
  • Hi everyone. I'm back with my foot elevated after getting all my staples out:sad: ouch! Over 40 and each one really hurt to have it removed. So swelling again and pain and no activity for me, for a few days . Imagine my surprise when the scale went down another pound....that makes me at my first 10 pound mark. Excited, but…
  • Just have to report that I'm kind of proud of myself. Since I can't workout on my feet, I came up with a bunch of floor exercises I could do. Still, I felt I wasn't getting much cardio workout with that. Then my friend sent me an article : how to get a cardio workout when you can't stand up. So I added that to my floor…
  • Hello everyone. yes I'm still here. Finally out from under the fog of the heavy pain meds and feel up to writing hello. My recovery from surgery is going well. Not too much pain anymore, so since I'm off the drugs, I have more energy now. I'm going a little stir crazy, we keep getting tons of snow, and all I can do is look…
  • After getting off to a great start, I unexpectedly had foot surgery last week. Absolutely no weight bearing on my foot for 3 months and then I will have to do the other one. I had two very ruined Achilles' tendons. It will be nice to know that down the road my feet will eventually be good again, after dealing with the pain…
  • Hello everyone. Had my friend here last week and we went on a little getaway together, then she ended up being stuck here for a few extra days because of the snowstorms. 3 feet in one night in her town of Portland Maine. All flights to the NE cancelled. Anyhow, I did not stay on program at all. Let's just say fun cocktails…
  • Super Bowl Sunday was a bit of a disaster for me. Totally fell off the wagon. It started with a Wallaby Darned drink at Outback. Ordered it before I knew it was 500 cals. Later in the day, feeling like the day was a loss, and not wanting to exercise, I indulged in chocolate chip cookies and wings. Such a healthy…
  • I posted on page 15 of the last thread, check back two days after and your 7 pages ahead. Youzer!! I can't keep up. My January goals werento consistently log and stick with the program for a month and to increase my exercise. I did that. Minor miracle. Feb. goals: Loose 5 more pounds. Increase movement everyday. Eat more…
  • Good Morning my vitamin F's. I truly do appreciate that that is indeed what you are. Just finished my first month, and I know that the support I got here truly was like a vitamin that boosted my endurance and outlook. Thank you so much. As you can see, I changed my profile picture. Thought I would put on one with my DH…
  • :smile: :flowerforyou: :cry: :drinker: :noway:
  • Kale … try this: 1 cup chopped kale, 1 banana, 1 T peanut butter (unsweetened/unsalted) , 2/3 cup greek yogurt, 1 cup skim milk. Blast away with the blender until smooth. Tastes like a green peanut butter and banana sandwich. :noway: Really. Really, it does. I have it for breakfast a couple Nancy, thanks for that recipe,…
  • Good morning everyone. Don't have time to post to everyone. Washing machine being delivered in a few minutes. Broke down this weekend Quickly just read through the last page. Noticed a certain amount of talk about Kale. I put it in my smoothies also, interchange that with spinach. Blends up fine and would never know its…
  • just reread my post. Sorry about so many misspellings. It just takes so long to write, that then I don't go back and peruse it before I hit the send button. Hope you can still follow my ramblings. Karen in Mi.
  • :laugh: :laugh: Hi everyone. Had a busy weekend. I looked on to the thread several times, but I was overwhelmed with how fast it grew, and the thought of posting to everyone just seemed impossible. I'm going to go with, just commenting on a couple of days. I can't believe in just those few days, you are 7 pages into part 3…
  • Awww. You ladies are so nice.:flowerforyou: :drinker: . So many words of encouragement yesterday. How could a girl not be reinvigorated. I so appreciate it. I took a nice brisk and chilly 2 mile walk yesterday. The cold air (15) really makes you feel alive and I thought about all the things said. I'm just going to have to…
  • JB--- I just saw everyone mentioning your poem, so went back to find it. Boy did I need that today. Thanks. Just printed it out for my fridge. Karen from Mi.
  • Good morning everyone. Feeling the 2 week in blues. Nothing is happening. However I know I committed to a month of hanging in there, which I intend to keep. I' m hoping a month will show me I can keep at it. I don't understand why sometimes I can feel so on top of things, and it feels fun and exciting to track food and…
  • Good morning everyone. Gone for the weekend so I missed reading posts. 3 new pages that I just read through but too many to add individual notes. Stayed on calories all weekend thanks to my daughters wonderful healthy cooking. However Sat night did include pie. I'm afraid to get on the scale. Ready to take on a new week…
  • Hey everyone. I'm on my way tomy daughters for the weekend and am in the car, so I won't be able to respond to everyone. I ate Salmon last night for dinner and awoke with great expectations for the scale going down. Apparently the magic Salmon solution doesn't work for me, not only did I not have weight loss, but I gained…
  • Good morning Ladies, Had a great workout yesterday. Felt very energetic during my walk on the treadmill, to the point where I had some burst of running in there, which is big for me, because I have battled with and achilles tendon problem plus plantar fascitis. Usually I can barely stand to get my 30 minutes in, but felt…
  • I, too, was very discouraged in the beginning, because I was under the mistaken impression that I would lose water weight, which would add up to big numbers, in the beginning. Didn't happen for me. It took a few months before the weight started coming off. It's different for everyone, so please be patient, and DON'T GIVE…
  • Good morning everyone. I'm really tired today, another night of not sleeping well. I was just laying there with an empty pit of hunger in my stomach listening to my hubby snore. Finally succumbed to the call of some cinnamon sugar toast. Oh it was good. My sister is coming over this morning to work out with me, which is…
  • I am just totally overwhelmed by those of you that reply to everyone! How do you do that??? I'm flabergasted! I tried to remember two things and couldn't....lo Hope everyone has a great day! julie [/quote] Julie, I have only been on here a week and I was amazed too. I have never done a message board, but I thought I wanted…
  • Good morning everyone. This is now my fun thing to do with my morning coffee. Sip and catch up. Love to hear the news and tips from everyone. For instance I have just learned to somewhat like salmon in the last couple of years. Looks like I'm going to have to become better acquainted with it. It seems to be a magic bullet.…
  • Hi everyone, just sitting here reading everyone's message and enjoying the warm burn in my legs from a good workout today. Feeling so happy that I'm doing something again that is good for me rather than just thinking about it. I also think that just the newness and the fun of reading all these messages has helped distract…
  • I tried to do one of those quote boxes ith my answer to Jane, I don't know how to do that.
  • I hadn't realized that people did emotional eating until I read an article in my 20's, and that planted the seed that perhaps I'd feel better when depressed if I ate. Bad idea, obviously, but that started me. When I reached my 40's and was more in tune with my feelings and my body, I would realize what I was doing while I…
  • Good Sunday Afternoon to everyone. I love 50 year old women. You are all so down to earth, real, dealing with real issues. Gone are the ridiculous concerns of our younger years. Now we major on important issues. It's very refreshing. Our health, loved ones, our roles in life, work, friends. These are the things that add…
  • So my DH says " shall we order from Applebee's low calorie menu?" Not only do we never eat there , but ordering low cal food is just not on his radar. Then when he gets home, I see him measuring out his gass of wine with a measuring cup. I'm pretty pleased, this is so much more fun doing it with someone than on my own. .…
  • Wow, two pages of updates is a lot to cover. But it's nice to see what people have to say. I was a good girl today and got in my 4th workout this week and didn't procrastinate. Minor miracle if you knew how good I was at making excuses not to exercise. Going to have a spinach smoothie after I write this. 389989' CWS4me,…