Couldn't agree more! Discovering this site has definitely been a game changer for me. Thanks for posting!
Your skinny waste makes your boobs look huge! Congratulations!
You look great! Congratulations!
You are not doing yourself or him a favor by staying with him. You are obviously not in love with him, and you are doing him a disservice as well by staying with him when he could be getting on with his life. Enjoy your youth while you're young! Pretty soon you'll be older and married with kids and will look back on these…
I have six kids, the youngest is 9 months old; so I definitely feel your pain! I keep reminding myself that being healthy and fit is a lifelong journey. We won't eat perfectly or exercise perfectly, but we make better choices on a regular basis. These seemingly small choices will add up to HUGE results.
You look great! Congratulations and good luck on your next round!
I've been trying to walk every day. Last month I logged 23 cardio hours. So I set a goal to log 30 hours this month. Count me in!
Loved your narrative. Keep us posted!
Don't give up EVER!!! Even if you only lose a pound a month. You have to take care of yourself for your three little girls. Period. I am a cardiac nurse and have witnessed first hand time and time again what happens to people who go back to smoking and grubbing after heart attacks. Those stents could occlude again. You…
Amazing transformation!
I love this post! Very helpful!
So proud of you! I have been practicing this as well. I think the biggest difference between skinny people and fat people is not that skinny people only subside on lettuce and grapefruit - but that skinny people split entrees or take half home for later. They have found the glorious secret of "Everything in Moderation"!…
Good luck. Check my diary if you'd like. I've been below 1200 calories since April and lost 62 lbs. I am only just now starting to go up in calories to maintain my weight. I love how you labled your meals, nibbles, supplements, indulgences. This works well for me since I work night shift and am always flipping back and…
I just calculated my cardio time from this month so far and found out that I have done 23 hours. So I'm aiming for 30 in September.
I use the 0 to 5K app. It cost me $2.99 but I love it! Check it out.
I just read this awesome blog from a fellow MFP member. Puts this all into perspective.
Love it! You are incredibly beautiful!
How inspiring! I love your Thunder dress too!
Also at work. 0300 in Oklahoma.
Beans! You can prepare them yourself or buy them canned, and they're inexpensive. Your kids may not like them if they are finicky, but they'll help you up your fiber and protein for a low cost.
Dried apricots and raw broccoli.
Awesome! I recently ran for 1 minute straight and was proud of myself! I had not run in 20 years. Now for the 90 second run in my 0 to 5K app!
I've also struggled with this one. I have six children, aged 9 months through 13 years. I work full-time night shifts, so I do a lot of day time sleeping, and I'm in graduate school. When I'm feeling guilty, I ask myself, "Are my kids happy and healthy?". If the answer is yes, then I give myself a pass. The answer is…
I do this too. It gives my next goal to shoot for. For example, today I weighed a new low of 174.6 pounds. So, my new goal is to get anything below this.
Baby compliment about this guy!
Love your baby pics! You must be very proud of those sweeties!
Your page states that you have lost 6 pounds. Was this over the last month? If so, then you are doing a great job! If you keep up this same pace, then you will lose 72 pounds over a year!