eating disorder :(

squib Posts: 34
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
when does one know that he/she has an eating disorder (in my case bulimia). I eat so much, and all those cravings.Oh! It just makes me wanna go and throw up, and I do. :sick:
I am too affraid to eat, affraid of all the calories that I could/will gain. I know that I am starving myself sometimes, but then again I have days that I could everything that doesn't move or isn't tied to something. I try to have have as little food at home as possible.
I am vegetarian for 3 years and I don't eat eggs, maybe thats the problem. But there is NO way I could start eating meat again.


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I'm a vegetarian as well...don't eat eggs either. You just have to eat healthfuly. It sucks to be a woman because at least once a month you'll get cravings. There is a thread...I'll bump it so you can see it, we're all vegetarians or's a really great thread.
    Also...message me about the bulimia. Been there done that.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    being a vege and/or not eating the eggs are not the problem.
    you should find a professional to talk to, obsessive eating and thoughts and the behav you described are not normal, but i imagine with the right help you can get to healthy.

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Unfortunately it sounds like you all ready have an eating disorder, just based on the symptoms that you have stated. I strongly urge you to get help. Sounds like you don't want this disorder and that's a great thing! Eating disorders are extrememly common in our society, and unfortunately the media doesn't help. With the constant, in your face ads says you're not pretty unless you are this or that! Just know that you are beautiful and from the looks of your pic, in pretty good shape too! You don 't have to be rail thin to be pretty. In fact most guys perfer a little meat!

    Please get the help you need! You can add me as a friend if you want. I've been there! I struggled with this eating disorder too! It's not worth your life! It can and it will kill you!

    Be safe!

  • dnd858
    dnd858 Posts: 64
    At this point it really does sound like there's a problem--I would highly recommend talking to someone about this before it gets out of control. Being a woman is so difficult in our society and it can really be a struggle at times to have confidence in who you are and what your body looks like. You have to dig deep and look in the mirror--you're beautiful! And with a HEALTHY diet and excerise there is absolutely NO reason why you can't acheive an AMAZING body! It's possible without making yourself sick--actually it's the only way.
    Please find someone to talk to about this! :frown: Be strong and take control of your life!
  • If you are afraid to eat and go to those lengths, then you may have an eating disorder. If you think about eating and food more than you actually do other things, you should talk to someone....even a family doctor about some options to seek some counseling. It's not scary, it's freeing. Been there and done that - it's hard, and fabulous to be here.
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    I also have an eating disorder. I tend to heavily restrict calories (from 0-400 a day) and if I over eat, I'll purge. I've been "recovered" for about a year now. I really hope you chose to be healthy... if you need help with it I am sure there are a ton of people where you live who can help you.:flowerforyou:
  • Jentx30
    Jentx30 Posts: 15
    I've had issues too, since I was 17 and I'm 31 now. I obsess about my weight and my body constantly. It's like a prison! I've purged many many times..even recently. I know that my eating issues stem from my poor self esteem that I grew up with. My parents criticized me, my husband gives me a play by play on everything that i do is annoying..anyhoo. I think that most of us with eating issues have issues behind that as well and we need help from somewhere. I'm on here trying to eat healthy but I obsess about it and the bottom line is that I use food to feed my emotions. Anyways, get help! If you need a friend, you can add me! I'm here for you if you need to talk.
  • mcohan
    mcohan Posts: 116 Member
    i am in southern CA, does anyone know of a good counselor/nutritionist to see? i have a similar background, food controls most of my thoughts throughout the day and completely controls my mood. i ahve tried talking to a few people but noone has been chill. so let me know of any conncections or advice. thanks!
  • mcohan
    mcohan Posts: 116 Member
    when does one know that he/she has an eating disorder (in my case bulimia). I eat so much, and all those cravings.Oh! It just makes me wanna go and throw up, and I do. :sick:
    I am too affraid to eat, affraid of all the calories that I could/will gain. I know that I am starving myself sometimes, but then again I have days that I could everything that doesn't move or isn't tied to something. I try to have have as little food at home as possible.
    I am vegetarian for 3 years and I don't eat eggs, maybe thats the problem. But there is NO way I could start eating meat again.

    ia m dealing with the same thing ... i am in the same spot, and everyone thinks i need help i dont know if theya re right or if i am .....such a bummer!
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