

  • Jep i used to just look at the calories but after a while i find that eating a much stricter diet without "fast" carbs i feel a lot more satiated after eating and for longer time. Also i dont feel tired because of insulin spikes. So in short eating slow carbs (veggies etc.) and bumping protien / fat intake has helped me…
  • "Super-Size Me" fraud ? How is that a fraud? If you eat a ton of MD you will get sick!
  • Thank you for the explanations as they helped me right now. Haven't lost a pound in 2 weeks and no inches off either but am keeping at my plan with no days going over and training plenty. It just haven't happen to me before.
  • So happy I live in Denmark ... my only worry might be hit by a car when jogging. Its mind boggling that you even have to consider carrying a gun and i even live right next to a Hellsangels "fort" who btw helps the lady next door with heavy lifting. Not kidding!
  • What helped me a lot was cutting anything with grains in it. After I stopped eating a lot of carbs and went on eating more lean meats and veggies i stopped being hungry all the time. I think its because my blodsugar levels are so stable. My advice is to cut out carbs and start to eat more meats, yoghurt, cheese (the real…
  • Omg i cant believe what you have done! Awesome and i tip my hat madam because that is an amazing feat!
  • Damn you are looking great! What a change! Congrats
  • I normally do my sets at max intensity. Meaning that i try to lift as much as i can 10 x 3 times and put on more weight aprox every other week. If you train 5 times a week i am sure you can do go up every week. I was a some point stuck in what i thought was my max weight until a gym mate told me that i needed to keep…
  • I would just ensure that you dont go over your limit for a day. If I can give you one advice that have saved me from being hungry even after workout is to cut away most your carbohydrate intake and instead increase your protein intake. The reason for this is that protein stills your hunger for longer periods of time and…
  • Ohh its so hard to quit the binges for me its even harder that when i stopped smoking. Anyway i find that i cant completely remove unhealthy food so i just try to limit them to a bare mimimum. Like one bite if I cant help it. If I feel the need to eat a lot I eat a lot of low cal fruits or vegetables like carrots to get…
  • Hi Mate Perhaps what you should do is reverse your cardio / strength ratio so strength training takes up the bulk of your time. Dont worry about loosing weight as the muscles you get the more cal will your body need to keep your body running and remember that if you start strength training hard you will not loose weight at…
  • Cycling isnt that hard on the knees from my experience. I have had pains in my knees from doing karate so that stopped me from running but had no impact on my cycling. In general its my opinion that overweight people like myself should not start out with any training that causes strains on the knees unless you are in good…
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