

  • I am also officially on my last week! I will finish the day before we leave for our vacation. It's a skiing trip, so I'm interested to see how much my stamina has improved with all the "ski jumps" I've been doing :) I'm ready to move to something else too. I had a hard time this past week for some reason. I had no energy…
  • Well, I ordered P90X! Thanks for the advice, as I think I'll do a hybrid too, but instead of Insanity I'm going to be running. I signed up for a 10K and will need to start training if I want to be ready in time. Are you now on your last week of Insanity? If so, that's awesome! It's hard to believe I only have two weeks…
  • Yes I did the Fit Test and Max Interval back to back. I have volleyball on Monday nights too, so I stopped mid-video to play volleyball for two hours, then came back and finished max interval. I was SOOO cranky and tired the next day (and sore). Took until yesterday to fully recover! The Max Recovery yesterday sure showed…
  • Thanks for resonding azrrt76! I'm guessing you're right that things fizzled, which is a shame since I'm trying to stay motivated and enjoyed the idea of a group. And I agree that there are plenty of NSV with this program. I'm also trying to keep those in mind when the scale numbers disappoint.... I start month 2 today and…
  • In the words of Shaun T, "Come on y'all......LET'S GOOOO!!" Where is everyone? Hopefully you're still doing the program... I just did measurements and lost 1.5 from my waist and 1 from my belly. So I guess I'm on the right track but will try to follow the nutrition guide more in month two.
  • YES! EXACTLY same boat. I just cancelled my membership today, too. The amount I was paying compared to the time I was going really wasn't worth it. Doing work-out DVDs at home seems to be working for me. I've found that I need to do a specific program however, otherwise I don't stick with it. I started with JM 30 Day…
  • Thanks acain. I think I'm going to try wearing a pair of cross trainers tonight and see how that goes. From there I'll try a mat and RICE. I don't think I have an injury....but will go to the doctor if these options still don't fix my problem. Thanks again!
  • Also ending week 2, and happy that today is Cardio Recovery :) I'm still having the issues with my calf muscles though. It's frustrating because I really want to continue the exercises but my calves literally give out. Wondering if I should take two days off for them to recover or just take a break when needed and continue…
  • Yup, I started the 31st as well. I agree the Plyo Cardio Circuit was so hard the first day, but seemed a bit easier yesterday. Went up in weight though (guessing it's muscle). Pure Cardio sucked. Also, my calf muscles are KILLING me! I end up having to take breaks not because I'm out of breath but because my calf muscles…
  • Best things about 30 Day Shred: It's only 20 minutes a day so I could always find time to squeeze in a workout; saw a big improvement in endurance and strength; like the 3 levels and how the variations to each move could make the workout as hard or as easy as you wish Cons so far: My weight has increased and my…
  • My name is Christa, I'm 30 years old, and my husband and I plan on starting Insanity in 2013. *I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred by JM and need to finish that first! I look tighter from 30DS and my strength and endurance are better, but my weight and inches are still the same so not quite the results I had wanted. I'm…
  • Upper arm: 11.5 (+.25) Waist: 28 Belly: 33.25 Hips: 36.5 Thigh: 22.25 (+.25) Calf: 14.5 Total Inches lost: 0.75 Weight: 140 BF: 29% Another week down, and no noticeable change. I'm definitely stronger, but then I would expect that to at least change my BF%. GRRRRR!!! Perhaps the 30DS isn't enough for me and I should do…
  • Finished Day 3 of Level 2...and I STILL can't handle the inverse V arm raises with sqauts. I can't even do it at 3lbs! Am I doing the move right? It's my biceps that give out for this exercise so maybe I'm doing it wrong?? Looking for some advice, thanks.....
  • I did couch to 5k last year and it was great! I didn't do any strength training with it though and wish I had, because I think if I had, I would have been able to run faster. I say go for it! **BTW - I ran a half marathon this past October.....YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • \ Yes, I'm having this problem, too. I haven't shed any weight but I can defintely tell my endurance is better and I lost an inch on my hips. Today I start level 2. For me, it usually takes about 3 weeks to notice a difference. I just have to keep reminding myself of this when I get frustrated with the scale!
  • Week 2 Check-in, December 7: Upper arm: 11.25 Waist: 28 (-0.25) Belly: 33.25 (-0.5) Hips: 36.5 (-1.25) Thigh: 22 Calf: 14.5 BF: 29% (+1%) Weight: 140 (+2lbs) Total inches lost: 2 HATE seeing the scale increase (since starting this I've gained 4lbs?!). Even though I lost inches...wish results were better.
  • Hey MarieEmma8, we're pretty close! I'm 30 yrs old (no kids, but trying) 5'4" HW: 145 LW: 123 CW: 138 GW: 125 Current Body Fat: 29% Goal Body Fat: < 25%
  • So here's a question for everyone: What weight are you using? I see in the video that that the "beginners" girl is using 3lbs. I've been using 3lbs and moved up to 5lbs on the chest fly, row, and bicep curl (still can't handle more weight on the shoulder presses/lifts). Should I buy more weights and bump up to 8lbs on the…
  • Week one done - no change in measurements and weight is 137.8 (gained a pound...grrr:noway: ). Maybe next week I'll start seeing some results.
  • Took my measurements today! 30 years old and 5'4" Arm: 11.25in Waist: 28.25in Belly: 33.75in Hips: 37.75in Thigh: 22 Calf: 14.5in Chest: 35in. Weight: 136.6 (Woot! Last time I weighed myself I was 138)
  • Day 2 - DONE! Man I'm weak in my arms. Most of the excercises I have no problems with....but the pushups and shoulder presses I barely make it through doing even the modified version! Starting with 3lb weights (tough enough) so hopefully by day 5 I can bump that up to 5 lbs. Sadly I ate like crap today :( Need to stay on…
  • Hi there! My name is Christa and I'm 30 years old, 5'3" and currently weigh 138lbs. *Don't know my measurements but I'll post everything on Friday. I plan on starting the 30 day shred today. My goal is to lose 5lbs and tone up by Christmas. I have a hard time sticking with fitness plans since I get bored pretty easily, but…
  • When I started running I also gained weight (about 3lbs). I was pissed at first, but I chalked it up to muscle gain since after sticking with it I noticed a significant change in the definition of my thighs and calves. In fact, I think my calves got bigger...but they looked awesome so I was okay with it. Keep it up and see…
  • Does anyone remember the 1992 film "Bethoven?" Back when that movie came out, my sister and I were the same age as the oldest daughter in the movie "Ryce." We got mistaken for her ALL THE TIME. Even had folks ask for an autograph. It was quite frustrating. The actual actress was Nicholle Tom, and thankfully we look nothing…
  • I'm a big fan of shakes. If I can, I prep the night before so all I need to do in the morning is blend and go! I'll use whatever fruit is in season, and sometimes I'll also add granola or almonds. Peaches are in season so I had that this morning. See below for one serving: Chop up one large peach Take one container of…