

  • I can completely understand the agrivation that pants sizes cause. All my weight is pretty much from belly button down. I wear anywhere between a 14 to an 18, and my shirts are between meduim (mens) and extra large womens. at one point my measuments were 36-34-45 and I am 5'5" that was a few years ago during one of my…
  • try adding some sliced almonds or craisons , really any kind of nuts and fruits. I love salads and often eat carrots and cucumbers as my junk food, just keep adding different until you find what works for you.
  • added note those "skinny girl" jeans are now a little to big and keep falling down even with a belt. :wink:
  • Yeah we do have a produce department. The thing is that the McDonalds is near the time clocks and I only get 30 minutes to eat and spend some time outside away from all the people and noise. I guess that my biggest problem is that I have always thought of fruit and veggies as my junk food. I would rather have those as a…
  • I know no straws and no smoking. I may have to try the lite peach syrup. Sadly ice cream makes me sick no matter when I eat it. So do milk shakes. Which is a bummer since My Mother-In-Law bought me one yesterday so I would have something in my stomach to take my meds with. It tasted awesome but I spent most of the…
  • I thought of another one or two. My boyfriend eats Mac-n-Cheese with apple sauce. He eats apple sauce with everything. Try garlic salt or pepper in the mac n cheese for a different flavor, he learned that one from a group of single soldiers several years ago and made me try it. Honestly wasn't bad. Lets see he has a few…
  • Homemade Salsa and Doughnuts. It's like chili and cinn. rolls One of those random things that I thought would taste awesome and conned people into eating with me. It suprised everyone at how good it was.
  • So I fully intended to follow through with my plan to walk around Downtown Cville but the weather is not working with me. It's been raining on and off everyday all week. Hopefully I will be able to go out tomorrow and "feel the burn" of all those hills.
  • Feel like you got a raw deal? Then vent ............... I've been with my man for five years. We started hanging out when I was 19. This past February we got engaged for the third time, started planning the wedding, bought THE dress told all the family and we both lost our jobs. Now with six months left until the date he…
  • It sound like you have your hands full. The hardest part for me is trying to eat only the amount of calories that I need to. But you have three children who can help keep you motivated. Plus by taking them on the walks with you it will help them make wiser choices with their health when they are older you never know they…
    in Hello Comment by Irish24 September 2009
  • My mom is a diabetic, and has been for the last ten years. I know that she has had some problems with being tired and not feeling well over the years. She started out just having to check her levels but with in the last two-three years she has needed insulin shots three times a day. She has taught me one important thing,…