Bad knees and hip from doing 30DS?

I got to day 5 and my hip and knees are hurting so much I couldn't do it last night. I had problems with my hips in pregnancy but I would say this is worse :sad:

I have been doing the beginners moves and wearing shoes, using a mat. I am at the point where when I get up it is taking me a while to get moving with out it hurting.

Any ideas?


  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Can't really offer much advice but 30DS caused me a lot of knee pain. My doctor told me it probably wasn't a good idea to carry on with the exercise that caused it but find an alternative. I prefer aerobic dancing and swimming so I swapped for them instead, much easier on the joints! lol
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Just don't do it. There are other exercise programs you can do that won't put so much stress on the joints :)
  • xgemma87x
    xgemma87x Posts: 18 Member
    I think I might have to swap for something else, the pain in my knee is horrid, it is sharp and there all the time!
  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    The side lunges hurt my knees too so I stopped doing them. If you did the rest of the workout but missed that out would it help you? Generally if it hurts then it's not good for you I think. Every body is different and has different weaknesses. Find something that doesn't bother your knees. You wouldn't want to end up in pain just walking in an attempt to get healthier.
  • xgemma87x
    xgemma87x Posts: 18 Member
    I think it is the jumping jacks etc.
  • vtachycardia
    I think it is the jumping jacks etc.

    I would think that move the least likely to cause issue.

    My top advice, find a personal trainer who is trained in functional training and functional therapy. Allow them to do an assessment and correct your form whilst creating a workout plan that suits you. Money very well spent.

    No expert myself, but bad form, bad execution of exercise, doing the incorrect workout for you will hinder rather than progress.
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    I have a bad knee and was encountering problems with the 30 DS as well. After giving up on my first week, I later decided to give it one more try. This time I experimented a little and found that if I stopped doing the jumping jacks and butt kicks, and replaced them with other things instead, the pain seemed to subside a lot. It got to the point it stopped completely. I have to say, those jumping jacks are killer on the knees! On my knees anyway.

    Also, you might be doing the squats incorrectly which can cause knee problems. You should have all your weight in your heels, to the point you can wiggle your toes easily and your knees should always be directly above your ankles. I find that if I'm sloppy and do squats incorrectly, my knees act up with a vengeance. Be very careful with your form, don't just bust through the moves without watching how you're doing them extremely closely. I know the video goes fast, but if you are struggling with your form on a move, pause it and practice the move slowly until you get it right.

    Good luck.
  • sazvampire
    I was having massive problems to start with and found it was the jumping jacks and jump rope doing it. I substituted the moves and problem solved for me. I still do the modified moves but have found I can do far more than I could on day 1, am now on day 10.
  • xgemma87x
    xgemma87x Posts: 18 Member
    The thing that worries me is if I give up on this I will give up all together.

    I might get back on my bike, I can't afford the gym yet because I haven't been paid from work yet, even though I have been working 3 months lol!
  • vtachycardia
    The thing that worries me is if I give up on this I will give up all together.

    I might get back on my bike, I can't afford the gym yet because I haven't been paid from work yet, even though I have been working 3 months lol!

    Cycling, with knee pain. Really?

    You should try some of the online physiotherapy sites that offer self-diagnosis or see a doctor, knee pain is not to be taken lightly. It maybe that stopping lower body is the correct course of action. It's all in the definition of pain.
  • gendril
    gendril Posts: 12
    Cycling isnt that hard on the knees from my experience. I have had pains in my knees from doing karate so that stopped me from running but had no impact on my cycling.

    In general its my opinion that overweight people like myself should not start out with any training that causes strains on the knees unless you are in good shape before you started.

    I would suggest swimming if you are not in shape. It cause you no strain to your body no matter how hard you do it, but it will train all of your muscles groups.
  • xgemma87x
    xgemma87x Posts: 18 Member
    cycling doesn't seem to effect my knees, I used to cycle every weekend for hours at a time. It would only be gentle cycling as I am not going to make it worse.

    I can't swimming strongly and feel like I look like an idiot when trying to swim so I don't do it. Might look into some water aerobics classes tho.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    I think it is the jumping jacks etc.

    I would think that move the least likely to cause issue.

    Yes, because it is very unlikely that jumping up and landing with your full weight on your joints does any damage at all. [/irony]

    It doesn't mean this is it for you, but I hurt my knees a few months back due to running. Wasn't allowed to jump until it was over. Especially if you're knees aren't very strong or if you're much overweight this can definitely hurt your knees.

    The thing that worries me is if I give up on this I will give up all together.

    I might get back on my bike, I can't afford the gym yet because I haven't been paid from work yet, even though I have been working 3 months lol!

    Cycling, with knee pain. Really?

    Yes, who would want to do a low impact exercise to strengthen their knee muscles right? [/irony]

    If it doesn't hurt to cycle it's most likely good for you. But if it doesn't get better soon you might want to see a physical therapist. (Mine actually told me to cycle more to get rid of my knee injury.)

    To me it sounds like you've done too much too soon. If you haven't exercised for some time your knees might not be up to the beating you're giving them. Water aerobic classes are great because they are low impact.
  • vtachycardia
    cycling doesn't seem to effect my knees, I used to cycle every weekend for hours at a time. It would only be gentle cycling as I am not going to make it worse.

    I can't swimming strongly and feel like I look like an idiot when trying to swim so I don't do it. Might look into some water aerobics classes tho.

    No knee pain when .cycling says a lot.

    Points to an imbalance between quads and hamstrings rather than the knee joint. Question is which.

    Do you do leg stretches?
  • vtachycardia
    I think it is the jumping jacks etc.

    I would think that move the least likely to cause issue.

    Yes, because it is very unlikely that jumping up and landing with your full weight on your joints does any damage at all. [/irony]

    It doesn't mean this is it for you, but I hurt my knees a few months back due to running. Wasn't allowed to jump until it was over. Especially if you're knees aren't very strong or if you're much overweight this can definitely hurt your knees.

    The thing that worries me is if I give up on this I will give up all together.

    I might get back on my bike, I can't afford the gym yet because I haven't been paid from work yet, even though I have been working 3 months lol!

    Cycling, with knee pain. Really?

    Yes, who would want to do a low impact exercise to strengthen their knee muscles right? [/irony]

    If it doesn't hurt to cycle it's most likely good for you. But if it doesn't get better soon you might want to see a physical therapist. (Mine actually told me to cycle more to get rid of my knee injury.)

    To me it sounds like you've done too much too soon. If you haven't exercised for some time your knees might not be up to the beating you're giving them. Water aerobic classes are great because they are low impact.

    Does that make you feel better? Give yourself a pat on the back. (Sarcasm)
  • xgemma87x
    xgemma87x Posts: 18 Member
    Im confused,

    I will be going to the doctor as soon as i can get an appt.

    And no I dont do leg stretches...
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    I had bad knee pain in one knee about day 5 and just bought an elastic knee brace and it helped. I had to really watch my form on lunges and squats because I was doing them wrong and once the knee pain started it didn't stop. Took 3 weeks off due to illness and when I started 30 DS over, I haven't had any knee pain because I am watching my form and going very slow. Trying to do lunges/squats fast doesn't work for me.
  • vtachycardia
    Im confused,

    I will be going to the doctor as soon as i can get an appt.

    And no I dont do leg stretches...

    Sorry you are confused but knee pain can be caused by serious issues and not so serious issues. Being able to cycle eliminates some of the bad things. So,

    Good, see a doctor. Ask at the surgery if one of the Gp's specialises in sports related issues because TBH some GP's are a tad clueless - but they cannot know everything and most surgeries do have specialism throughout the pratice.

    Leg stretches would allow you to see where there a lack of mobility exists, which may pinpoint the HIP issue and the KNEE issue. - explains how knee pain can come from many sources andhow to correct.

    As the poster above says, and I previously tried to recommend get a trainer, good form on movements is everything. As the woman who wrote and performs 30DS says in her books. Quality over quantity, increase quality and quantity follows.

    Your question was, bad knees and hips from doing 30DS. Possibly, maybe 100's of other things and 30DS just showed damage that was already there.

    Let the doctor eliminate all the truly nasty knee problems and if you get the green light then FORM FORM FORM. If you do an exercise badly, you may as well not do it at all.

    Good luck.
  • xgemma87x
    xgemma87x Posts: 18 Member
    Im confused,

    I will be going to the doctor as soon as i can get an appt.

    And no I dont do leg stretches...

    Sorry you are confused but knee pain can be caused by serious issues and not so serious issues. Being able to cycle eliminates some of the bad things. So,

    Good, see a doctor. Ask at the surgery if one of the Gp's specialises in sports related issues because TBH some GP's are a tad clueless - but they cannot know everything and most surgeries do have specialism throughout the pratice.

    Leg stretches would allow you to see where there a lack of mobility exists, which may pinpoint the HIP issue and the KNEE issue. - explains how knee pain can come from many sources andhow to correct.

    As the poster above says, and I previously tried to recommend get a trainer, good form on movements is everything. As the woman who wrote and performs 30DS says in her books. Quality over quantity, increase quality and quantity follows.

    Your question was, bad knees and hips from doing 30DS. Possibly, maybe 100's of other things and 30DS just showed damage that was already there.

    Let the doctor eliminate all the truly nasty knee problems and if you get the green light then FORM FORM FORM. If you do an exercise badly, you may as well not do it at all.

    Good luck.

    Our doctors have a specialist .

    Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. The didn't have any appts yesterday but I will try again on monday, I was wondering if it could be do with work as well, as I am a carer and I am kneeling alot.
  • RandiFTW
    RandiFTW Posts: 2 Member
    I attempted the 30DS in March and on day 5, my knees were killing me. I have arthritis, though, and assumed that it was the weather change from winter to spring since it rained so much. I decided to stop for a day or two and give me knees rest but I never did it again. I'd suggest taking ibuprofen regularly but I'M NOT A DOCTOR. That helps with my soreness sometimes.