Hi hi

New here and attempting to lose 20 lb.
Since finishing university, I've noticed that my general health and fitness has died down.
I'm a freelance writer so work from home, which has surprisingly made me a little lazy. However, it has made it possible
for me to put my all into this. I've been eating 1,200 calories a day + working out for about 30 minutes on a stationary bike for about a week now. I've lost a few pounds so it's going well.

I'm a fussy eater, which makes eating clean really difficult but i'm trying.
I would love some friends to help motivate each other

Have a great day,


  • Tors1984
    Tors1984 Posts: 25
    HI Kelli,

    I'm fairly new to this site too, so we can support each other! Feel free to add me :).

    I don't do clean eating, but am attempting to reduce the amount of rubbish I eat, so am eating 'well'.

    Well done on losing a few lbs already, your profile picture is lovely, you have a lovely face! xx
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello Kelli and welcome here. You can do anything you put youyr mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • jsabet
    jsabet Posts: 51 Member
    20 lbs - I'm sure you can accieve that. Keep up your good work.