

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve read all the posts:bigsmile: and now I don`t have much time to post:frown: !

    Welcome to everyone who is new...I`ll eventually get around to responding more...I hope!

    Amanda:smile: Hoping your Dr. appt. turns out be nothing serious!!! Sending you positive thoughts!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Keeping my fingers crossed for you for a good weigh in!!!!

    I asked my stylist about the pink hair from the curling iron and she said she wasn`t sure, she had someone who every once in awhile when she used the curling iron on her it would turn her hair pink, however she could take a wet cloth and get it out, she told me to try cleaning the barrel with a light scrubby pad, it could have a coating on it that was reacting with my hair...so I`m going to give it a try again, after I clean it and on a weekend when I`m not in a hurry.

    Ack...it`s already 7am...where does the time go:huh: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi Barbicat and everyone else here! I used to be a dedicated MFP member years ago, and even reached my goal weight. I'd done it mainly through exercise, which was dancing to my oldies and walking when the weather permitted. However, I had very bad knees, and once I stopped the exercise, and continued my bad eating habits (eating everything in sight, especially goodies!) I started to regain some of the weight that I'd fought so hard to lose. I've since had my knees replaced, and am just now getting back to my dancing again. I thought that it was also about time to get back to MFP, but on the numerous times I checked out the boards, I was appalled at what I was seeing and reading, and wasn't sure about coming back. Then I saw your group, and started reading, and didn't see any of the bickering or belittling going on, and decided I WOULD like to try MFP again. I hope to make some new friends who can help me with my renewed efforts to again reach my goal! (I guess I'll have to go into my profile and change things, but have to go out soon, so it'll have to wait. )
  • jenbear1973
    HELLO, i just joined this morning! New Year new start, need to get in shape, lose weight, get healthy! My birthday is next week, and as I'll be 58, I NEED toget stronger and healthier! I have a few health issues, that will be improved greatly when I lose the weight, but I really want to be able to play with the grandkids and not just sit around and watch them.Any helpful tips will be gratefully accepted, and I hope I can be part of your group. Have a great day! Jen
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Breakfast is cooking so this will be short.

    Linda C. the book is called "The first year, Type 2 Diabetes, by Gretchen Becker" if the library doesn't have it, send me a message with your address and I will send you my copy. I have read it. And yes, your doc is right even 10 lbs will help.

    Meg- Hope you feel better.

    Michele- Yes so true. Sometimes I do dream about being at work.

    Tigress from GA
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    My doctor is arranging a scan for me next week. Will be glad to get it done quickly x
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning,
    It is great to get back into the MFP rhythm. Amazing what tracking does for me. I had a chat with my friend about my goals and my questioning which plan to follow or what to do to break this stall. I really need to information because it is not "Just" exercise or calories that make it or break it for me....it is eating the food that works in my body and moving that is so important. MFP really helps me fine tune it. I think I need to do the emotional work of breaking through the old tapes, or belief system, that seems to cause me to get in my own way.
    Barbie....I think I am seeing that there are just some foods I need to stay away from--they just set me up for difficulty.
    Linda...thanks for the encouragement!!

    Have a good day,
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok. Chocolate chip cookies before bedtime are not a good thing. My scale said I gained 1 1/2 pounds this week. It's the first time it moved in the wrong direction. I am going to wait until tomorrow and see if it's still there.

    On another note, my fitbit says I wake up 12 to 18 times a night and usually have a sleep efficiency from 88 to 92%. So my husband wore it last night., He woke up 2 times and had a sleep efficiency of 98%. So I really am waking up a lot. I guess I'll have that sleep study done now.
  • dmendel64
    Yesterday was only day 4, but it was very hard! I felt so hungry last night before bed... the strange thing is I had eaten dinner just 3 hours prior, so I wondered if I was REALLY hungry or if it was because I am used to snacking in front of the TV each night? I kept thinking if I were REALLY hungry wouldn't my stomach be growling? I decided to go to bed before I broke down and ate at 10pm. So... I am happy this morning that I made it threw the night and today is a new day!

    Wishing you all a successful day ..... Denise
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Congratulations MFP! Top ranked weight loss program!

    Barbara, the AHMOD of the heatlthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    January: Log, move and listen!

    SWSY or matminutes: 3=30 2=30+SWSY arms 1=30
    steps: 3=7146= 2=12223 1=3104
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Yesterday was an emotional eating day for sure. My DD#! left to go home after a week long visit. She is a grown young lady with a life of her own but I am such a baby about her living so far away from me! Now that the holidays are over I will get the decorations down this weekend and plan a week of exercise and healthy meals. My goal is to attend a yoga class, do the kettlebell routine and maybe try a Zumba class. I know we just posted monthly goals but I think I need to go a week at a time for now. I am the coordinator of a Biggest Loser challenge at work so hopefully that will help. I will let you guys know how it goes.....

    Welcome to all the new ladies! This group is the place to be!!!

    To all the oldies but goodies- thanks for your continuing support!

    Take care,
    Carolyn from Southern MD
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    good morning all...

    so after bragging how i was around all these sick people during the holidays, and that i didn't get sick...well, guess who got sick yesterday....ucky!!! trying to stay with the eating right though!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning ladies-Happy Friday!

    Sorry I've been MIA so long but I'm back and trying to get back in the swing of things!

    Carolyn-I can so relate to how you are feeling with your DD leaving to go back home! My DS was here for a week long visit with his wife and I was so depressed when he left because I have no idea when we'll see him again! It may be year before we are all together again and he is definitely not a phone person so I feel very out of touch with him once he's gone. Although I know he is an adult now and has his own life, that doesn't make it easier. :frown:

    I put 2.5 lbs back on over the last week but am very thankful it wasn't more with not logging and eating a lot of junk! Getting back into healthier eating and logging once again so I can lose the next 30 lbs. by summer hopefully. I did go clothes shopping since I'm going to be working again and got a few XL sweaters so I'm happy with the progress I've made so far. Didn't do bad with December resolutions. Here goes for January-walk at least 30 min. 3X a week
    -continue therapy exercises at home on a daily basis
    -be less critical and more accepting of others

    I'm hoping it's just the stress from the holidays but I'm extremely on edge and feel like I'm going through menopause all over again!:grumble: Thanks for listening and best wishes to all of you in this new year!


    P.S. On a good note my DD joined MFP. She realizes that with her current health problems now that she does need to make some changes and is actually pretty happy with this site so far!:smile: My DH, that's another story but we will see what happens next week with his bloodwork and stress test.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I put on my rainbow cloak this morning and apparently it had so much power in it that I repelled my boss all the way home!
    she took a vacation day today so I am almost giddy with positive energy and good feelings. What a great way to end an awful week.

    So I have been on my dreadmill for an hour each evening even though I really don't want to be. I am logging my food and staying under calories. Baby steps. But at least I am doing them again.

    Have Fantasic, Fabulous Friday my dear friends.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I'm off to the VA with my dad again this morning. I started reading the posts from yesterday, but don't have time to finish, so I'll post for as far as I've gotten and hopefully get to the rest later today. Have a great one!

    Karen from Michigan -- I think you're wise to start with one month goals if persistence is a problem... that way it isn't so overwhelming and will soon become a habit! I eat between 1200-1400 calories each day, depending on how much exercise I get in. I don't always eat all of my exercise calories, but do quite a bit of the time.

    JNHeff -- Congrats on being promoted to the regular gym!!! I'm glad that physical therapy has done you so much good. Let's learn to stop procrastinating together!

    Mwheatcraft54 -- Your metabolic quickstart sounds way too restrictive if you are hungry. This is a lifestyle change that you can maintain, and I don't think anyone can maintain being hungry for long, even if it is just for a week. Thanks so much for asking about me! :blushing: I saw my son for Christmas, but not my daughter. This was the first time ever that she wasn't with me, and it was difficult. I'm seeing a doctor for a second opinion on my foot next week, and hoping they'll have something to offer. I'm really frustrated that I traded one problem for an even worse one!

    Well, time to leave for the VA. Catch you all later!

    Jane from Colorado
  • wannabethingirl2
    wannabethingirl2 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!
    I'm trying to figure out a good exercise "schedule" for when I start back to work on Monday. Since I'm on break, I can go do a video or jump on the treadmill, walk dog, etc. whenever.....I'm worried that once school starts I'll be "too tired"...which is, of course, silly.

    Anyway - I think to keep my metabolism going and because I'll be limited in time-especially in the mornings - I thought about breaking up my exercise and wanted to see what you guys thought about it. I thought I'd try to get up early (I have to be at school by 7:15 and I live about 25 mins from work).......:huh: and walk on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes. After school I thought I'd :love: walk the dog for 30 mins or so (I'm usually home about 3:30. And then after dinner I'd do either a:glasses: workout video or do the Wii Fit aerobics for 30 minutes. None of this is very strenuous though - I also need to fit in some strength training - but I'm new at that so am looking for suggestions, please!?

    THANK YOU!!:flowerforyou:
    Marita ~ Illinois
  • dmendel64

    I can always use some positive and inspiring quotes so I thought I would share with all of you ladies as well!
    Make it a great day,
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Friday!!! I should be working :grumble:

    :yawn: Linda C - Yikes 4am!!!!???? I started taping Dr Oz since he is covering the New Year New You stuff. I tuned in last night and learned a few things I am going to try. For sleeping...since that is VERY important for our health and weight loss..is Ok it sounds funny...Passionflower Powder. He said you can get it at a health food store or on line. 1/2 to 1 tsp in tea, milk, pudding etc..will relax your body and mind and give you a natural good night sleep:yawn: Wessecg..might work for you too. I sleep good, my hubby not so much..so I am going to get some and give it a try! One more thing they said you can get a free white noise app on your phone!
    :noway: BrenNev - I'm with you some of the boards can get off topic...It's important to stay away from the drama!
    :smile: Sally - Back to Dr. OZ. He had Chris Powell on.. I was taking notes in front of the TV like a dork. He has an eating plan that looked so easy!!! 3 catagories take a food from each one and make a meal. Looked yummy and easy. catagories were fight fat, boost metabolism and squash hunger. He has lists on Dr Oz .com
    :flowerforyou: Carolyn & Kathy - It must really be hard when your kids move away!!! Mine are 21 and 18 and still live at home. However they are never home - out with friends, working or school..so I am getting use to it. Hang in there. The internet, and texting etc must help alittle, right??
    Robin - You are cracking me up!

    Well I better get to work....I am in sales so I make my own schedule. Should be on my work computer addressing e-mails, soon I am heading out to meet some co workers to clean out our cold storage then lunch. I am counting on making good choices!!!! For sure hitting the gym this evening!

    Have a Good day!!!! ~ Judy So Cal
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Marita and Denise posted while I was writing my short story :laugh:

    Maritia - sounds good to me...work out when you can fit it in it all counts...sorry to be a Dr Oz freak here..but I got a lot out of it... they showed a GREAT looking work out that took 9 mins a day..could be a good place to start. You can still walk the dog etc.

    Denise - Love the quotes!!!!!!! They help so much!


    We've got this!!! OK I really have to get to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    What is the title to this book on diabetise maybe I could find it at library.
    They got me early only at 7.5 at my 3 month blood work.
    She thinks if I lose ten lbs will make the difference.
    But I have much more than that to lose.

    Linda C

    DH has been an insulin dependent diabetic since age 18. He's always been good at managing his blood sugars, but put on weight as we got older, just s I did. He also has MS, which we've known about for about two years. He's been feeling better and having more stable blood tests since we began this myfitnesspal journey. He's also been moving better. It didn't take long to notice the improvement. I credit our new more disciplined lifestyle with helping him deal with both diseases. The improvement began immediately, even before there was much weight loss.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Ok, so far I swam 2 miles this week. They are having a swim for life thing at the pool. I did 84 minutes today. I am going to try to get to 2hours by summer. Those last laps were tough.

    Marita- all exercise counts, and it gives you energy, not the other way around, so if you are tired exercise.

    Denise- I hate being hungry, so if I want a snack, I have a couple cups of broth (low sodium) I like the swanson's, but there are others too. And I get a 1/4 cup each of carrots, bell pepper slices and either turnips or some other crunchy veggie. You can even get some popcorn flavors(sold near the popcorn) I don't think they are much in calories, wet them veggies and shake on the flavor. Maybe a total of 120 calories. I never go to bed hungry, it breaks my will. I just have a healthy snack. You can look at my food diary if you want.

    Tigress from GA