

  • Yes feelings are not facts, they just are... My strength is knowing that I can endure any feeling, that feelings don't kill and they are never as bad as I think they are going to be when trying to run from them. (good thought) !
  • thank you all for sharing, it's a we program and together we can, one day at a time :happy:
  • welcome to OA, glad your here :)
  • I'm still trying to figure that one out myself. I use to eat 3 meals a day with nothing in between but as my trainer said, the more you work out the more ya need to eat. I was under eating, why I wasn't losing weight. All I can do right now is trust. I have had to add a couple snacks to my food plan at times. It is a lot…
  • Hi Welcome to OA and MFP. Meetings can be confusing to the newcomer at first. When you find a sponsor it will help and you can have more one on one discussions about the Steps. If everyone was to comment and discuss others thoughts then the message can get lost in the meeting and we would be off topic. Does that make sense…
  • I am amazed how my visual perception is so distorted. The food I measure now is nothing to what I was eating before. thanks for reading:)
  • F E A R--- future events already ruined Your only as sick as your secrets Take what you like and leave the rest What other people think of me is none of my business A sponsee ask his sponsor, " how long have you been sober?" His sponsor said, " all day" we only have one day, that is all we need to think about. Have a good…
  • couldn't have said it better myself :)