The ABSURD things people say.....



  • nursewhitman
    nursewhitman Posts: 24 Member
    While most comments I get on my loss are complimentary and well-intended, I sure have gotten some doozies. Anyone else? Here are a few of my favorites....

    Wow. You've lost a lot of weight. Are you sick?
    What's your secret to losing so much weight?
    You look great. Are you dieting because your husband was losing interest?
    Wow. You're so skinny. Don't you think you're a bit too thin?

    I'm not sick. There is no secret. My husband has been wonderful. And NO, I'm not skinny in the least.

    The haters are always jealous. Just smile at them. It makes them mad. :)
  • KaydeForce
    KaydeForce Posts: 96 Member
    I dated a guy last year who was very into appearances. I was big then, I still am. But I had already lost 40lbs. So we were talking about diets and what each of us eats etc... So I told him and I said that I had already lost 40lbs. We were just dating for 2 months or so... But his reaction devastated me:

    I told him I lost 40lbs.
    He said: "How could you let that happen to yourself? You were 40lbs bigger than now? How can a person do that?" and he went on and on how shocking that is...

    I almost cried in his car. There was no way to get away. All I wanted to hear was "wow, great" or at least "that's good, keep going"... but not that...
  • Ta_Mo
    Ta_Mo Posts: 17 Member

    "You can't eat that, can you?!" - ... ? Why not?? o.O (Boggles my mind EVERY time)

    It bothers me every time I hear that phrase. Just because I'll eat a slice of a particular food does not mean I'll eat the whole thing!!!
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    I've been big for the past 20 yrs and this year have started exercise, cut out processed foods, sugars, etc. I got married in May and wanted to drop some weight for the wedding (simply beach wedding, just us and the preacher). Anyway, I have lost 47lb so far but I moved from Texas last year so no one really "sees" me but I post things (no photos) on facebook about what I ate. A few weeks ago, I made a low carb enchilada bake and commented about how awesome it was ... and a friend back home replied,

    "Low carb? Really? He married you as is and should love you no matter what!!! Eat what you want be happy"!!!

    I was like whoa, whoa WHOA!! My husband loves me as I am. He has never, ever said anything about me losing weight or needing to. This is for me, no one else. It really, really upset me that she would immediately assume I am losing weight now because of him.....
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    My dad asked me if I was on meth.

    Um no dad... Thanks for your high opinion of me though. :P
  • Lizziethe8th
    Lizziethe8th Posts: 5 Member
    One of my best friends (who has always had issues with her body) said that I was going to have some major psychological issues when I gain all that weight back once I am pregnant. =O Thanks friend.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sunday, Mom and Dad came over for dinner. I haven't seen them in about a month. Not once, not twice, but three times in a matter of 5 hours, she told me, "You look ABSOLUTELY terrible."
    First time, she said it as she walked in the door. I just said, "Nice to see you too, Ma.
    Second time, I ignored her.
    Third time, I looked at my father, who is 5'7" and 135 pounds for his entire life, and said to my father, but loud enough for my mother to hear, "When are you dropping her off at the insane asylum?"
    Dad Cracked up laughing. Mom said she was only joking. I turned, looked at her with contempt and said, "IT wasn't funny the first two times you said it. WHy would it be funny the third time?"

    My wife looked at me, knowing I was about to explode and just gave me the YOU KNOW SHE IS CRAZY, LET IT GO look.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    mine is the opposite. Ive toned up and only lost a tad bit of weight. But still a noticable difference. Women look at me, take a second look up and down and say nothing. I know its apparent because my family members have told me how great I'm looking. Its frustrating for me to not even get a comment from people that I know are seeing a difference.

    I hear you on that. I have never been terribly overweight but I'd like to think people noticed that I have lost my belly since having my kids, but no one ever says anything. I know what you mean about "the stare" though! :)
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    My personal favorite:

    "You've definitely lost weight.. You lost all your boobs!"

    I tried to just ignore the last part but then she said it again.

    "Sorry honey, you lost all your boobs.."

    No, no I didn't. Thank you anyway. >.<
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    people are never happy with themselves so they have to find faults on others. It doesn't matter if your heavy set or lean they always find something and if you changed in some way they wont give you credit, because it means they should be able to do it as well.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I was at a "party" on Saturday night and someone had come up to my friend who had a baby 1 year ago and asked "How long till your due?" I felt HORRIFIED when she said that to my friend! Not only did she ask her, she said it loud enough so everyone there heard her. I'm pretty lucky that I can hide being overweight fairly easy, even when I was at 175 lbs.
  • elewellen
    elewellen Posts: 35 Member
    you have a new boyfriend? My favorite your hair is even pretty now. Really same hair same color same evrything except weight REALLY BITE ME I just looked at her and said thanks I guess.
  • elewellen
    elewellen Posts: 35 Member
    he sounds like a jerk
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I still have 80 pounds to top annoyances are:
    You are going to look like death at that weight.
    You're way to tall to aim for 170 pounds (5'10")
    When co-workers order food they finally don't ask me anymore....
    Yesterday someone did by mistake and a coworker said 'She's too good for eating with us.'
    NOT TRUE. I'm too good to consume 1500 calories in a single meal!
    'What are you doing to loose weight?' 'Watching my food and working out' 'Really? You're not even taking diet pills?'
    'Can you be anorexic as heavy as you are?' <--- ending with the favorite.
  • fretless1965
    fretless1965 Posts: 26 Member
    By far, the most common: "Have you been sick?"

    But my favorite: "No offense, but you look freakishly thin."

    Freakishly thin? A 5 ft, 10 in male at 180 lbs? Strange world we live in...
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I had a guy say to me once at a conference.. *Oh I think I met your sister last year .... I said my sister? he said yes she looks just like you beautiful face but bigger.... hellloooo dont have a sister it was me dumb *kitten*....
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    People always ask how I did it. "Wow! You've lost so much weight. How did you do it?" I always say, "Diet and Excersise (duh)" and they look so disappointed that I want to say, "Nah, just pullin your leg. The fat fairies came and took it away during the night while I slept."
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    It's like damn.... You want me to lose weight and now you think I should stop? Is it because I'm starting to look better? Ha ha GTFO or STFU.
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    My mother in law told us as she met us for dinner that she told the hostess she was looking for the "large couple" as if we were the only over weight couple in chilis
  • My aunt asked me if I was sick. She's a nurse, so that was understandable.
    A friend at work as me if it was intentional. He's a doctor, so that understandable.
    Several girls at work keep asking me if I'm done and just going to "tone up" now. Like what?
    A friend of the family actually asked who I was, which was weird.