melsdadian Member


  • Brilliant, you can really see the difference.... well done x
  • I have a pair of 34" jeans that are sitting in the cupboard just waiting for me to put them on... When I started out on this diet I was size 40", I'm currently in 36".... It is a good idea I think, although beware of sizes, one stores 34" is another stores 36" :)
  • UK user here too.... I've lost over a stone since Christmas, it's been done with cutting out eating between meals, cutting out chocolate (which for me is a big thing) and exercise too.... Welcome and good luck x
  • Distraction. Go on the computer, go for a walk, get the ipod out, anything that keeps me away from temptation. I also buy less tempting food now. There are no muffins in the cupboard and the biscuits are all weight watchers, only 45 kcal per biscuit
  • Hi there, Add me, 47 years old, actually, no I'm not, I had a birthday last week, I'm now 48. Looking to lose weight to get me fit for when I start training for my three bike rides in June. Lost nearly a stone so far! Welcome x
  • Wow, So many nice replies from so many nice people. Thank you . Pete, In terms of cycling, get a bike that suits the terrain you're going to be cycling. A road bike will be good for roads, a hybrid can do either, my previous hybrid was 50-50 in terms of suitability for road/off road. My current bike is classed as a hybrid…
  • Hi Louise, I'm a chocoholic, so I can't do little and often, I can't even do little and not very often... so I have to give it up completely. It'll be interesting to see what my weigh in weight is tomorrow :)
  • Here's one ....