Anport Member


  • I have both on hand, I like to put PB2 in my oatmeal and some cookie recipes as a flavoring. Although if you get that craving for creamy peanut butter on toast or apples, I'd go for the real thing.
  • Water, sometimes I snack on watermelon or some fruit. I don't know exactly lol. I got so used to restricting myself to not eating late at night even though sometimes I'd stay awake till 2-3am, and if I would get hungrier, I'd just go to bed. Gum also helps me with my snacking, so that might help? Keeps me occupied and my…
  • I understand how you feel about being limited with your space in terms of exercising. I live in a full house and there's relatively no place for me to exercise without disrupting someone and going outside is kind of out of the question for me as well. I've managed to make a small space in my room for me to work out in…
  • Hi Raven! I went away on vacation and lost some support buddies in my absence. I hope we can become good friends and supporters for each other! Feel free to send me an invitation! :D
  • Well don't pay attention to food labels that tell you they are Diet or Healthy, because despite that, they're still full of preservatives and other unnecessary ingredients. Know where your food comes from. If you have a local farmers market or co-op, that's usually a good place to start. It's just a matter of eating more…
    in Overwhelmed Comment by Anport April 2013
  • Thank you so much! And yeah, hahah, the quote is so true because it doesn't just deal with my physical state but just growing as a person. And I look forward to us working together! :)
  • Don't worry girl. I know exactly how you feel. I was 220 and now I'm down to 200! It's definitely tough at first, because making a lifestyle change is not easy. But just start out day by day. Something that has definitely helped me is walking. Even if I go to the market, I don't try to get the closest parking spot and…
  • Totally agree, I'm not a vegan at all but that mock egg salad is bomb! I'll be sure to check out that website!
  • Hi! And thanks so much Ashleigh, I know, I don't log in at least half of what I eat but I do try to be conscious of what I eat. And I don't have many friends either but I'll be happy to add you! :)
  • This recipe by Cheeky Kitchen is probably one of my favorite things ever. I never cared for raw tofu unless it was cooked some form or another. And even then I rarely eat it. But I made this one on an apprehensive whim and it was SO GOOD. It calls for a…