LolaBug85 Member


  • I think that is fantastic!!! I do cardio kickboxing 3 days/week and strength training 3 days/week as well. I have actually put on almost 20 pounds but my body fat percentage has gone down 5%. So that's excellent! The scale is a good tool to use for people who do not do strength training/muscle building. However, the scale…
  • Nice job everyone! Don't be too upset if you didn't make your goal! The point is you still pushed for it! I know the plateaus can be killer! You all did awesome! Let's hear some more results!
  • I can't believe we only have 1 week to go! That's crazy! It's never to late to join! If you haven't gotten in on this challenge, please share your goals! One week to go - how are you doing???
  • Such awesome goals I'm seeing from all of you! Way to go!
  • Let's see if we can get more people to participate in this challenge! You are free to join any time you'd like, even if it's just the day before it ends. All goals alike, big and small, are important to have to stay on track. Let's hear some more!
  • Great goals everyone! Keep them coming! I guess I should make one too haha ;) I currently do strength training classes for 45 minutes 3 days a week and the opposite 3 days I do 45 minutes of kickboxing. I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of when I started kickboxing and really got my health in check. So, for these…
  • Wow you guys are rocking this challenge! Keep those results pouring in. I'm so proud of all of you!!!
  • omg congrats!!! that's amazing!!!
  • Congrats! I'm so excited for you! I'm happy to see you're going with RNY. I know all procedures are excellent, but I know firsthand how amazing RNY is and how much this amazing tool has changed my life. Way to go!!! Keep me updated ;)
  • We're almost there! How is everyone doing? It's never too late to join even though we have a few days left! You could even make a goal of something you won't eat the remainder of the challenge. Any goal is excellent! Hope you all are doing well and I can't wait to see everyone's results this weekend!
  • Way to go! That is so awesome to hear! It's awesome NSVs like that that are always helpful to keep everyone going!
  • Wow! I love to see how many of you have joined this challenge! This is AWESOME! We still have about 3.5 weeks to go, so if you haven't joined the challenge, it's never too late!
  • What an awesome accomplishment! I am so proud of each and every one of you on here! So many of you have shared your stories, your struggles, and asked all sorts of questions, and that's what we love! This is such a great place to come for support and advice! I'm so happy that so many people have recognized this! 1900 is SO…
  • I am so excited for you!!! YAY!!! I chose RNY because of the amount of weight I needed to lose and it's faster as well. I've never once regretted going down the RNY road. I follow the rules and things have gone well! Haven't had a problem yet (knock on wood!) and I'm 13 months out. Another thing that REALLY got my…
  • I'm checking in! How are all of you doing on your goals? Each and every one of us has different goals and different things to stride for, but no matter what the goal, we all just have to keep pushing together! I know the road is bumpy, and I know how much it sucks to hit a plateau, but you WILL get through it, and you WILL…
  • I had RNY and I was only able to sleep in a recliner. I'm a side/stomach sleeper and I couldn't manage any of it as it hurt too much. So I just slept tilted back in a recliner for a little over week till I felt better :)
    in Sleeping Comment by LolaBug85 May 2014
  • Wow! There's a lot of you doing this challenge! I love it!!! You guys are all amazing!
  • Thanks to all of you for your support! It means the world to me :)
    in OMG... Comment by LolaBug85 May 2014
  • Great goals everyone! Hopefully the motivation and support throughout this group and challenge will help you down the road to reach to your goals! I'm excited to see so many new faces in this challenge. YAY! Welcome! Also very glad to see how many of you are making exercise goals. That always seems to be the hardest for…
  • I'm so proud of all of you! Everyone has done so well! Don't feel discouraged if you didn't meet your goal, you still worked towards it and that's what really matters! We all know how hard it is to lose weight/maintain, so every ounce of energy you put into it is worth it...every ounce matters! I'm excited to see how this…
  • You guys are doing great!!! I havent lost anything in the month but I did manage to drop just a couple pounds during the challenge. I don't think I'll go much lower, but that's ok. I'm still kickboxing and doing strength training 6 days/week and my body fat percentage has been dropping, so I'm happy with that!
  • So glad to hear things are going well! I am very excited for you. Whichever procedure you end up having, you will be happy! It's a long road, but well worth it!
  • Just one week to go! I can't believe this challenge is almost over already. I have hardly put a dent in my weight loss, but I think I'm in the stage of barely losing anything. But I'm working out and doing a lot of strength training, so I'm pretty sure the muscles are leveling out the fat loss. That's ok with me! Hope…
  • Just 2 weeks to go! If you're new to the challenge, welcome! I will start another challenge once this one is over. You all are doing great! Just keep pushing for those goals, stay on track, and take it one day at a time!
  • Welcome to the group! I agree, this is definitely the place to be! There are tons of us here for support along this never ending journey. The road is bumpy but it's well worth it! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • Welcome! I love seeing all the new faces in this challenge! Keep on pushing! Just under one month to go :)
  • So happy to see so many of you joining! Eat clean, train hard! ;)
  • Glad to see more people joining! Let's get some more! How's everyone doing on their goals?
  • Omg, they have strawberry now!? Yay! I have been drinking the chocolate ones religiously for over a year!
  • Hope everyone is doing well! If you haven't joined yet, please join this challenge! We love having lots of people to keep each other motivated! Sorry I've been pretty quiet lately. I started a new job and have been extremely busy. But just know, I'm always watching ;) Good luck everyone!