jennibee70 Member


  • If I wasn't cooking, I would still be alone - I'd be alone doing the housework, or alone watching television or whatever. So I try to use cooking as a hobby, trying out new recipes and new ingredients and enjoying making them look as nice as possible. It must be said, as a vegetarian, it's probably easier for me to cook…
  • I only ever log any activity that's extra to what I was doing previously. I've done my housework all my life, and I didn't stop me getting overweight. Maybe if I cleaned your house as well as my own, I'd count that!
  • Hi, there are a lot of people on here with great success stories - if they can do it, you can too! Choose an achievable short-term goal and work towards that, so you get the satisfaction of achieving it soon, and that will motivate you to get going to the next goal.
  • Thanks all, I've tried drivebit, which seems easy enough, but used up 32% of my phone battery on my 50 minute commute. I think I'll have to go back to manually adjusting.
  • Oooo, that sounds interesting - thank you, I'll look into that!
  • I'm just back from trying week 4 again, definitely harder than the last time I did it!!! Was running slower and hit all my markers later than before, about 90 seconds slower overall. Definitely need to do it again before trying week 5!
  • It was the same at my leisure centre, every time I tried to book, it was fully booked, but if I asked to book for the next week, that booking sheet wouldn't be available yet. Eventually I managed to get in on a cancellation, and then booked for the next week immediately after the class. It was a small class, but I wasn't…
  • Thanks. It's kind of difficult to accurately measure my aikido because I can't really wear a heart rate monitor on my wrist, too much grabbing around the arms, and it keeps getting re-set everytime I roll on my arm. Also I spend quite a lot of time sitting watching the teacher demonstrate a technique, then 10 minutes of…
  • Given the popularity of this topic, perhaps Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would also consider entering, in which case I would happily drop my name into the Goblet of Fire. In the meantime though, in case the dorms become magically larger, or the room of requirement appears, I'd like to join the waiting lists for Gryffindor or…
  • Never joined in on one of these. Yup, why not!
  • Thanks all, I think I'll bite the bullet and get one. It won't work for my aikido or dance classes, necessarily, but I estimate those already, and it will be more accurate for my movement about the office etc. One more question, if I may - when it monitors your sleep, let's say it tells you that your sleep was restless -…
  • Aaah, thanks, so if I left the plug in thing on my laptop, it would sync when I went into the room? My laptop is switched on most days (I have a teenage daughter!) so it still might work for me.
  • Those are all good reasons to motivate yourself to change, but instead of beating yourself up, choose just one thing to do differently today that you can feel proud of. Replace one fatty snack with a piece of fruit, or go for a 20 minute walk, just one healthy change for the better, and then go to bed tonight feeling…
  • Kraft cheesey pasta. Don't ask me why but I love that stuff, and it became my Sunday "treat" lunch, half the box followed by a scone with jam and whipped cream. Half the box works out about 550 calories, and now that I live alone, you know I'm going to eat the other half box later that same day. I just can't justify 550…
  • What treesponge said - enjoy your birthday but don't make it a treat week! It was my birthday last week, I had a pizza on my birthday, cakes with the girls in my office, a takeaway with friends the next day, cocktails with another friend the day after that, a takeaway with my daughter - and I gained 4 lbs!
  • I went to the 40th Anniversary Show twice last year - Aberdeen was a little tame but Edinburgh rocked! I didn't under-dress too much as I was going with two virgins, but I did wear the dress in my profile pic with 6 inch stripper heels.
  • Exactly this! 3 stone ago, my 36G boobs felt firm and full and I loved them. Now they're a 34G but they look saggy and don't feel nearly as good, and I'm almost tempted to put weight back on!
  • I generally don't log stuff that I was doing anyway while I was putting on the weight! But if I have a massive spring clean and wash my windows up a ladder or something, then I log that. I've been know to do extra housework just to be able to have a treat afterwards.
  • I had two items already in my wardrobe I wanted to fit back into, a pair of size 14 (UK) skinny jeans and a dress that I had kept since my brother's wedding 20 years ago! It's a classic style and I always hoped I would one day be a size 12 to wear it again. Well, the jeans fit now so I decided to give the dress a try, and…
  • I make carrot and chickpea soup, I add ground cumin and coriander if you have it, and an onion, and blend it a bit so I leave some texture.
  • I'm reassured by all the people saying cotton wool - makes the hairs on my arms stand on end! Ugh!!! And the number of people who think its funny to tear it in front of me! Also wire wool and green scrubbing pads.
  • Oh, I didn't see this until today, I was going to log my weight tomorrow. Oh well, well done everyone!
  • Well, I'm up to 160.8 lbs - I knew 160.2 was unrealistically low when I logged it last week, my weight has been fluctuating by about 2 lbs all week.
  • I'm in! My weight yesterday was 160.2 lbs though that seemed a little too light to be realistic! My overall goal is just to be classed as a healthy weight, so that would be 132 lbs. My biggest challenge is when I'm not in charge of the food, such as eating out, or when my mum comes to stay and takes over my kitchen. See…
  • When I took up aikido for the second time 3 years ago, I lost about two stone without dieting, just because I was being more active, and I suppose because I wasn't sitting at home snacking. But over the following 3 years, including about a year of comfort eating, I put it all back on again. I don't think I could keep the…
  • Hi, I'm Jennifer, and I'm a member of the British Ki Society. We practice ki aikido. I practice twice a week in the north of Scotland. Love my aikido, sometimes it's tough, sometimes it's annoying, but I always feel better after it!
  • I have a speck of dust on my screen and read that as "chocolate and yam are just wrong together" - I'll say!
  • At a birthday party with everyone dressed up and me feeling pretty hot, a "friend" taking a photo of me with two slim girls told me to move to the middle to make the photo more balanced! My nose is still out of joint that he would rather hurt my feelings than have an out-of-balance photo, but when I saw the photo, I do…
  • Ah, wish I'd seen this this morning, one if my friends has logged in for 90 days, wish I'd said "Go on yersel'!"
  • Hi from Scotland! We could try having our own version of "Way to Go!!!" and "Nice Burn!!" My personal favourite is "Ya belter!"