Men..Is your wife outta shape?



  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I have lost about 140 pounds from meeting my current boyfriend until now but put on loads when I was with my ex boyfriend, i was really unhappy. My boyfriend is very lean and quite active, his diet isn't amazing but he is naturally slim and muscular and always active in life, so i feel the need to look good for him (and to keep up) even though it has never been an issue. He does not want me to lose any more weight as he says that he will leave me if I lose my booty. haha.
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    For me when I saw this it motivated me to lose weight. I saw this website and it was an eye opener.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    You speak for all men I take it? Pah.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    I'm so glad that not all men think this way. Men (or women) cheat because they are selfish. I've seen them do it to their skinny wives, beautiful wives, and wives who gave them intimacy all the time. Being overweight isn't sufficient reason so be cheated on, and thankfully, my husband actually loves me and stayed because there was more to hold him there than just superficial looks. Also, you seem to put it all on the woman, as if men never do anything in a marriage that makes them less desirable. I am all for trying to keep yourself up. I do think it helps with physical attraction, and self esteem, however I disagree completely with what you said. Plus, my libido was fine even at my fattest. :tongue:

    Amen!! Not all men are this shallow.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I was never really 'fit' to begin with, but my husband and I BOTH gained weight once we were married and living together. And the rest of my weight came from long bed rest with a very sick child in my womb.

    Now I'm the one who's lost a large amount of weight and my husband is the one staying the same. For us, it's about how comfortable we feel around one another.

    I'm glad that someone else addressed the 'major reason that guys cheat' being that women get fat; I hope most of us didn't marry men THAT shallow. Otherwise shouldn't the same be vice versa?
  • j_wilson2012
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    @j_wilson2012- Are you married? :tongue:

    As people get older - married or not it's harder to stay in shape. When kids and careers come into play, it's even MORE difficult. And my husband did marry a fat me, he has stayed married and frisky with me in all shapes in sizes. I am in good shape now, just about 9 lbs from my goal, and his attitude has not changed, he still treats me wonderfully. Sex life has not suffered! Only in 6 weeks postpartum when we were not allowed to do it . Just to be blunt...

    No, I am not married, and since I am not (as I prefer to be right now), I dont have to worry bout a sensitive woman biting my nuts off for something I say. Im blunt, Im honest. Okay, so you lost weight since you married him. Of course everything is alright withya. You guys have sex on a regular basis, and that keeps him happy. Kudos to you for working on it, I bet he is one ecstatic man. But imagine if you went the other way, though. What if you got fatter than when you got married, to the point where it is hard to walk...Do you think the marriage would be in the same state? That is my point.
  • nicolio8699
    nicolio8699 Posts: 141 Member
    on the opposite side of the spectrum, my husband met me @ 330 lbs. I was very, very heavy. and since have lost a dramatic amount of weight and weigh 178, and continuing to lose. The only thing is---my hubs loves him a big lady. Not in the creepy, chub chaser, lemme feed you type (of which I have met plenty of), but just appreciates the fuller body type, ample boobs/butt, etc. Now, don't get me wrong, his perfect girl is NOT over 300 lbs, but he's more apt to go heavier than ideal than thinner than ideal to him. I feel like a jerk in this capacity! now, don't get me wrong! he has been endlessly supportive, and would never say he wasn't happy with my appearance, but I know better- he absolutely wants me to be healthy, and that is a priority for him as well, we do want to have babies after all--but i'm, like, the opposite of that cliche woman who gets heavier after they get that ring---
    <3<3 n-
  • j_wilson2012
    My husband's wife is still in shape, 15 years and 4 kids later. No excuses.

    Exhibit A

    My stomach starting getting bigger than my boobs..... Turns out I had a tumor the size of a honeydew melon. Thankfully my husband wasn't so shallow as to leave me after 20 years because my belly started to stick out, because now I have awesome scars from a robot- he would have missed out on the awesomeness that is robotic scars!.

    Oh please. That has different implications. Im not talking medial issues, im talking belly fat. Great that you caught it in time. Love hearing that.
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    since my partner and i moved in together, we've both actually been losing weight. That's partly because I do the cooking, and I'm dedicated to being healthier, but also because we both agree that since we've found each other, we want to enjoy a long future together. He's a widower, and this has given him perspective to really value what he has and work hard to keep it.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member

    Thanks for the reminder. Love my wife - wouldn't hurt her for the world...

    Love this =)
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    @j_wilson2012- Are you married? :tongue:

    As people get older - married or not it's harder to stay in shape. When kids and careers come into play, it's even MORE difficult. And my husband did marry a fat me, he has stayed married and frisky with me in all shapes in sizes. I am in good shape now, just about 9 lbs from my goal, and his attitude has not changed, he still treats me wonderfully. Sex life has not suffered! Only in 6 weeks postpartum when we were not allowed to do it . Just to be blunt...

    No, I am not married, and since I am not (as I prefer to be right now), I dont have to worry bout a sensitive woman biting my nuts off for something I say. Im blunt, Im honest. Okay, so you lost weight since you married him. Of course everything is alright withya. You guys have sex on a regular basis, and that keeps him happy. Kudos to you for working on it, I bet he is one ecstatic man. But imagine if you went the other way, though. What if you got fatter than when you got married, to the point where it is hard to walk...Do you think the marriage would be in the same state? That is my point.

    I see your point. I think I said it before, but my thyroid and insulin levels were off. I was obese, it DID hurt to walk, and no I did not move much because of that. I gained weight before and after marriage because of those off levels. He stuck with me, and was there when we found the cause for it, I got those levels in check, and started dropping the weight fast. And have since gotten this far in spite of having 2 kids. So my point is, sometimes there are actually biological reasons for weight gain, and he loved me enough to stick with me in sickness, and now in health. Which is part of the vows...
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    Wife told me when we first started dating "Dont let me get fat!"
    that's great....once I hit goal, Ill be telling my husband the exact same thing.

    Yeah, well, lots of eating out, margarita's and their friends, chips and salsa..

    Lets just say we're both working on losing all that weight now.
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Well my husband isn't on here..but 4 years later..I'm about 50 lbs heavier than when we met..was up to 60 more not too long ago. I've already decided he deserves a sexy wife..and a sexy, in shape wife he shall receive. :D He's never said anything to me about my weight though..and still makes me feel good about myself. I was talking about wanting him to be able to pick me up and how it'd be easy once I'm 100 lbs down.....He picked me up right then and there and started spinning me! Made me feel good that I may be a chubster right now, but atleast he's strong! :laugh:
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    ALL GIRLS PAY ATTENTION: If you get fatter after marriage, this will cause your husband to be less attracted to you. If he was attracted to fat, he would have married fat. But no, you are fit, you are toned, you have nice, proportional measurements. He likes that. The more you keep that, the longer he will stick around. You want to know a major reason on why guys cheat? THIS. As you get fat, your libido goes way down, and you dont want to spend the energy to "do it." If more people paid attention to this, less marriages will fall apart. The woman keeps man happy, and in return, man keeps woman happy, and has no reason to cheat. We like the boobs to be past the stomach, at least! If your stomach reaches farther than the boobs, this is a big nono. Take this advice with urgency. I know a few people are in this position that are reading this post.

    This... is the single most ridiculous thing I've read all day. There is far more that contributes to cheating than a woman 'getting fat' and not being pleasing to her man. And by the way, I've seen a lot of very overweight men out there... are they immune from this theory of yours?

    If your 'advice' is applied to men, the stomach shouldn't reach any further than a man's pride and joy. If it does, that's it - the woman cheats.

    And now, I'm going to go continue laughing at this whole exchange.
  • brent44622
    My wife is every bit as fit as she was when I met her. She weighs the same, but now runs marathons and looks great. She is the person that motivates me to stay fit.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    .... Turns out I had a tumor the size of a honeydew melon. Thankfully my husband wasn't so shallow as to leave me after 20 years because my belly started to stick out, because now I have awesome scars from a robot- he would have missed out on the awesomeness that is robotic scars!.

    Oh please. That has different implications. Im not talking medial issues, im talking belly fat. Great that you caught it in time. Love hearing that.
    My point is... How do you know??? What if you think it is just lazy fat when it is really a medical problem??
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I met my husband at my top weight, we got engaged about my current weight and got married when I weighed about 260. I got to 220 after we got married and stayed there for a few years then gained weight relatively recently so now I'm trying to lose weight again.
  • muah3iluvzu06
    muah3iluvzu06 Posts: 79 Member
    I lost 60 pounds before meeting my fiancé and gained back about 12 pounds after being with him for 2.5 years. When I saw the weight I gained I immediately sat down and talked to my fiancé about how I was feeling and how I wanted to lose the weight & needed his support in order to do it. He immediately had me add him to my gym membership so we can work out together.

    I have since lost 17 pounds (so I weigh less than I did when I first met him). I think it’s important to have your spouse on the same page as you are when it comes to being healthy & working out. My fiancé is in great shape and can eat anything he wants and never gains a pound. I appreciate that is he understands that I don’t have the same metabolism and can’t do that. He motivates me to work out and eat healthier. He knows when he makes dinner to give me smaller portions and I only eat on small saucers instead of larger plates. He comes with me to the gym and works out with me. He understands that I can’t eat out 3-4 times per week and helps me find new awesome recipes to eat at home that are healthier.

    While I do agree that when people (not just women), get in relationships they get comfortable, I also know that it’s hard to stay focused when you are doing it by yourself and your hubby/wife is sitting on the couch pigging out on pizza. I appreciate having such a supportive man. He’s the reason I am able to maintain my weight & I made a promise to myself & him that I will never let myself go.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    my wife is in shape, she's in better shape compared to some other single women.

    my wife is not the only one, i also know many married women(with kids) who are in better shape then most single.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    This... is the single most ridiculous thing I've read all day. There is far more that contributes to the ending of a marriage than a woman 'getting fat' and not being pleasing to her man. And by the way, I've seen a lot of very overweight men out there... are they immune from this theory of yours?

    If your 'advice' is applied to men, the stomach shouldn't reach any further than a man's pride and joy. If it does, that's it - the woman cheats.

    And now, I'm going to go continue laughing at this whole exchange.

    @bjleech nice comeback :happy: