Staying Motivated day to day- Prt 1......



  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I don't feel like I'm doing very well today at all. We went to this meeting, where the meal was catered. Well, I didn't even like it, and yet I still ate it. Nothing healthy at all. I should have only eaten a few bite, to be polite, and then said I was full. Instead I cleaned my plate like a good little ( not so little) girl.
    The food was borderline bad. It was blah at best. Why did I eat it ALL!?!?

    All I can do is move forward.
    Tomorrow is a full day of work, since I work both jobs.
    I am thinking about getting the Wiifit plus. It's only $20, and I do like the Wii fit, and am excited about what new features it might have. But I will do a little research first.

    There is also a new 'biggest loser' game for the Wii. I dont' know anything about it yet, but Bob and Jillian are on the cover.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, I did very well today. I stayed with what calories I was susposed to, but I haven't drank all my water for today. I have been in bed pretty much most of the day due to my back but at least it feels some better. Tomorrow, I am going to do some exercise even if it is just walking, I hate not being able to do any. My weigh in day is tomorrow, so we will see.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I don't feel like I'm doing very well today at all. We went to this meeting, where the meal was catered. Well, I didn't even like it, and yet I still ate it. Nothing healthy at all. I should have only eaten a few bite, to be polite, and then said I was full. Instead I cleaned my plate like a good little ( not so little) girl.
    The food was borderline bad. It was blah at best. Why did I eat it ALL!?!?

    All I can do is move forward.
    Tomorrow is a full day of work, since I work both jobs.
    I am thinking about getting the Wiifit plus. It's only $20, and I do like the Wii fit, and am excited about what new features it might have. But I will do a little research first.

    There is also a new 'biggest loser' game for the Wii. I dont' know anything about it yet, but Bob and Jillian are on the cover.

    don't beat yourself up over it. Just get right back to eating great tomorrow. I have found that when I ate something that I shouldn't eat, I would beat myself up over it and that didn't help one bit. I wish I had a wii fit. Maybe one of these days I will get one. :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    goodnight everyone.:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, today is already turning out to be a great day!!!! My weigh in day was today and I have lost 52 pounds!!!!!!! I am finally out of 40 something lost after months of struggling just to do what I was susposed to be doing. For everyone, please don't give up if you mess up, just pick yourself up and keep on going. We all can do this, if I can anyone can. If you want to go and read my story on my profile. The most weight I have ever lost before this was 20 pounds, and the longest I have ever been on a so called "diet" was 2 months if that.

    Okay lets have a water and exercise challenge today: at least 64 oz. of water today and at least 30 minutes of exercise. :flowerforyou:
  • Jentx30
    Jentx30 Posts: 15
    Hey can I join? I want to get healthier by eliminating processed food completely from my diet. I think that processed food and fast food are what's causing Americans to continuously get fatter and fatter. I am the mother of two children and I want to be a good example to them and I want them to grow up active and healthy.
    I am not extremely overweight but I am overweight by about 10-20lbs. I also have lots of stomach trouble and I think its because I eat lots of crappy processed food and I LOVE sugar..addicted to it. I have started trying to eat healthy time and time again but every weekend an eating binge occurs because of some activity involving food. It's frustrating..very is everywhere..crappy food. I just can't say no..I completely fall off the wagon weekend after weekend. Anyhoo. I'm willing to try AGAIN for the millionth time. I need an accountability group to keep me on track. I also want to help others too. I love to workout, it is a habit for me. I have worked out for many years and have considered becoming a personal trainer. I would like to actually look like one though LOL.

    My stats are
    Current weight:158
    Goal weight:145
    This morning I worked out for 53 minutes and intend to go back to the gym tonight for a bit..or I might take the kids on a walk later. I have had almost a half gallon of water already. My daily goal is to drink a full gallon.

    I just want to say congrats to Laura for losing all of that weight. It is tough to stick with weight loss..very tough. Especially for a mom.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hey can I join? I want to get healthier by eliminating processed food completely from my diet. I think that processed food and fast food are what's causing Americans to continuously get fatter and fatter. I am the mother of two children and I want to be a good example to them and I want them to grow up active and healthy.
    I am not extremely overweight but I am overweight by about 10-20lbs. I also have lots of stomach trouble and I think its because I eat lots of crappy processed food and I LOVE sugar..addicted to it. I have started trying to eat healthy time and time again but every weekend an eating binge occurs because of some activity involving food. It's frustrating..very is everywhere..crappy food. I just can't say no..I completely fall off the wagon weekend after weekend. Anyhoo. I'm willing to try AGAIN for the millionth time. I need an accountability group to keep me on track. I also want to help others too. I love to workout, it is a habit for me. I have worked out for many years and have considered becoming a personal trainer. I would like to actually look like one though LOL.

    My stats are
    Current weight:158
    Goal weight:145
    This morning I worked out for 53 minutes and intend to go back to the gym tonight for a bit..or I might take the kids on a walk later. I have had almost a half gallon of water already. My daily goal is to drink a full gallon.

    I just want to say congrats to Laura for losing all of that weight. It is tough to stick with weight loss..very tough. Especially for a mom.

    thanks, yes, you can join, it is an open group. welcome :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hello Team, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I did. I am even having a great day today so far. I walked 2 miles in 29 minutes before breakfast. I am determined to walk 2 more tonight after work too. I work from 1-8 today. I need to drink all my water today. That will be my goal. 1 gallon of water. Ok- I better run, ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Hope everyone had a great weekend.. Saturday was great, did my 3.5 mile run, getting ready for the 5K November 1st.... Stayed in my calories, but Sunday was not so good... I was tired and def ate too much...... Oh well, can't turn back time, but I can get back on track today... Don't know why, but sundays tend to be a hard day for me:yawn:

    worked out this morning and will stay in my cal count. already have 32 oz of water in and plan on running tonight....

    Good Luck everyone and have a great sun shiney day:glasses:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ahhh thank god I found this. I was doing great last week! stuck to my 5am boot camp but my wkend was bad...fri it rained so no boot camp, sat I ate out, Sun there was the Saints Football game so I drank beer and ate burgers n nachos - UGH! :grumble: :S

    I know I was bad and now feel super guilty. but i got my butt up this morning instead of laying in bed with a headache, shook it off and made it to my boot camp. I felt great after!:smile:

    We can do this guys!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    ahhh thank god I found this. I was doing great last week! stuck to my 5am boot camp but my wkend was bad...fri it rained so no boot camp, sat I ate out, Sun there was the Saints Football game so I drank beer and ate burgers n nachos - UGH! :grumble: :S

    I know I was bad and now feel super guilty. but i got my butt up this morning instead of laying in bed with a headache, shook it off and made it to my boot camp. I felt great after!:smile:

    We can do this guys!

    welcome :flowerforyou: Yes, we can do this!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    well so far I have done 30 minutes of exercise, drank over 32 oz. of water and I have ate great, a great finish to this day. :flowerforyou:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Great day,,,
    Worked out for 30 min high cardio this morning and went for a nice walk 2.2 miles with my Jimmy, instead of running. (since he wanted to go I thought time with my husband was more important than getting a run in tonight) Balance in life is what is MOST important. I'll run tomorrow!!!

    drank my water, stayed in my cal's and feeling good...
    Ready for tomorrow:happy: :happy:
  • Jentx30
    Jentx30 Posts: 15
    Congrats to the good day had by you guys today. I have done well myself. I worked out for an hour, have had almost an entire gallon of water. I still have about 500 cals left to eat today. I probably won't eat nearly that many though. I might even go lift weights tonight if I get bored.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Way to go guys!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Congratulations everyone on exercise and eating well.

    Laura congrats on reaching 50lbs.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I have done well today. I've stayed below my calorie limit, drank my water ( some crystal light) and have exercised. Not too vigorously, since I did Wii Fit, but I still did something. And I think that is the key. Maybe it's even better, if you are more intense some days, take a day off now and then, and also have some lighter work out days.
    My goal is to have an entire week of this. But I can only take it one day at a time. So far so good.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Congratulations everyone on exercise and eating well.

    Laura congrats on reaching 50lbs.

    thanks Ivy :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I have done well today. I've stayed below my calorie limit, drank my water ( some crystal light) and have exercised. Not too vigorously, since I did Wii Fit, but I still did something. And I think that is the key. Maybe it's even better, if you are more intense some days, take a day off now and then, and also have some lighter work out days.
    My goal is to have an entire week of this. But I can only take it one day at a time. So far so good.

    I have made it 9 days without being bad or anything. Congrats on getting the water in and doing the exercise.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Id like to join in as well

    Im in a different time zone being in the southern hemisphere. but still need some support..

    Im feeling aweful at the moment as I have had a HUGE dinner today and no exercise. Work was long and tired.. the last thing I could think of was exercise let alone cooking anything decent. So I ate out (had a heavy creamy indian curry) and im really paying for it now.. Oh am I feeling FULL!!!

    boy am I kicking myself.. why do we do this to ourselves

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