Am I alone?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    nah there are tons of people here that just see this as the most awesome hobby ever.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I'm a Phaedra fan.
  • Bambz90
    Bambz90 Posts: 3
    Your post has actually given me a lot of hope, because I am stressing over everything. The fact that you are so laid back and still losing a good amount of weight is making me feel like maybe I should calm down and not be so hard on myself.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Your post has actually given me a lot of hope, because I am stressing over everything. The fact that you are so laid back and still losing a good amount of weight is making me feel like maybe I should calm down and not be so hard on myself.

    Let's be more laid back yet disciplined. I think several believe it's control that keeps them on track. It's not. Control derails. It becomes very hard to maintain control. Discipline on the other hand....that requires a shift in mindset. What is sustained weight loss after all? It's a paradigm shift.

    Spartan_Maker :blushing:
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    I love this post! I've been really focused on changing my thoughts these past 3 weeks. The mental smackdown I was doling out to myself daily was interfering with my well-being. I had to chill out and focus on changing habits.

    I do weigh myself every day because I love numbers, but I only log it once a week. Right now, I'm trying not to obsess over every meal before I finish the one that I'm eating. This is more of a struggle than eating healthy and losing weight. It's so freeing to realize that what I eat is just a result of my choices- not a cheat, not a good job, etc. And when I DO lose weight, that weight loss will also be the result of healthy habits instead of chasing a number on the scale.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    It's so freeing to realize that what I eat is just a result of my choices- not a cheat, not a good job, etc. And when I DO lose weight, that weight loss will also be the result of healthy habits instead of chasing a number on the scale.

    That's an excellent way of looking at it. Defining ourselves or food in terms of good/bad and allowing that to determine whether we had a good/bad day is such a heavy load to carry. It serves no purpose.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    That's actually the exact perspective I had to adopt before I could be successful with weight loss. I realized that no matter how I felt, losing weight and changing my body was simply a matter of cause and effect. I put in certain foods and I lose weight; I put in other foods and I gain weight. Nothing is good or bad; they just do different things. So I never feel guilty about eating anything that's "bad," but rather just recognize that I probably won't lose much that week.

    Without the stress and guilt, it's incredibly easy to lose weight. I never could do it before because it just made me so damn anxious.
  • desirae1976
    desirae1976 Posts: 29 Member
    Love your baby pics! You must be very proud of those sweeties!
  • desirae1976
    desirae1976 Posts: 29 Member
    I am with you. I don't have real weight goal set in my head. I put up there 80lbs and haven't weighed in for over a month. When I first joined MFP I had all of these goals. I found it stressful to keep weighing myself and getting discouraged when I didn't either meet my weekly small goal or when I "cheated" on my food. I just started to shop at different places for food like the farmers market and whole foods. I have found that my portion sizes and food I eat is generally healthy now. If I stray away from it for one meal who cares because I know that I generally eat healthy. Also with trowing out the overall timeline of when I should be 80lbs lighter has relieved a lot of stress. And if I get down 60lbs lighter hey I know that I will be that much healthier. I am not stressing about the 80 number anymore.

    Edit: See I didn't even realize that my goal was 85 lbs not 80lbs :laugh:

    Baby compliment about this guy!