

  • Very well said :)
  • I just read about PCOS a few weeks ago and yes, it can make you gain weight. It can also be difficult to lose weight with PCOS as well. As for the 4 lbs, it is water weight like others said. You have to eat 3500 calories over maintenance to gain 1lb.
  • I've had issues too, since I was 17 and I'm 31 now. I obsess about my weight and my body constantly. It's like a prison! I've purged many many times..even recently. I know that my eating issues stem from my poor self esteem that I grew up with. My parents criticized me, my husband gives me a play by play on everything that…
  • Morning all. Today I have not started all that great as I didn't get to the gym but there is always later on today. I ate a smaller breakfast as a result. My 16 month old kept us up last night so I stayed in and slept. Yesterday finished off, I ate a bit more to get in my cals but it was popcorn..100 calorie and like a tbs…
  • I have you every heard of PCOS? It is a disease that women can get and symptoms include cysts on ovaries and weight gain/difficulty losing weight. I read about it a couple of weeks ago. It can be difficult for a doctor to catch without testing and such. It also causes infertility issues as well. You might want to check…
  • Congrats to the good day had by you guys today. I have done well myself. I worked out for an hour, have had almost an entire gallon of water. I still have about 500 cals left to eat today. I probably won't eat nearly that many though. I might even go lift weights tonight if I get bored.
  • I am from Texas.
  • I don' think that medical doctors know what they are talking about when it comes to fitness and nutrition. I too have issues with my least I think that I do..or if not that I have really bad hormone issues that cause me to be chunky and gain weight easily. I was a very thin child until I started getting…
  • Hey can I join? I want to get healthier by eliminating processed food completely from my diet. I think that processed food and fast food are what's causing Americans to continuously get fatter and fatter. I am the mother of two children and I want to be a good example to them and I want them to grow up active and healthy.…
  • I am too. I was good for three weeks..usually it is two but I fell off after three weeks this time. Gained everything back too. I've attempted weight loss for years but always mess up. I have working out down pat but the eating thing is hard. Diet is 80% of weight loss. I'm giving up processed food too. Today is a new day.…
  • I have fallen off the wagon myself this week. Especially over the weekend. Weekends are always really hard for me to stay on track. I have the all or nothing syndrome when it comes to eating right. If I mess up once I think "oh well, might as well eat bad the rest of the day/weekend and start over again tomorrow or Monday.…
  • Hello, I'm new too. You are doing the right thing with intervals. It burns calories faster than slow and steady. I do HIIT cardio which is doing really high bursts of speed for a certain amount of time and then I go slower for a bit longer than the high burst of speed. Anyhoo, doing it that way is also less boring LOL.…