Men..Is your wife outta shape?



  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    My wife is on here and I'll comment. Yeah - after our second child we both got out of shape and put on a bunch of excess baggage. You don't have anyone to try to impress anymore, so you just let things slide.

    Fortunately we decided to work together to get back in shape and look completely different then what we did 20 months ago.

    That's awesome!! Good for the BOTH of you!!! :smile:
  • NGFive
    NGFive Posts: 125 Member
    A few years back I was too thin when I was unhappily married.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    By the way, I have been married for 8 years, and the main reason behind my weight gain was thyroid and insulin levels. NOT because I was lazy and didn't care. As soon as I got those two issues settled, I started losing weight...FAST. The reason behind more recent weight gain?My second PREGNANCY. But I am proud to say that I have lost all of my pregnancy weight, and am healthier now than I have ever been, and yes...STILL happily MARRIED.
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    Oh dear Lord, here we go...... :noway:
  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    Wife told me when we first started dating "Dont let me get fat!"
    that's great....once I hit goal, Ill be telling my husband the exact same thing.
  • cnphel0
    cnphel0 Posts: 45 Member
    There are lots of married postings but I'm single and I'd like to throw in my two cents. I gained weight after my daughter was born, got into a relationship with a good cook and gained more weight. I'm single but I want to get healthy now as a role model for my daughter, to give her a healthy perspective on what an adult woman should look like and what good heatlh looks like. But I'm also doing all this for me. Just a different perspective.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I kinda get it. "why do i need to stay fit/wear makeup/dress nice? i snagged a man, i dont need to impress anyone" my fiance and i have been together for almost seven years, and i must say i dont feel so pressured to wake up and immediately get showered, dressed nicely, and don makeup- if i didnt enjoy fitness anyway my relationship wouldnt prompt me to work out. honestly, once youre in a commited relationship the effort kind of dissipates.
  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    Sounds like she thinks she needs to 'get fat' (and mean) before a man will marry her... Not gaining weight after being married....
    She being SARCASTIC
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    My husband's wife is still in shape, 15 years and 4 kids later. No excuses.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    I'm so glad that not all men think this way. Men (or women) cheat because they are selfish. I've seen them do it to their skinny wives, beautiful wives, and wives who gave them intimacy all the time. Being overweight isn't sufficient reason so be cheated on, and thankfully, my husband actually loves me and stayed because there was more to hold him there than just superficial looks. Also, you seem to put it all on the woman, as if men never do anything in a marriage that makes them less desirable. I am all for trying to keep yourself up. I do think it helps with physical attraction, and self esteem, however I disagree completely with what you said. Plus, my libido was fine even at my fattest. :tongue:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If my husband came on here talking about my weight without me knowing, I probably would be hurt. Just saying.
    Why would you be hurt about you husband talking about your weight? Your on here talking about your weight....just saying

    Your here talking about YOUR weight. Hers -- not somebody else's.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Once you are in a committed relationship...other things tend to matter...not that your body doesnt matter. I did gain weight once we got serious..thats not because of the way I ate..but because my metabolic syndrome kicked in...

    Now...being better educated..I know what I have to do..besides take my meds...Its all about balance..and its easier for others where for someone like me..its a really hard juggling act..
  • My husband's wife is still in shape, 15 years and 4 kids later. No excuses.

    Exhibit A
  • nursewhitman
    nursewhitman Posts: 24 Member
    My wife isn't too ultra-sensitive or mean enough to discourage me from commenting on this thread (and she's also not fat like me)....BUT married people tend to gain weight. At least 75% of them gain weight after marriage.

    Single people are still trying to find a mate or at least make it on to someones booty call list, so they tend to be more aware of how they look.

    Makes perfect sense to me anyway. :)

    Married PEOPLE. I wouldn't get on here and discuss my man's weight and I would expect the same courtesy.
  • nursewhitman
    nursewhitman Posts: 24 Member
    If my husband came on here talking about my weight without me knowing, I probably would be hurt. Just saying.
    Why would you be hurt about you husband talking about your weight? Your on here talking about your weight....just saying

    Your here talking about YOUR weight. Hers -- not somebody else's.

  • nursewhitman
    nursewhitman Posts: 24 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    Oh dear Lord, here we go...... :noway:

    ATTN BOYS: Ditto for you.
  • Dlauron
    Dlauron Posts: 8 Member
    I'm kind of late in replying to this one, I think. But my husband comments. However, I was a size 24 when we got married. Now I am a size 16 on a good day. They are positive comments now, mostly, or encouraging. Lately, it's been stuff like, "don't worry about the kids. I've got them. You do what you need to at the gym."
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    My husband and I both lost weight after we were married and we weren't particularly heavy to begin with. I think if your relationship is healthy, you'll live healthy lifestyles TOGETHER. I'm not saying perfectly toned, never pig out on junk -- but generally speaking if you've gone into marriage not having weight issues and you develop them without medical reason into your marriage, something else is probably going on.

    If you did have weight issue going in (and that includes keeping a strict diet to find a man), then unless you actually deal with them, they are going to remain.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    @j_wilson2012- Are you married? :tongue:

    As people get older - married or not it's harder to stay in shape. When kids and careers come into play, it's even MORE difficult. And my husband did marry a fat me, he has stayed married and frisky with me in all shapes in sizes. I am in good shape now, just about 9 lbs from my goal, and his attitude has not changed, he still treats me wonderfully. Sex life has not suffered! Only in 6 weeks postpartum when we were not allowed to do it . Just to be blunt...
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    My husband's wife is still in shape, 15 years and 4 kids later. No excuses.

    Exhibit A

    My stomach starting getting bigger than my boobs..... Turns out I had a tumor the size of a honeydew melon. Thankfully my husband wasn't so shallow as to leave me after 20 years because my belly started to stick out, because now I have awesome scars from a robot- he would have missed out on the awesomeness that is robotic scars!.