My 1st NSV!!!

Ok so I have lost weight and gained and lost weight and gained again. BUT I have FINALLY had my 1st NSV!!!!

Normally when we go out to eat or even eat in I will eat EVERYTHING on my plate whether I have room left or not, I don't want it to go to waste.:sick: I will eat until I am sick!

This evening we went to Chevy's, which is a Mexican restaurant. Unfortunately it was spur of the moment so I had no time to plan and figure out a "smarter" choice for food. So I got my normal which is the chicken quesadilla which has 1080 calories!!!! :noway: So panic mode started to kick in while I was eating chips with salsa thinking OMG what am I doing, I shouldn't be eating this, I have been going great and strong staying on track tonight I am going to blow it and fall off track and go back to my old ways.

I then STOPPED and took a deep breath, drinking my UNsweetened tea, I STOPPED eating the chips and salsa, I only had about 6 chips, and decided I CAN do this. Wait I WILL do this! When my plate came out I only ate half of my dinner which then went to 540 calories instead of 1080!!

I can't believe that I did it!!! I left satisfied, not over stuffed and over joyed that this girl right here did it!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

This may not seem like much to some but for this girl it is HUGE and I am so proud of myself for being able to keep it under control and NOT go over my calories for the day!! More and more every day I feel like I CAN do this for the long haul!


  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    That is awesome! Way to go...and MEXICAN FOOD! That is the HARDEST because it's so damn delicious! Lol
  • DesignGrrl
    DesignGrrl Posts: 147 Member
    Great job!! That's a hard one. I have the same struggle with Mexican food! Lots of small good choices = success!
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    way to go, willpower...
  • innocenceportrayed
    I had my first NSV today too! Congrats! It feels good when you know you can do something and you do it no matter how much you don't want to. I feel proud of us. =D
  • mcouturezz
    whoooooooooo :) congrats !!! You oughta be proud of yourself !!

    My weakness is pasta.. the other day I baked a lasagna (like you described on your post.. I COULD eat pasta until I drop dead :P )
    I used a smaller plate for myself and had half a 'normal' serving.
    When my boyfriend was done his.. (normally I would finish HIS plate !!).. I hurried and threw it away :)

    We feel so proud when we find that will power within ourselves !!

    You did great :) Keep that up !
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Be proud. That's a wonderful NSV!
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Congratulations! It's so hard when you're out and enjoying yourself not to keep munching away. And bonus--now you have leftovers!
  • desirae1976
    desirae1976 Posts: 29 Member
    So proud of you! I have been practicing this as well. I think the biggest difference between skinny people and fat people is not that skinny people only subside on lettuce and grapefruit - but that skinny people split entrees or take half home for later. They have found the glorious secret of "Everything in Moderation"! The skinny you is emerging as we type! LOL!
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    WELL DONE!! I am really proud of you because I know exactly where you're coming from with eating too much whilst you're out, even if you are already full.

    Usually, whenever I go out to eat, I always order an appetizer, entree AND dessert, usually giving myself excuses such as: 1) someone else is paying so I can order as much as I want, 2) I'm having a nice evening out and I want to enjoy myself, 3) It will seem rude and spoil the atmosphere if I don't eat when everyone else is eating, etc etc.

    Recently, due to various celebrations, I've been out to 2 restaurant meals with my family. At the first, although I did have 3 courses, I ordered the healthiest options I could, and only ate half of each meal instead of practically licking my plate clean like I normally would. At the second meal, for the first time ever, I ONLY ordered an entree, even though everyone else ordered appetizers and desserts as well. I never thought I would manage that!
  • bird922
    bird922 Posts: 28 Member
    Ok so I have lost weight and gained and lost weight and gained again. BUT I have FINALLY had my 1st NSV!!!!

    Normally when we go out to eat or even eat in I will eat EVERYTHING on my plate whether I have room left or not, I don't want it to go to waste.:sick: I will eat until I am sick!

    This evening we went to Chevy's, which is a Mexican restaurant. Unfortunately it was spur of the moment so I had no time to plan and figure out a "smarter" choice for food. So I got my normal which is the chicken quesadilla which has 1080 calories!!!! :noway: So panic mode started to kick in while I was eating chips with salsa thinking OMG what am I doing, I shouldn't be eating this, I have been going great and strong staying on track tonight I am going to blow it and fall off track and go back to my old ways.

    I then STOPPED and took a deep breath, drinking my UNsweetened tea, I STOPPED eating the chips and salsa, I only had about 6 chips, and decided I CAN do this. Wait I WILL do this! When my plate came out I only ate half of my dinner which then went to 540 calories instead of 1080!!

    I can't believe that I did it!!! I left satisfied, not over stuffed and over joyed that this girl right here did it!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    This may not seem like much to some but for this girl it is HUGE and I am so proud of myself for being able to keep it under control and NOT go over my calories for the day!! More and more every day I feel like I CAN do this for the long haul!

    Wow! I needed to read this. I know this feeling, but it's been a while. Thank you.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Psh, I'd say that IS a big NSV! It's the first sign that you're on the right track when you are more conscious about what you're eating and putting in! That's fantastic!
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Congratulations! !!!! That is an AWESOME !!! NSV!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member

    I love Chevy's. I've learned to limit myself to about 5 chips & salsa, order the chicken fajitas, ask for all extra veggies instead of rice & beans, skip the tortillas, guac & sour cream. I put all the extra veggies on the hot plate w/ the chicken, add some of the salsa from the chips and dig in. It makes a huge plate for a fraction of the calories.
  • neveradullmoment
    I had my first NSV today too! Congrats! It feels good when you know you can do something and you do it no matter how much you don't want to. I feel proud of us. =D

    Congrats to you as well!!!
  • tommygirl2
    tommygirl2 Posts: 26 Member
    It's great when you let your brain take control and it doesn't dissapoint:flowerforyou: ! Congrats on a great NSV!
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    Way to go! I think most of us can understand the horrible, intoxicating pull of endless chips and salsa. The drive to just mindless eat is insane! You showed some excellent will power. And I'll say from experience, it gets easier. The urge to eat those chips is always there. That's an unfortunate truth. However YOU will get stronger. Your will power will be able to overcome the siren song of mindless eating.

    Stick with it! You can do this :)
  • neveradullmoment

    I love Chevy's. I've learned to limit myself to about 5 chips & salsa, order the chicken fajitas, ask for all extra veggies instead of rice & beans, skip the tortillas, guac & sour cream. I put all the extra veggies on the hot plate w/ the chicken, add some of the salsa from the chips and dig in. It makes a huge plate for a fraction of the calories.

    I will keep this in mind for the future!!
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Ok so I have lost weight and gained and lost weight and gained again. BUT I have FINALLY had my 1st NSV!!!!

    Normally when we go out to eat or even eat in I will eat EVERYTHING on my plate whether I have room left or not, I don't want it to go to waste.:sick: I will eat until I am sick!

    This evening we went to Chevy's, which is a Mexican restaurant. Unfortunately it was spur of the moment so I had no time to plan and figure out a "smarter" choice for food. So I got my normal which is the chicken quesadilla which has 1080 calories!!!! :noway: So panic mode started to kick in while I was eating chips with salsa thinking OMG what am I doing, I shouldn't be eating this, I have been going great and strong staying on track tonight I am going to blow it and fall off track and go back to my old ways.

    I then STOPPED and took a deep breath, drinking my UNsweetened tea, I STOPPED eating the chips and salsa, I only had about 6 chips, and decided I CAN do this. Wait I WILL do this! When my plate came out I only ate half of my dinner which then went to 540 calories instead of 1080!!

    I can't believe that I did it!!! I left satisfied, not over stuffed and over joyed that this girl right here did it!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    This may not seem like much to some but for this girl it is HUGE and I am so proud of myself for being able to keep it under control and NOT go over my calories for the day!! More and more every day I feel like I CAN do this for the long haul!

    My first NSV was at Perkins with a chicken quesadilla which also had 1000 calories yea.. Scary isn't it? When we actually look up nutritional information and are mortified by it lol... I also could not finish half best feeling.. Touché too you ❤❤❤ best of luck :)
  • 4twins
    4twins Posts: 14 Member
    You're doing so great! Keep it up!
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