

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi Gang! WOW I missed a day and I finally got to the end of the posts! Again I will say I love this group and can feel that I am going to have more success thanks to you!!!!!
    :smile: JB - looks like you have made some postive changes!!!! Your workout sounds great... Love the quote about greens!! I'm on it
    :happy: Geri ~ That sounds crumby...Glad you are getting better!
    :smile: NoDiva ~ I love your goals - Welcome to MFP
    :noway: Wessecg ~ OMG stop..I know I'm a day late on this since it seems your doing better...but really your first gain since August???? WTH..put on your big girl panties and enjoy the cookies then move on to good choices!!! It's all part of the journey...There was that tough love????? :wink:
    :smile: Karen ~ So happy your hubby is really on board..mine isn't but hasn't stopped me. He will walk or hike with me but in not interested in putting in the work to lose that beer belly :laugh: Oh gosh I so want to go get some laser stuff done or a peel..I have started saving...got a couple 100 in my drawer...time to make the appt
    :happy: Jane ~ Good job at the buffet!!! Yikes taking care of parents a whole new tread...I am pro and excepting of it now..but a support group on Parent Care would be amazing!!!!!!!! Oh I sell food...not a good job for someone who struggles with weight..however it has been over 17 years and now over the last 2 I think I have it under control.
    :smile: Michele ~ Bosu ball....is that that half ball you balance on??? Sounds great!!!! So glad to hear your ankle won't be holding you back! I am a believer of catching it before you make it worse....at our age it's important...YIKES did I say that out loud??????
    :wink: Lori H ~ Glad your husband is OK - Time to take care of you
    :bigsmile: Denise - my quote friend!!! Love em keep them coming. Hey I am with you, thought I was fat when I was younger...look where that thinking got us!!!!!!! :noway: Now I see I am thinner but still am VERY critical. The mind is very powerful and it's time to get it to help us instead of hurt us!!!!!
    :flowerforyou: Wannabethin - you mean GONNABETHIN!!!!! So sorry to hear about your husband :heart:

    I have worked out really hard the past few days..attending some intense boot camp, crossfit classes along with a butt kicking TRX class yesterday...I was seeing spots and thought I was going to throw up!!! I am really stepping it up in 2013...I want to get the body of a true thin fit person..maybe even an athlete...yes alot of work is involved..but I feel amazing and confident from the work I have put in over the last year!!! I can't wait to share some new classes I have been learning about and attending at the gym I just switched over to along some good recipes I need to get back to helping me stay on track while traveling for work.

    I could go on...but really need to get to my procastination goal and get a couple things done:bigsmile: Pretty sore today..cold and rainy out..but I just might lace up my shoes and go for a walk!!!

    Welcome to all the NEWBIES...keep posting this site will take you to great places!!! Have a wonderful day
    :heart: Judy - So Cal
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :frown: Started by saying this would have to be a quick post, but I lost it so now I'll have to be even quicker :noway: :grumble:

    I didn't check in yesterday, it's taken me ages to catch up (hence the quick post) so sorry Robin I missed your first veggie challenge, maybe nexgt time.

    :flowerforyou: Wannabe I started the 30 day shred in November and was doing quite well until I caught a cold and didn't exersice at al.l I managed to finish Level 1 and was half way through Level 2 but was just too tired to exercise on a morning before work and too tired after work. I'm now starting to exercise again but haven't restarted the shred yet. I'm doing a Rosemary Conley DVD, but I will start the shred again soon.

    Better make a move I've been sat down for too long, things to do etc. I'll have to log my food later.

  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow ladies, this is quiet the post-I am NEW so this whole posting thing will require some work-I am a Lifetime WW-that has fallen into bad habits!!! Went to the gym the 1st time yesterday after I started this site-am looking for motivation & recipes!!! It would be cool to share???? We used to share on WW site-Is there a recipe posting????
    Still getting used to this new MFP-Today is my last vacation day till I go back to teaching the 5 yr old!!!!-So I really need to make the most of it!!!!-
    :love: Happy Sunday to all-Hope I can open my laptop everyday to read about all my news cyber friends-LOL-( I have a dinosaur phone-no smartphone!!!!-but my kids & hubby do -of course)
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Good Sunday Afternoon to everyone.
    I love 50 year old women. You are all so down to earth, real, dealing with real issues. Gone are the ridiculous concerns of our younger years. Now we major on important issues. It's very refreshing. Our health, loved ones, our roles in life, work, friends. These are the things that add richness and value to life. Glad I can get hope and encouragement from you all.

    Jane, I hope your back feels better today.

    Meg, be healthy and whip that sinus infection and show it who's boss

    Gail, sounds like you had a productive day, even if your workout got put on hold. It's hard being a woman, so many things vying for our attention.

    Laurie, Hi, I too was a WW member, but I appreciate this free website and I actually find this online community more helpful than the classes.

    Dee Dee, I got in that workout. Yeah me. Thanks for the advice.

    Ishipley. Welcome. Just the name Shred scares me away. I know I'm not fit enough yet. You go girl.

    Tigress. Hi

    Lyn, praying for someone, who I assume you only know online. What a wonderful gift. I have a grandaughter who has a congential defect that requires many surgeries. She is only 4 and has already had 15 surgeries in her little life. The amount of people who pray for her, many that we don't even know, is a gift that I can't begin to show my true thankfulness for. But those prayers have made a very real and tangible difference and I am humbled and amazed by that gift.

    Liz, I hope your family drama lessons. That must be a very painful experience. May you feel God's love and blessing and healing to your hurts and not let this turn you toward eating that only hurts you.

    Suebdew. Hi to you.

    Katia. I'm one of those mewbies. Hope to get to know you all soon.

    Colleen Happy Sunday to you.

    Barbie, how are those resolutions going? Special thanks to you for organizing this great thread.

    Michelle. Hi there. Hope to know more about you soon.

    Barbara from Idaho. Hope you had a good nights sleep.

    Amanda, I too am worried about you walking at 3am. You must live in Heaven :-)

    Rd, hail to you as well. What a fun salutation. Where are you from?

    Tigress, Protein Pancakes, that sounds interesting. I love pancakes, but mostly don't eat them if I'm dieting. Want to share the recipe?

    Lin Here's my smoothi recipe: I cup blueberries , 1/2 cup Chobani Vanilla nonfat greek yogurt, I cup raw spinach, I/3 cup pineapple tidbits, 1 scoop whey protein powder, 2 Tblsp orange juice concentrate, I cup water and a handful of icecubes. Blend well in blender. Makes 2 servings with 20 grams of protein in each serving and 182 calories. Usually use as an afternoon snack.

    Dee Dee, Hi, thanks for water reminder. I need to do better at that. I'm only getting in about 4 a day, and I now if I bump that up it will really help weight loss.

    Sally great job getting back in the program.

    Ellie hope 2013 is the year for you too, as well as all of us.

    Jen from NY. You sound so much less stressed today. Hope it's a good day for you.

    Julie Hi

    Wessecg, I agree with you about people having profile pictures. I love that also. Feels so much more personal. Hope that trend is taken up.

    M,, so are you saying that over 50 we really need to be doing almost and hour of exercise a day. That is something I really am going to have to transform myself to get there. I so struggle with that. There is always something more urgent, p ressing or fun to do. Hopefully this will be the year that I can make that a regular normal part of my life. Kudos to you for getting there.

    Well that's it.. I only got 2 pages of responses done. It's alot. Sorry to all the ladies on page 15. Only got most of 13 AND 14 DONE. It's hard to keep up, but I'm enjoying reading them all.

    Have a good day. Move your body and drink some water everyone. Here is to a good monday morning weigh in.

    Karen from Mi.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Karen--My protein pancakes are- two scoops of protein powder (I use visalus, cause I have it, but you can buy vanilla flavored) 1 Tbsp of Almond flour, 1 egg, a splash of Almond milk, to thin it a little and whisk. Makes me two tea saucer size pancakes with l tbsp of Smart balance and 2 Tbsp of Cary's sugar free maple syrup. I do spray the griddle with a Pam like oil. With my 2 oz of low fat deli ham, I'm a happy camper. If you read my food diary, I don't skimp on food. I would rather exercise more than starve. I don't use wheat flour, but you could, I guess. Some times I add flavorings, like cherry, or lemon, or orange. Yummy. They are higher in calories than most of my breakfasts, but it's Sunday so I have them.

    Welcome to all the new folks.

    Tigress from GA
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Ladies-- what a great topic this is, and how supportive the group seems!

    I just wanted to update about my failed New Year's resolution. I went to work planning to walk up the stairs. My bag of miscellaneous stuff broke, and I had to carry it without a handle-- I had been out for a week, had my computer, papers, books, etc, so it was quite awkward. No stairs on the first floor, so I went to the basement. Up up up, 8 flights of stairs. BUT, no way to get into the offices from the stairwell. I was so frustrated and irritated. I called someone on my cell, and thank goodness she was at her desk to let me in!

    So... decided to give that up and now I'm walking from a further stop on the Metro system to my office to add just a bit of exercise each day.

    Good luck to all of you-- looking forward to trying some of these delicious-sounding recipes.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Feels like i've been in and out of here all day just finished reading all the post. But not going to respond to any right now.So far today had a very good day food wise got 30 min. on the wii. Weekend is over.

    See you all tomorrow. And make this evening a good one.

    Linda C
  • c0c0nn0r
    I'm not sure how to post a picture..are there instructions somewhere? Maybe Kevin, our maintenance guy at our school will know how - he's good with this stuff and he's doing MFP so he's familiar with the site . I'm rambling - take care.

    Colleen IL.
  • mouth5667
    Hope everyone has had a great Sunday! Mine has been good, lazy, but good. Went to church this morning, then went out to lunch with good friends, followed by a nap! Now I'm trying to do see whats going on here!

    Djhobs: Today is a new day! And I hope you don't get sick too, flu shot?

    Wessecg: I find weighing no more than once a week to be right for me. Depending on what I ate the night before (especially Chinese or Sushi) my weight might flucuate by as much at 2 pounds!

    Gloriadw41: Keep up the activity and make sure you log your food intake, it really makes you aware of what all you are eating when you log.

    LinCharpentie: Sounds like a busy day! I make what I call "Freezer Soup". I put a large container in the freezer. Everytime I have a little leftover vegi's, I add them to the container. When it's full, it's time for soup!

    Renny: Thanks for the challenge! It really helped me be aware of WHAT I ate, not just the calorie count!

    Linder4866: I tried Zumba last year at my church and HATED it!! I felt like an uncoordinated fool! Maybe trying it in my own home wouldn't be so bad.

    Rjadams: Sounds like you have had a very successful day and I agree, baby steps, baby steps, baby steps!

    Dmendel64: I UNDERSTAND!! I have had weight/self image issues since high school. It hasn't helped that I have a mom who has what I fondly refer to as "fat-a-phobia". I have been on MFP since September 2011 and have gotten some great support. I just fond this thread the other day but I already love it! Hang in there.

    Wannbethingi: Glad you're here but remember, it's not a DIET, it's a lifestyle!

    Yardtigress: Your pancakes sound like something I need to try. I have a real problem with my blood sugar plumetting if I eat nothing but carbs for a meal (pancakes, waffles, french toast). I will have to try this!

    Nebslp, onmyway, nancymellor, srm1960, I am new to this 50+ group too but so far, I love it! Welcome!

    Going to go start making dinner. Broiled salmon, tossed salad, and roast cauliflower. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Lori H.
  • mouth5667
    Oh, and FiftySixFit, I wish I could do the stairs but my stupid knee won't let me anymore! Parking farther away is a good option!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I'm not sure how to post a picture..are there instructions somewhere? Maybe Kevin, our maintenance guy at our school will know how - he's good with this stuff and he's doing MFP so he's familiar with the site . I'm rambling - take care.

    Colleen IL.

    Use a site like photo bucket and copy the image code. it iwll have bracket IMG bracket at the beginning and /IMG in brackets at the end. paste the image code here and change the upper case IMG to lower case img in both spots.

    you can see what it looks like if you go to someone who has posted a picture and use the quote button. what you see in your reply box is what the code looks like.

    Hope that helps

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

    Go Seahawks!!!!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    What a busy weekend! We got to ski both yesterday and today. My legs are feeling it! The weather is supposed to be warmer for this week so we probably will not be able to ski until it cools down a little again.

    Still doing laundry, preparing for the week, and finishing up schoolwork so I need to keep this short.

    Have a great evening all!

    Deb A from CNY
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi fitness pals! What apretty day outside! It’s cold-ish (in the high 30s) but very sunny and bright. I felt up to going to work today and my colleague joined me so we are sure we are all set to start tomorrow. I go from 7:30-5 so I hope my voice holds out! She took one look at me and said “You look like &*#% (poo) so now I am dying my hair!

    I was a little druggy this morning and backed right into dh’s jeep. Fortunately I was only going about 1 mph so no damage was done to either car!

    Gail: sounds like you too enjoy the peace and quiet of work on weekends! I actually love working on weekends because I can get so much done!

    Laurie: you’ll get the hang of it! Welcome to our group

    DeeDee: hope you are having a pleasant Sunday and once you put on your tiara you looked mahvalous!

    Lshipley: welcome

    Tigress: hoping you too are having a great weekend!

    Lizmil: so sorry about your family drama with sil! Sending you hugs! The lazy river sounds like fun!

    Suebedew: l love your clothes hanger hint!

    Operator: welcome!

    Barbie: your dedication is AWESOME! I could not get out of bed that early to walk the doggies.

    Michele: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not at 57!!! Holy cats I am sorry to hear about that! Well let’s hope it goes away soon. I just keep hoping my uterus falls out!

    Barbara: nice to see you again! Glad you didn’t have a cigarette to grab!

    Amanda: hope all goes well at the nursing home today! We got a live Christmas tree from a tree farm and I couldn’t watch it get cut down either!

    Tigress: what are protein pancakes?

    Sally; I haven’t heard of the books but will be interested in hearing about them

    Ellie; welcome!

    LinC: do you use kilograms? One pound = 2.2 kg. You might already know that but it sounded like you were having conversion problems. Yes on the antibiotics. Now waiting for all the side effects!

    Jen: stay well. As my doc “kindly” read me the riot act….take your vitamin c!

    Julie: keep coming back!!!

    Wessecg: I had a hilarious mental image of you bouncing all over the back of a horse! I’m the same way about reading. I think I read carefully then someone refers to something written by someone else and I can’t find it either! I’d like to add to your suggestion about photos….a name would be helpful for me instead of a nic that is all numbers…just easier to remember!

    M: a new cohort of accelerated students starts tomorrow! I love my job in that I kind of follow them. I have them as freshmen,
    sophomores, then again as seniors. It’s great being able to see the changes in them! Your snow sounds lovely

    Gloria: welcome and congratulations on your impressive weight loss! You can reach your goals!

    Renny: I love the challenge idea. We have vegetarian dinners 1-2 times a week. That would be easy to incorporate healthier breakfasts and lunches on those days too! I consistently eat 25-30 grams of fiber a day so I am good there. Congrats on your weight loss!

    Lin in Iowa: I’ll look for that DVD! But dang it…that means I have to learn how to use our “media system”. OMG it’s a man’s best friend. It is all connected to the internet….VHS, TV, DVD, CDs, internet, computer…blah blah blah. We’ve had it for 6 years and I just figured out how to watch TV by myself!

    Robin and babies: still kicking that dreadmill, eh? I love reading that! IT makes me smile.

    nebslp: welcome! Any chance you are from Nebraska (neb)?

    NancyG: welcome to you too. Good for you to already be getting the weight off from the holidays. 4 pounds isn’t bad…the average gain is 12-15! YIKES

    Dmandle: I think most of us here have issues with self image…at least I know I do. I am appalled when I look in the mirror because I don’t “know” how fat I am, even though I know the scale says I am enormous! It’s so common. Good for you to recognize it!

    NancyM; welcome to you too!

    Wannabe: your soup sounds great, can you share the recipe? What do you teach? I teach nursing at a small private college.

    Rita: I’ll say hi and welcome to you too because you are new to me!

    Judy: wow you have been busy! All your hard work will pay off!

    Viv: what exactly is the 30 day shred? I keep reading about it

    Srm: welcome to our group

    Karen: I agree about us 50+ women but now that we have it all figured out, we’ll be old and forgetful! LOL

    Fiftysix: that sounds like something I would do! I can just see you calling your coworker!

    Lori: salmon is one of my favorites! We have it at least weekly. Around here the rumor (quite often confirmed) is that you will lose weight if you eat salmon the night before weigh in!

    Well ladies I am absolutely exhausted! I really need a nap but fear napping will keep me up tonight. I have enjoyed reading all about your victories…I won’t weigh in again til Friday with my fitness buddy. I decided to not use our home scale and stick with the “official” one at work, so I have not weighed in several weeks. I’ve done pretty well. So I don’t expect many suprises! Take care to all. Meg from Omaha

    Hi fitness pals! What apretty day outside! It’s cold-ish (in the high 30s) but very sunny and bright. I felt up to going to work today and my colleague joined me so we are sure we are all set to start tomorrow. I go from 7:30-5 so I hope my voice holds out! She took one look at me and said “You look like &*#% (poo) so now I am dying my hair!
    I was a little druggy this morning and backed right into dh’s jeep. Fortunately I was only going about 1 mph so no damage was done to either car!
    Gail: sounds like you too enjoy the peace and quiet of work on weekends! I actually love working on weekends because I can get so much done!
    Laurie: you’ll get the hang of it! Welcome to our group
    DeeDee: hope you are having a pleasant Sunday and once you put on your tiara you looked mahvalous!
    Lshipley: welcome
    Tigress: hoping you too are having a great weekend!
    Lizmil: so sorry about your family drama with sil! Sending you hugs! The lazy river sounds like fun!
    Suebedew: l love your clothes hanger hint!
    Operator: welcome!
    Barbie: your dedication is AWESOME! I could not get out of bed that early to walk the doggies.
    Michele: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not at 57!!! Holy cats I am sorry to hear about that! Well let’s hope it goes away soon. I just keep hoping my uterus falls out!
    Barbara: nice to see you again! Glad you didn’t have a cigarette to grab!
    Amanda: hope all goes well at the nursing home today! We got a live Christmas tree from a tree farm and I couldn’t watch it get cut down either!
    Tigress: what are protein pancakes?
    Sally; I haven’t heard of the books but will be interested in hearing about them
    Ellie; welcome!
    LinC: do you use kilograms? One pound = 2.2 kg. You might already know that but it sounded like you were having conversion problems. Yes on the antibiotics. Now waiting for all the side effects!
    Jen: stay well. As my doc “kindly” read me the riot act….take your vitamin c!
    Julie: keep coming back!!!
    Wessecg: I had a hilarious mental image of you bouncing all over the back of a horse! I’m the same way about reading. I think I read carefully then someone refers to something written by someone else and I can’t find it either! I’d like to add to your suggestion about photos….a name would be helpful for me instead of a nic that is all numbers…just easier to remember!
    M: a new cohort of accelerated students starts tomorrow! I love my job in that I kind of follow them. I have them as freshmen, sophomores, then again as seniors. It’s great being able to see the changes in them! Your snow sounds lovely
    Gloria: welcome and congratulations on your impressive weight loss! You can reach your goals!
    Renny: I love the challenge idea. We have vegetarian dinners 1-2 times a week. That would be easy to incorporate healthier breakfasts and lunches on those days too! I consistently eat 25-30 grams of fiber a day so I am good there. Congrats on your weight loss!
    Lin in Iowa: I’ll look for that DVD! But dang it…that means I have to learn how to use our “media system”. OMG it’s a man’s best friend. It is all connected to the internet….VHS, TV, DVD, CDs, internet, computer…blah blah blah. We’ve had it for 6 years and I just figured out how to watch TV by myself!
    Robin and babies: still kicking that dreadmill, eh? I love reading that! IT makes me smile.
    nebslp: welcome! Any chance you are from Nebraska (neb)?
    NancyG: welcome to you too. Good for you to already be getting the weight off from the holidays. 4 pounds isn’t bad…the average gain is 12-15! YIKES
    Dmandle: I think most of us here have issues with self image…at least I know I do. I am appalled when I look in the mirror because I don’t “know” how fat I am, even though I know the scale says I am enormous! It’s so common. Good for you to recognize it!
    NancyM; welcome to you too!
    Wannabe: your soup sounds great, can you share the recipe? What do you teach? I teach nursing at a small private college.
    Rita: I’ll say hi and welcome to you too because you are new to me!
    Judy: wow you have been busy! All your hard work will pay off!
    Viv: what exactly is the 30 day shred? I keep reading about it
    Srm: welcome to our group
    Karen: I agree about us 50+ women but now that we have it all figured out, we’ll be old and forgetful! LOL
    Fiftysix: that sounds like something I would do! I can just see you calling your coworker!
    Lori: salmon is one of my favorites! We have it at least weekly. Around here the rumor (quite often confirmed) is that you will lose weight if you eat salmon the night before weigh in!
    Well ladies I am absolutely exhausted! I really need a nap but fear napping will keep me up tonight. I have enjoyed reading all about your victories…I won’t weigh in again til Friday with my fitness buddy. I decided to not use our home scale and stick with the “official” one at work, so I have not weighed in several weeks. I’ve done pretty well. So I don’t expect many suprises! Take care to all. Meg
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Lori H.- I limit my carbs, because I am a diabetic and my protein pancakes are 8 carbs without the syrup 20 carbs with.

    Meg- even though I am limiting wheat I still like things like pancakes, I just found a way to make them without wheat.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    I have read the posts and caught up...it wIll take me a while to get to know the newer faces, but I look forward to it. Thank you, those who sent their good wishes...it means a lot!

    M: where are you skiing in your profile photo? It is one of our favorite activities! We normally spend Feb and March in Bit Sky, MT to ski.

    Barbara: (auntie BK). You crack me up! I have missed reading your posts while I was MIA!

    Michelle: you are just as busy as always. I guess I missed the details about your finished pool. Hope it turned out as you hoped!

    Robin: sorry to hear your boss woos, but proud of your MFP success.

    A well-meaning, sweet neighbor brought over my husbands favorite treat: Rum Pound cake! He doesn't eat sweets normally but adores this...well, so do I, of course. I have logged what I ate (rats!) and asked him to pls hide it somewhere! It isn't a good thing to have in this house...this is what has been going on during DH's recovery.:grumble:

    Sorry not to respond to more of you...must get dinner to DH! :heart: Kackie

    Sorry this is so short today...dinner needs to be served!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Well ladies, tomorrow is the second chance at new years changes - school is back in in these parts tomorrow. And even though I am no longer working in the school system, after a lifetime of having my year shaped by the school calendar, school startup still feels like new years for me. So september and January always signal fresh starts for me.

    So tomorrow I start with a to do list of things that got neglected over the holidays - phone calls to make, appointments to book, routines to establish. And of course, that will include all those healthy habits that need to be continued, now with increased vigor and determination. So let's see some healthy eating, some regular exercise and some substantial water consumption - AND logging of all of the above.:smile:

    On your marks, get set.....GO!

    glenda from still-sunny and windy-again western Canada
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Also lost my post, rats! (sorry Jane!)
    M - liked your statement to not think of it as cheating but instead a treat we're allowing ourselves. Good idea! Also, if we're over 50 we must exercise at least 60 minutes to lose weight. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. Most days get about 45 minutes. Think I'll try two sessions a day for 30 minutes.
    Michelle - sorry, I forgot about your foot. Hope it gets better soon. What I had was called hem-cranial contusis (sp) means really bad headache that doesn't go away. The neurologist gave me some meds that took care of problem within two weeks. However, he was the third neurologist I'd seen in the 6 months.
    Lin - I'm going to look for the Live it Up Zumba Gold. My DIL had zumba DV which she said she couldn't do so I know I couldn't.
    Welcome to Nancy G and OnMyWay. Hope you'll post your picture and join us to chat.
    Rita - I love MFP because I can start fresh everyday. So Can You!
    srm1960 - welcome I am also a LT WW member. You have had success with weight loss before so you can do it again.
    Lori ID - can I come over your dinner sounds yummy!
    Meg - be careful what you wish for because your uterus could fall out! I had bladder prolaspe and it's no fun.Bet Lori will lose weight tomorrow because she's having salmon tonite.
    Getting out of here before it disappears again.
    Sue - N/C Texas (N/C is North Central)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbara, when I decided to start weight training I did it at first by myself while watching a TV show of my choice (recorded on DVR so I can watch at the time I want to). My journey to health is the most important thing I’ve done for myself in recent years so I don’t worry about what Jake thinks……it turns out that he’s very impressed at what I’m doing. So one day when he wanted to watch something on TV with me, I told him that I’d be doing my weights while we watched……we have to pause the show when I take off the ankle weights because of the loud sound of the Velcro straps that hold the weights on my ankles.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I love walking early in the morning when it’s still dark.

    :flowerforyou: Sally, I haven’t heard of The 4 Hour Body, but my library has it so I requested it…..I’ll try reading it and report on it

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I didn’t join your challenge this week, but I have been more mindful of including and increasing vegetables...I like the idea of choosing the day of the week that works best.

    :bigsmile: A note to all the new people
    if you are reading the posts, you are doing this right……jump in and reply when you feel like it.

    :flowerforyou: The best exercise is the one you’ll do……Zumba doesn’t interest me but zillions of women love it…….I have a lot of friends who play Pickleball so I watched the players who play before one of my line dance classes and it looked very boring to me……but I walk every day and line dance three days a week and do weight training and I love all of them…..I love yoga, but I guess I just don’t like getting down on the ground because I can’t seem to get going with it. If you’re having trouble finding the best exercise, just don’t give up.

    :flowerforyou: Colleen, it’s not too hard to post a photo as your profile picture if you have photos saved on your computer….go to your profile, click on edit photos, then browse on your computer for the photo you want to upload, then click upload photo.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, one reason I can get out of bed so early to walk the dogs is that I go to bed very early…..if I stay up too late then I get up later.

    :flowerforyou: The meeting yesterday was wonderful……lots of good friends , inspiration, and good information. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch---fabulous food but too much sodium. Not much time for walking so I walked and jogged a lot while watching TV before going to bed early.

    :flowerforyou: We are doing an Isagenix cleanse today. I walked the dogs for our usual long time this morning then walked with a friend for almost an hour. Since then we’ve been relaxing and watching the football playoff game. Our football team won today. We recorded the game so we could pause it to walk the dogs.

    :bigsmile: Thank you to all of you who sign your posts with a name and a location……..(even a fake name and a general location)….it helps me feel closer to you and imagine where you are and what climate challenges you have (and what time zone you’re in)……pictures are great, too, although, as you can see, my picture is dogs:laugh: :laugh:
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    barbicat: thanks for doing this thread. I love the picture of your dogs. I have an apricot standard poodle, 5 years old that a friend needed to find a home for this summer so she came to my house. What an elegant clown my Ginger is.

    Goals for January: Use stairs in the parking ramp at work instead of the elevator.
    Two servings of broccoli and one serving of fish per week.
    Go to laughter yoga at least once this month.

    Blessings to all in the new year! Sue