so far I love it here! Everyone's so friendly and the tools are brilliant! I'm not new to dieting though and previously lost quite a bit of weight for our wedding and then marital bliss helped me put it back on lol.

    Some advice for starting out:

    Do your weekly shopping in advance and plan your meals!

    Fill in your diary at the start of the day because this allows you to know what you're spending on each meal, how much you have left for snacks, etc.

    Go walking if possible, burns lots of calories :).

    Fill up on fruit and veg wherever possible.

    Weigh out your food, don't guess how many grams something is.

    Hope that helps! Good luck :)!