Frustrated babbling...



  • desirae1976
    desirae1976 Posts: 29 Member
    Don't give up EVER!!! Even if you only lose a pound a month. You have to take care of yourself for your three little girls. Period. I am a cardiac nurse and have witnessed first hand time and time again what happens to people who go back to smoking and grubbing after heart attacks. Those stents could occlude again. You could have another heart attack. You could require open heart surgery. YOU COULD DIE. You could even develop congestive heart failure from your heart being so weak from multiple attacks. NEVER GIVE UP! You are way too young and have plenty of life ahead of you.
  • RCurtis
    RCurtis Posts: 74 Member
    I know it's hard to keep going sometimes, and we all know the end result is reflective of the effort we put in. But that effort is freaking hard as hell sometimes! What's helped me is the logging, if I stop logging, I get wayyyy to relaxed about what I'm eating! There are also some really great groups here that could aid you in your weigh ins and keep you motivated. I'd set attainable goals, like you said give it a good month before you let yourself get bummed, you're more likely to keep the weight off, when it's done gradually and healthily. Here are a few phrases that I keep in my back pocket when I'm getting a little low, "It's hard to get in shape, it's hard to stay fat....choose your hard" , "Nothing tastes as good as sexy feels"!! Keep on keeping on!
  • iryshjones
    iryshjones Posts: 79 Member
    if it helps to know .... my best friend had a triple bypass 2 years ago ..... she couldnt exercise (she was also in a car accident and damaged her back prior to the bypass - the heart issues are mostly stress related from pain etc) and put on quite a bit of weight ... She has since been trying to lose that weight and she is having a hard time .... most of that is the meds ........ they mess you up bad when it comes to losing weight - that being said she has lost quite a bit but it is a very slow process sooooo please dont give up ... it will come off but slower than others on here but it will come off !!!!
  • peles_fire
    I read every word and yes, I'd like that apology now... lol! (just kidding!)

    I think you are moving in the right direction. It seems to me that people can get really bogged down in the minutiae of weight loss. So the scale stays in place for a while, or even goes up a few pounds, so you binged and ate an entire pepperoni pizza, so you haven't been exercising for a week. These are just minor bumps in the road. The road itself is long and winding, and there are going to be a lot of times when you wonder why you are bothering and when you will get there. When those moments happen, go sit and play with those girls of yours for a few minutes. Then you can remember that there are several very good reasons right there to keep going and reach your health goals. Not only are you going to give them a healthy dad that will be alive to watch them reach all those important milestones, but you are setting a fabulous example of what perseverance and hard work can accomplish. You do it for yourself, of course, but the reality is that when you do it, it affects everyone around you too.

    Keep your chin up and your humor intact. They will keep the wind in your sails while you are on your journey.

    Great post, btw. You do write well. But I still want my apology! :laugh:
  • perpetual98
    Wow, thanks for all the encouraging words guys! Perhaps I should vent more often. :smile: I suppose that would entail a lot more writing. :tongue:

    So off-topic, I was laying in bed last night trying to fall asleep and this thread popped into my head. I had just done one of my longest walks and I was pretty sore. It was also my 6th night in a row. Typically my Friday nights consisted more of drinking beer, eating yummy stuff and watching a movie or two. Last night I had some popcorn while watching Man on a Ledge with my wife and then walked after she went to bed. Anyway, I was thinking that almost the only people who would read my really long thread and comment on it would be women, since most guys wouldn't take the time once they saw the mini-novel opening post. Must be a gender thing.
  • rockchalk03
    You are a great story teller:). Best of luck to you!
  • desirae1976
    desirae1976 Posts: 29 Member
    Loved your narrative. Keep us posted!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I found your story amazingly well written, being someone who likes to write herself from time to time.
    I cannot relate to it, being an on/off ED sufferer (other than perhaps to overeating at times myself), but can suggest just sticking at it, bearing in mind that you need to make this a lifestyle change, rather than a diet, and so keep in some of the foods you enjoy. I hope you get to where you want to be, truly.
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I felt touched and inspired by your story. Thank you for sharing it and your journey with us all.
  • perpetual98
    Cool, I had my eye on this app for my phone called Zombies Run that looked like fun. It was $8 I think though so I didn't give it too much thought but this weekend it was on sale for $2.99 so I picked it up. They're supposedly integrating Runkeeper support into it which will be awesome. I'm not sure I will use it right now but at least I got it on sale.

    From what I can tell, it's basically a game to help motivate you to run. You go out on "missions" where you have to run x amount of time and pick up medical supplies, etc. There's supposed to be zombies that chase you too and you have to speed up your running or walking or else they will catch you. I haven't played with it yet, but it sounds like it might be neat.
  • perpetual98
    The frustration level is ramping up again. Almost 50 miles walked over the past 2.5 weeks and I've really been watching my calories and trying to log everything and I still haven't lost any weight. Well, I started at 249, then popped down to 246 for a quick visit and this morning I was back at 248.

    I'd rather just sit around and eat good food instead of worrying about everything if I'm not going to see any results.
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Don't get frustrated with the scale number each day. Your weight will go up and down as much as 2 pounds or more a day simple based on the what, when why of the day. I higher than normal sodium day can add 3 pounds to me as my body holds onto water. A low water drinking day for me can add a couple pounds as well since I was not well hydrated. Looking for patterns as like that can help you know if there is a problem or not.

    I'd watch for the fit of clothes, the energy level, the ease of movement. I've gone down 2 pants sizes but the scale has hardly moved because I am walking and building and toning muscles.

    You can do this. Look at the week to week overall numbers. Better yet, month to month.
  • senglishrose
    senglishrose Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks for sharing. No apology needed. :)

    I turned 60 in July and I definitely notice what worked once before doesnt work anymore. It is frustrating but I am determined to stay the course and believe that if I watch what i eat carefully and exercise, it WILL come off. It has no choice!!

    Wishing you the best and keep us posted.
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    The frustration level is ramping up again. Almost 50 miles walked over the past 2.5 weeks and I've really been watching my calories and trying to log everything and I still haven't lost any weight. Well, I started at 249, then popped down to 246 for a quick visit and this morning I was back at 248.

    I'd rather just sit around and eat good food instead of worrying about everything if I'm not going to see any results.

    I, too, loved your writing style but did not feel had anything to say until reading this post. Something worries me here. Probably two (only?) options being either "eating good food" or "worrying about everything". (Or maybe I did not read it right).
    And wanting quick results. Without elaborating too much, I'd say results come when you start enjoying the process and stop craving the results so much. Worked in many areas of life for me, including job search and ahem, use your imagination here :laugh:
  • perpetual98
    Thanks Alpina. I guess I should have not worded it that way.

    I know that this is a long process and hopefully I keep the ship steered in the right direction. I'm really hoping that even if I don't start seeing the scale move in the direction I want, I eventually have to say to myself, "Hmm, I seem to have to need a different hole on my belt"

    What I meant by "eat good food instead of worrying about everything" was more of a "not feel guilty if I fire down a bacon cheeseburger"

    I wasn't really trying to be all doom and gloom, just maybe venting some frustration.

    I've been on my mini-journey for about 3 weeks now and one thing that I've noticed is that it seems that I don't need to eat as much at dinner to feel full, which I think is a good thing.

    Thanks for everyone's comments so far!

    Oh, and all these comments on my writing have rekindled my urge to write a book that I've had for a while, but never acted on. Now to come up with ideas.....
  • perpetual98
    **UPDATE** 23 days in and 73.9 miles logged for an average of 3.2 miles per day, which isn't bad since I've been taking 1 or 2 days off per week.

    Before my up north trip I was 254 and surprisingly I was 249 when I got back from my trip and started my workouts/diet change. For the most part I wasn't losing any weight but this morning I got on the scale and I was 244 which surprised me since I was 246 yesterday.

    While I'm not jumping for joy, I'm hoping that I'm finally starting to trend in the right direction.

    Not being a doctor, I was hoping that the fact that I wasn't losing weight even with dietary and exercise changes was because I also quit smoking at the same time and all of my changes were just counteracting the weight gain that quitting smoking might have offered. At least that's how I'm playing it out in my head.

    Hopefully the trend continues, but even that little loss today has me excited so that when I bounce back up a pound or two I won't feel bad.
  • perpetual98
    So last night I did a really strenuous workout and I've been paying for it all day today. Not the "oh I'm sore in a good way" pain, but more of the, "I hope I didn't mess something up" pain. I think compensating for it tweaked my ankle too, so I got the brace on it right away. Might have to take a day or two off until I feel better. I'd rather not get hurt and have a multiple-week setback. Just when I was starting to see some weight loss too.
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    lol i read the whole thing, and while i dont have any idea what your going through, i think you can do it. dont let the scale keep u down. sometimes its the body showing progress instead of the scale. also have your wife join you in the diet (you know have her kinda do the sympathy thing for a while) lol. and i feel you while its only been 3/4 years out of high school im trying to get back to the weight i was before my senior year in hs :(
  • Rachelmilloy
    Rachelmilloy Posts: 158 Member
    Glad to hear that the pounds are finally starting to come off! Your writing is very engaging and amusing... I'm sure if you used MFP's blog feature, we would all subscribe! How horribly scarey for you to have two heart attacks in quick succession!!

    That was interesting that you figured women would be more apt to read through your post. Along the same lines, i think women would be less fixated on jogging... walking doesn't mean you're a wuss! All the very best to you!
  • perpetual98
    Thanks for the comments! My ankle and calves are feeling better but now I seem to have a wicked head cold which has been kicking my butt. I've been able to walk the past couple days during my lunch break, but at night I've been too tired to do anything but sleep.

    I haven't given a ton of thought to the blog, but now that you mention it, it's probably what I'm doing in this topic. lol