The haters are always jealous. Just smile at them. It makes them mad. :)
WOW! Congrats! AWESOME! How long did this take you? Is there anything you credit with helping you along?
Well, you already have it, so I wish you luck with it. I figure if you have the money and you are willing to try it, go for it. I had a friend try it with NO success. Of course, she was also still eating fatty foods and partaking of the doughnuts on Friday at the office. Sounds like you are already on a path of interest in…
I agree.
Both my kids hate whole milk. I give them skim now, but we did 2% for a long time. People will say "Little ones should have whole. Blah, blah, blah." They don't have to live with my kids. I do and I do the best I can.
What a great benefit! I saw a healthy 30 mother of two die from the flu, so I'm all for the shots. You could go work for a company who doesn't do this.
I probably need to lose 100 total, but I'm not sure that's realistic. When I was in my 20s, I worked to stay just above 140. Lower than that was only achieved by unhealthy means (starvation mostly). I'm 40 now and 229, have lost 11, and I would be happy to just see the 150s.
...because I'm tired of the humiliation of shopping at the big girl stores.
What did your doctor say about the high levels? If he is just going to "let it be", I would get a copy of those labs and find another doctor. Your weight isn't the only reason to treat those levels.
I agree with them. I think giving up anything completely just isn't realistic or very healthy.
HUGE salad with grilled shrimp. It's my go-to nothing left meal.
Uh, excuse me. He's MY boyfriend.
ATTN BOYS: Ditto for you.
Married PEOPLE. I wouldn't get on here and discuss my man's weight and I would expect the same courtesy.
I agree with your doc.
I completely agree. Forcing food is a bad idea. Stop letting him have everything he wants. Make dinner. Eat it or don't. Period. You want to break this cycle now.
"Drink water Let the liver do it's job " I agree. However, the body absorbs Mg easily in a detox bath. I use it every chance I get as an excuse to relax in the tub. :)
You are awesome. You forgot to mention how along the way you have inspired others to change themselves, too.
I had awesome clear skin until I was 29. I would see a dermatologist if it bothers you.
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you started."
I say to each his own, but I think people should look at lifestyles. You can't drink those shakes and take pills every day for the rest of your life. That's depressing. You have to learn to eat right and exercise enough.
This has me ROFL!