

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Happy Hump Day back.
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    Hello Hump Day
    My daughter took our aerobics tapes back to college with her. I've been too lazy to find an alternative while I wait for the new ones to ship. Lazy me!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Hello all! Just joined recently and I spotted this thread and definitely belong to the 50+ group. Looks like a great place to find some motivation, inspiration, support and positive thinkers. Looking forward to the comments and shared experiences.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Yeah, the snow has stopped. Not one inch as predicted but TEN inches. Ha. At least it's not bitterly cold with gusting winds. Just a lotta snow.

    Take care and I hope everyone who's not feeling the best will be back up and around soon.

    Lin in Central Iowa


    P.S. I adore all of the pictures that have been posted the last several days. Ladies you are gorgeous!!
  • Already posted once but it was lost. I'll try again.

    My "weight-by-date" is acting up so I'll have to log food here... but that means I'll have to input all of my food again.

    Whoever it is that has depression, I have had depression for years and may be able to offer you some help or at least some friendship.

    Whoever it is that lost 71 pounds thus far and went skiing... what an inspiration for me! You said it felt good to move. I hope to be able to say that someday because right now I am so fat I hate to move. I never ever thought I would be saying that! Ugh.

    What a lovely bunch of ladies!!!

    Loads of Love to you all!!!

    Janice from Ontario
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    Just a quick stop to send good wishes for all who are ill or struggling, congrats to all who are making progress, and thanks to all for their funny stories and motivation. Someday I will be able to respond to all, but work this year is crazy busy. I went to a conference yesterday and will be going to another one Friday. I love the chance to learn new things and the time to talk with my coworker, but the trade off is trying to prepare for a sub, do I guess I better get back to it!!

    janemartin- great job getting to the gym this week. I haven't made it, but have been remodeling a room- soon to be my office/sewing room. Guess I am burning some calories that way.

    Jane- Your pics are beautiful!! I too was having trouble figuring out which was the daughter!!

    DeeDeee-Sounds like you are feeling better!

    Meg- Love the book story and the wi incident!

    Michelle- I wouldn't want to leave the warm weather and sunshine either! Have a safe trip back.

    Lin C- Hope the weigh in goes well!

    Have a great evening!

    Deb A in CNY
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good afternoon my Lovelies,
    My name is Kate and I am a CHOCOHOLIC!

    I finally stopped being Cowardly Lion today and stepped on the scales this morning (with great fear and trepidation I might add) after avoiding them for some time. February has made me crazy. Remember that 200lb barrier wall I was so proud to knock down? Well I’m tapping on it again from the wrong side. I gained 5 pounds and I know how I gained the weight; it was those bags of chocolate chips that I dipped into every time I was frustrated (daily). I logged some of them but certainly not all the absentminded dipping after hours. I wanted to blame the disappearing chips on ghosts but unless a ghost was standing on the scales with me…. I am totally to blame. Darn it! And I have been tossing my ‘big’ clothes so I can’t go back!

    I thought I was sweating the small stuff and allowing it to devour me but I realized this morning as I sat in the Doctor’s office with my husband that I hadn’t felt safe since I knew about this appointment six weeks ago. This morning’s appointment sat in the back of my mind as a giant threat to the health of DH and our future and it festered there. I have issues about feeling safe or the lack of it, going back a long ways and the outcome of this appointment had the ability to threaten all that I hold dear. Thankfully it was good news and life can continue… or rather get back to normal ….. now must I.

    After five days of a pounding headache, feeling more like our national monument ‘Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump’ than human, I finally visited my chiro yesterday and he said I was so tight he could hardly move me. Just call me ‘Armadillo’, armour-plated and rolled in a ball for protection, consuming chocolate chips in case of a famine! What we do to ourselves!!

    But, now that I have loosened up, so has the universe! On a trip back from Lowes this afternoon with tiling supplies, I suggested to DH we could duck in quickly to a ladies wear shop close by to see if they had any eveningwear, then I could return on my on to shop. Mr. Impatient took the time to help me shop (!!!) and I came home with 2 evening gowns (one scarlet, one eggplant) and an evening jacket, all at 70% off! Saved $400! Gowns look good and will look even better if I can get back on track and lose those pounds I gained. YIPPEE!

    At the beginning of this week it seemed there was a tiny black cloud hovering …. just hovering, taking small pokes at us here and there…..

    Monday morning, “It’s broken” he said.
    “I kind of figured that one out Sherlock, how do we fix it?” I was laughing as I was talking to the tech department at head office after our computer system had melted down completely and failed to show any signs of life when I arrived for work. He had me down on all fours under the desk (I was not so much worried about my dignity as my ability to get back up).

    “Now, Tim, you understand who you are talking to here, right? I know up, down, on and off. Forget the techno jargon.” He had me following wires from one black box to another, (what a Gordian knot), all the while talking to him on the phone; unplug this, plug it into there, hold down the button, no, okay plug it into an new outlet somewhere else…. the snake pit growth …. now there are wires extending across the room to the other outlet. It is a temporary fix that took 2 ½ hours to accomplish by we amateurs, once I had help. It felt like a skit from ‘I Love Lucy”. The whole thing looks like a conglomeration of temporary fixes over 20 years and is in serious need of an update!

    Tuesday, I was lamenting the fact that the flat tire on my truck as a rotten way to start the day when my boss came in with a broken arm, poor thing; she had fallen during the first hour of her short holiday get-away and spent 5 ½ hours in emerg. She wins for bad luck this week.

    Yes, I know I am way behind ……

    Robin - Oh the witch is not behaving at all well is she? Time to pull out the big guns….. VOODOO dolls! With lots and lots of pins

    I must be away,
    May the universe answer all your prayers.

    The moderately crazy person in Central Alberta
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Happy (Bump) Hump Day!!! page 3 ...wow :laugh:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    bump! just a bump for hump day~ i do not like my bod of spam, i do not like it, Sam i am!
    (it's Dr. Seuss's birthday on Friday) :tongue:

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Kate: Ah, the ol' Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump! Southern Alberta shrine....hope you did not want to jump too! So sorry that you have had such a terrible few weeks....there is no getting around the fear of disease, is there? I am glad it all worked out...

    Thanks to everyone for their good wishes, I am feeling much better after this 3rd bout of cold/ flu/or sinus? Not clear exactly where this comes from......

    Will add my laughter to Meg's weird Wii experience and other comments later.....just had to reply to the Canuck!

    Flames or Oilers? from the Land of the Leafs....(groan!)

    BJ SWOnt
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Hello everyone. yes I'm still here. Finally out from under the fog of the heavy pain meds and feel up to writing hello. My recovery from surgery is going well. Not too much pain anymore, so since I'm off the drugs, I have more energy now. I'm going a little stir crazy, we keep getting tons of snow, and all I can do is look at it from my window and think of all the fun I could have out there. I'm not able to leave the house on my own, without some assistance, so hopefully if some of the snow melts, I'll be able to get out in the next few days. Since I'm unable to do any normal physical fitness regimines, I have come up with a bunch of floor exercises I can do plus my hubby moved my weight bench up from the basement and I can lift some weights. It's not doing much for me aroebically, but at least I'm trying to find some ways to move and do something. 3 months off my foot is going to be quite an emotional challenge, but God is reminding me to take it one day at a time. And my little reward this morning was that the scale finally budged again. I'm full of the joy of 2 pounds lost. Oh happy day.
    Congrats to everyone who is doing well, and hanging in there, and step by step improving their health one day at a time.
    :drinker: Here's to all you women warriors.

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    ......and I forgot to say that while last year's gown was a size 20, this year's gowns are a size 16!!!!!!!

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Ode to Dr. Seuss :tongue:

    I do not like thighs jiggling like jam~

    I do not like them, Sam-i-am!

    I do not like my bottom that sags,

    I do not like my under-arm bags,

    I do not like flab here or there,

    I do not like it anywhere!

    I do not like my belly of spam,

    I do not like it, Sam-i-am!

    I do not like my body of bloat,

    I do not like hips like a boat!

    I must count every calorie,

    By air, by land, or even sea!

    By drinking water every day,

    These extra pounds MUST go away!

    I do not like my weight (by damn!)

    I do not like it, Sam-i-am!!!

    Janie :tongue: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • beetpoet
    beetpoet Posts: 63 Member
    Ode to Dr. Seuss :tongue:

    I do not like thighs jiggling like jam~

    I do not like them, Sam-i-am!

    I do not like my bottom that sags,

    I do not like my under-arm bags,

    I do not like flab here or there,

    I do not like it anywhere!

    I do not like my belly of spam,

    I do not like it, Sam-i-am!

    I do not like my body of bloat,

    I do not like hips like a boat!

    I must count every calorie,

    By air, by land, or even sea!

    By drinking water every day,

    These extra pounds MUST go away!

    I do not like my weight (by damn!)

    I do not like it, Sam-i-am!!!

    Janie :tongue: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for Ode to Dr. Seuss! This really cheered me up. Terrific!!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Kate- Love your post! You have a great writing style. Congrats on the lower size!! Glad you were able to find gowns.

    Janie- Love your Ode to Dr. Seuss!! Very creative and true!

    Deb A in CNY
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump... until later. Thanks for the votes for the green lace dress -- it really is my favorite! I'll have to see how it looks on and how I end up feeling about the price. It is just flirty and sassy.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Bump for tomorrow...goodnight Gracie.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Meg - so glad you're having such a wonderful day. I love to hear things like this. I feel good today, too. Pants fit good, I can't explain it but I just feel good. Today was in the 70's, low humidity, we had the door open, it was such a nice day, not rainy or anything. There is no way you're more inflexible than me! So sorry about your daughter, I hope things work out for her (and you). I had jicama once and thought it was starchy. Was it just not fully matured or something? I try to coordinate my food shopping with trips for something else, and I usually try to buy only what's on sale. If it isn't on sale, I buy it at WalMart usually (unless I have a coupon which WM doesn't double but another store would). You should have warned me to get the tissues close by!

    We went out to dinner tonight. I got the blackened catfish. Vince got this fried shrimp and flounder. He couldn't finish it so he brought it home. The cats don't like the breading so I tried to take as much off as possible. I couldn't get over how oily my hands were! You know something? Even the cats won't eat the fish!!!!

    retiree - welcome!

    Lin - don't you just love when you get more snow than is predicted?

    Janice - keep coming back here, we all post about our ups and downs. Pretty soon you'll be in "up"

    Kate - if you need any motivation, those gowns are certainly the ticket! And a bargain, too. Not to mention being a smaller size. You're like me when it comes to computers, as long as the on/off switch works and I know where it is, I'm fine. Now Vince on the other hand......everything in the house has to be networked, he tells the electrician which type of wire to use, he builds computers. Me? Total illiterate.

    Karen - good for you finding ways to do exercises! Congrats on the loss

    Logging food BEFORE eating it really helps, I found that out tonight. I logged my food knowing that there was a banana that I needed to eat. After logging, I found that I had enough calories for it so that's not something that I need to have tomorrow morning.

    Don't anyone laugh at my breakfast tomorrow. I have some cottage cheese that I need to finish up, some hard boiled eggs that I made, and, yes, ice cream. I will have some cereal, but don't have any more milk and don't want to buy any since even the ones in boxes have an expiration date and they'll probably go bad by the time I get to finish them, so I'll just have water.

    Janie - great ode! Loved it

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    sad Michele who will be leaving for NC tomorrow
  • mouth5667
    Love, love, love, the ode to Dr Seuss! That made me smile. I haven't been on here for awhile, been active with my logging, just been doing it from my phone and unfortunately you can't access the community boards from a mobil app. :frown:

    I hope everyone is doing well. We have had snow and ice here and they are talking about getting a little bit more over the next few days. Hopefully we won't get much as I am getting ready to hit the road. Going to Tulsa Friday with a group of ladies from my church for a women's conference, coming home Saturday. Sunday we drive to my mom's to celebrate her 75th birthday (she only lives about 35 miles away) and then on Monday my husband and I get to go to Las Vegas! We are meeting up with family out there that we haven't had a chance to see in several years. I will try to be good!!! Hopefully all the walking we will do will make up for some of the meals that most likely will happen.

    Keep up the great work and I will "see" you when I get back!

    Lori H
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Love the ode to Dr. Seuss.! I have not posted lately...or been lurking ....or been logging....time to get back to it. I have been mixing up my workouts and during the week the food choices have been ok...its those weekends that have been oh, so bad! :blushing: I have missed my vitamin f...one of March's goals is to get my daily dose of vitamin f...you ladies are so inspiring and FUN!:flowerforyou:

    Be back soon!
    hugs and high fives