
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbaraaloska: Sequim is a lovely spot. I hope you’re happy there. This is a wonderful group of women. Post often and get to know people. I'm glad I did.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Kale: DH likes collards, but we haven’t tried Kale. We do like other members of the cabbage family. When I was a kid our German neighbors cooked something Mrs. L called Chicken Kale. I never tasted it, but you could smell it a block away.:frown: Maybe you can find a less odorous way to cook it.:wink:

    We've had a good day attending the grand opening of our niece's business, and eating lunch out. For some reason, I'm all worn out at this point. I guess the cat has my tongue again.:tongue: Nope! There it is!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good Sunday morning to all – there are tiny little snowflakes drifting down here, not much, just little spurts every so often. I’ve been watching the birds at the feeders this morning, especially the chickadees. Who would expect the tuxedo clad ones to be the dine-and-dash type? Mookers the Cat has also been keeping a close eye on them; she’s been chittering away at them from the windowsill, switching her tail back and forth for a good hour now. Today will be a lot of vacuuming and cleaning etc. etc. with breaks for dog walks. That and a long Skype session with DD2 to go through all her boxes and determine what I’m bringing her from her spring wardrobe and her books.

    Renny - there is a book by the Queen of Kale Sharon Hanna; “The Book of Kale….” There are some great recipes in there as well as tips on growing and lots of info about the goodness of kale. I think she has a blog too. I noticed you mentioned Rebar, my daughter and I go there when I’m in Victoria visiting. Congrats on the granny-to-be status.

    Cheryl – your puppy-boy is beautiful. I love the expectant look on poodles’ faces. They always seem to be saying “Come on, let’s go, fun time”.

    DeeDee – haggis is a mixture of minced offal and oats , onions, suet and various spices cooked in the stomach of the animal (usually sheep). Sounds gross but it can taste pretty good but nutritionally it’s really high in fat and sodium (think pork sausage as a comparison). I expect they will serve very small portions at the Robbie Burns dinner I am going to as it is very time consuming to make and most people leave it on the plate (offal puts most people off, didn’t’ mean that as a joke). At least you can’t see the liver and heart and tongue and lungs in it because it’s all ground up. It’s the neeps and tatties that will bother me most – they’re going to ruin my mash by added horrible turnips to it thus rendering it all inedible.

    Well, back home again after the Robbie Burns dinner at the Anglican St Andrew’s Church. It was a lot of fun, food was fine, company was good, the pipers were wonderful, the Highland dancers were very, very good and the sing-along was a fun way to end. All in all a very nice time. I actually managed to eat up to my 1200 calories today. Now if this haggis would just stop repeating on me, everything would be great in my world.

    Hope everyone had a nice Sunday and it appears so from most of the posts. Good night until tomorrow when I check in again to see what is going on with the Vitamin F crowd.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I got up late this morning and have no time to chat:sad: !

    Lila:smile: I`m almost sorry I asked what haggis is:noway: ! Sounds like you had a great time at the dinner!

    Gail:smile: I tried kale chips once and I just didn`t like them at all, I like most greens, but kale is not high on my list! Maybe homemade would taste different.

    Mary inWA:smile: My dogs name is Noel and sometimes I shorten it and call her NoNo, I`m sure I`ve confused her:laugh: !

    Have a great day ladies:flowerforyou: ! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in once again icy NC:sad:
  • Been on this for about 4 weeks now, and quite frankly, I'm getting really discouraged. I have NO METABOLISM at all. I lose 3 lbs, gain 3 lbs. I'm being very diligent in my efforts... treadmill, zumba 2 times a week, really watching my diet. I keep telling myself that it' doesn't matter if I lose any weight ( I'm 5;7" and weight anywhere from 196 - 200 depending on the day), but I feel better. But you know - it does matter. I'm a 6 year post bariatric patient who used to weigh 300 lbs. I DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN. I don't know what to do to change things. Any suggestions????:frown:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today is suppose to be my dayoff but a co -worker is having a family emergency so I got called in. Sorry they are having problems but must be honest I don't want to go in. :grumble:

    @Lili - I always wonder what haggis was. Now I do and will never taste it for sure.:noway:
    @Gail I never had kale chips before. Maybe I will give it a try.
    @Dee -- have a good day :flowerforyou:
    @Lin -- thanks for the info on fitbit.

    At least today I only half to work to 3. Heading to the. Y after work. I need to get moving time to finish up getting ready for work.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am enjoying a very unexpected snow day. We are really the only school in the area that is closed. Forecast is for light snow followed by freezing rain and ice. Guess our district took it seriously. It is better not to bring the children in and then have bad roads home for the ride home.

    I will take advantage of the rare extra time to do some extra planning and to try to get report card grades finished. I am planning on getting in two good workouts and some time to relax with my knitting. Also a good day to download some new tunes to my i-pod for workouts.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Deb A
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Oh darn yesterday I took notes on 2 pages. Typed them all in then they wouldn't post. What a bummer. And such a big loss of time.
    Today I read most post but no time for notes. It's my morning to go to work. I work from 9 to 12. Doing home care. Easy she's a good friend.
    Had a fair day yesterday wii showed a bit of a grin not much but a little bit. So it's on to a good day today. Need a few good ones to see a loss at tops on wed. want to get my 8 consecutive loses in. Want the bath towel. And don't want my name taken off the Valentine's day bath sheet. Only four names left. If you gain your name comes off.

    So it's on to a good good day today.
    Back later. I'll respond to post if time allows.

    Linda C
    See you all lighter.
    If you believe you can. That's half the battle.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Monday Morning Vitamin Fs,

    It is very icy and cold, just before it turns hot....safe travelling today for everyone..

    Have a healthy day today!

    Lin, the advantage of being so far north is you get to miss this mess!

    Will check in later,

    BJ, SWOnt
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Good morning everyone. Don't have time to post to everyone. Washing machine being delivered in a few minutes. Broke down this weekend Quickly just read through the last page. Noticed a certain amount of talk about Kale. I put it in my smoothies also, interchange that with spinach. Blends up fine and would never know its there. Great way to get those extra verges and antioxidants in.
    Well this weekend I challenged myself to get in all my water. I was probably only getting in 4-5 glasses before and I bumped it to 8. Finally after 3 weeks the scale moved 2 pounds. Plus I have been much more conscience of adding more exercise, since I have been hearing from all of you that movement is what it's going to take. Thanks for the encouragement and good examples during my frustration. I know they helped.
    Last week we were at 0 degrees, last night a ice storm, and today it's supposed to get to 50. Everything is sloppy and melting outside. Live in Mi. And so far I have only had one week of winter sports. Crazy.
    Talk to you all soon. Drink your water. I certainly am.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Karen from Mi.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Haven't posted in a while, but love reading everyone's updates. We floored in our attic this week... and now have repositioned all our treasures! You'd think I'd be a stick after ten thousand trips up three flights of stairs... ha! joke's on me!

    It's a new week ... and renewed commitment to nutrition and exercise...
    Does anyone else get frustrated when you're eating "right" and getting in exercise and your body just doesn't respond the way it used to... or you hoped it would! ? Aargh.

    I think I can, I think I can.... :smile: Off to exercise, drink more water and eat my fruits and veggies!
    Have a great day!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Ah, Monday again. :happy: Got up early so I can take the time to read and respond to posts.

    I was very watchful of my food this weekend but strayed too far with the wine, so have to drink lots of water and get back on track today. I am drinking less than I used to, and here’s a commitment: alcohol free for five days. :drinker: Hold me to it, girls.

    Oh happy day! I got my hair cut short - and I love it.:love: It grew longer when we were travelling and I got used to it, but it's been driving me crazy, in my face when I am curling, and always wearing a head-band when working out. So, back to short, and I'm loving it. Will post a new picture soon.

    Yesterday was almost sunny, and relatively warm, so instead of running intervals on the treadmill I went outside and ran intervals on the old Ferry Landing road. Whew! It was a lot harder work in the slush, wearing my trail running shoes instead of my light-weight runners. :explode: was pooped. Not only that, but the “gym boss” ap I have on my phone as a timer kept re-setting to zero, so I never knew if I had finished all eight sprints! I think I did about ten in the end.

    Renny, Rebar! I have the Rebar cookbook & their salad dressings are divine. Would love to actually go the restaurant and try the “real thing”.

    Mary in Renton, Holy Smokes that crossfit sounds brutal. Wowzer.

    Meg, Congratulations on your underwear nsv! :flowerforyou: Get rid of all that baggy old stuff and never look back!

    Robin, I hope you are having a super-great time in Vegas with your girls.

    Judy – couldn’t agree more about strength training, it’s the best. Don’t know if I could keep up with “Cozmosize” class, though!

    Katia49, Super congratulations on the new smaller pants for the new smaller you!

    Ahh, Lila, no scotch? We Anglicans aren't usually so puritan. What’s a Robbie Burns night without a “wee dram”? I hope you had a toast to the Scot’s when you got home.

    Amanda, I am picturing you resisting the shoes … Oh to live in London and resist shoes!

    Jane, I am so sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your feet – and worry about your son. He’ll have adventures, that’s for sure.

    Hi, Foodie! I like spin classes too, it’s good sometimes to have someone else telling me to get up and go!

    Kale … try this: 1 cup chopped kale, 1 banana, 1 T peanut butter (unsweetened/unsalted) , 2/3 cup greek yogurt, 1 cup skim milk. Blast away with the blender until smooth. Tastes like a green peanut butter and banana sandwich. :noway: Really. Really, it does. I have it for breakfast a couple of times a week.

    DeeDee, I don’t know if you can confuse a dog about it’s name. Sometimes I call Buster-the-Poodle “Witless” and he comes along just fine. He is a silly dog. Not yappy though. I finally taught him how to fetch – it took a fuzzy rabbit toy and cheese.

    I channeled Michel yesterday and made zucchini loaf, apple cake and blackberry muffins (had to get some stuff out of the freezer). I have a flour grinder & grain from the local grain share too, so mixed spelt and red fife flour. I did not sample but J’boy says things turned out very well. That sets me up for his lunches for the next week or two.

    Must go now and begin the day – have fun, everyone.

    Hasta pronto,


    January goals:

    6 workouts a week
    Connect to my family (emails once a week to parents & sisters)

    “Connect” is my word for 2013. I will try to make a new connection each month (this is inspired by The Happiness Project)
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Morning ladies!

    What a wonderful weekend we had! Got a lot done and even went and saw the Winter Carnival Ice Castle at the Mall of America! Very different! Not a traditional castle at all! It's all icicles - mostly big ones! And lit up with thousands of LED's, some of which change color. We had a wonderful time. Made me feel like a little kid again!

    And then today, wake up to 5-6 inches of snow...we were supposed to get an inch! ya, right! So, who gets stuck at 5:45 trying to get out of the driveway! lol...yup me. Didn't make it past where the plow did it's thing at the end. So, shovel, shovel, shovel...nope, ain't moving. Needed something for traction....found some black oil sunflower seeds for the birds...guess what!? they worked! LOL

    Hubby is going to come out to clear the driveway and wonder what the heck all those sunflower seeds are doing there!

    :) Barbara - welcome! I've been fighting weight gain my whole life too...it really got out of hand when I quit smoking and then took a new more sedentary job.....I've found that trying to build some muscle back up is really helping, in addition to the eating healthier and less!

    :) Dewest1001....hang in there! I felt the EXACT same way about a week ago....one week later and I'm feeling completely different. I was so tempted just to say "screw it...is it really worth it???!!! " But I hung with the healthier eating and added some strengthening exercises and I've lost 1 1/2 lbs this week! so thrilled. and I too feel so much better!

    Off to work for me. Have a great day everyone!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, I started feeling a little better yesterday, but this morning I woke up and ended up hugging the john. I have a tender tummy in the first place and hope this is not that virus that is going around. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Wow.I'm finding it hard to keep up with the posts here.

    Someone mentioned WII fit: I love that game. The balance ones are best. I'm 51. I'm starting to wobble when I put my socks on.

    Barbara--Diets are sometimes a good motivator, but changing eating habits is where it's at and the healthiest way to go about it.

    I had a great weekend. Made it over to Reading Terminal Market to get "real" African Black Soap. I love this stuff, but it has be be imported from Ghana, I think it is. It does wonderful things to my very fine hair. Try it if you can find it.

    I had a New Year's nonresolution-simply-a-goal to really improve my painting. Took an art workshop with a very popular, well-known artist and have come back energized to get working on my paintings again. So motivated, I dropped dollars on new art supplies. Why does motivation=spending money to me? lol.

    Was sick forever. Am finally feeling 100%, but now my running is back at only about 2 miles. I used to run a 5k a day up until December. There are definitely differences to being in your 50's and your 30's. I just didn't notice until now.

    I am a Green Smoothie'aholic. Secured dandelion greens at Reading Terminal Market too.

    So far, I'm on track with my 2013 nonresolution-simply-a-goals.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I went to the store and bought kale yesterday --- will try it soon. I was enthused about trying to juice, but was distracted with a bottle of Naked Green Machine, so will drink that first. I really need to make a commitment to more fruits and veggies. I just never remember to eat them, somehow, and I know that I need to.

    The fight is on with hubby over our son, and it makes me sad. It just doesn't make sense to me to give him 4 days notice that he's on his own and needs February rent. What is he supposed to do? Deal drugs or prostitute himself? It takes longer than that to find a job and get a first paycheck. I suppose that the rest of the family will chip in, but it makes me really angry when hubby does things like this. It's extremely tempting to go behind his back.

    DeeDee -- What type of appetizer did your granddaughter make last night? How fun! I'll bet it was great.

    SueBDew -- I live about 14 miles from Parker. It's a small world, isn't it? I've always wanted to go to Egypt -- it's on my bucket list to see Luxor and the pyramids. I would probably be okay in Iran, although the state department forbids it, of course. I would be with my husband's family most of the time.

    Lin -- Thanks for taking the time to care and comment to me. I appreciate it!

    Karen -- Doing well with the water challenge this week. I usually drink 9 cups every day, and got it to 11 yesterday. Congrats on the scale finally moving down 2 lbs.!

    Tammy -- I think we all know the frustration of eating well and exercising, only to have the scale stall. Unfortunately, I think it has something to do with our age. I feel like I'm on a plateau more often than I'm not, but it is gradually coming off. Keep the faith!

    Nancy -- I'll bet your hair is cute! Good luck with your 5 day non-alcohol challenge.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Boy, is this group getting popular! I haven't been on since last week and couldn't keep up with all of the posts. Family just left yesterday after being here to attend the funeral of my FIL. So sad, but nice to see everyone. A few of us got together for brunch on Sunday. How can you diet at brunch? :huh: I had an orange crush, which was excellent, but too many calories. Also, since I'm not a big fan of eggs, I ordered the waffle with baked apples which came with awesome home fries (uh oh!), and a side of bacon. I only ate half, but was still surprised when I entered that the calories came out to 680. Wow they can add up fast!

    :laugh: Mary - I laughed while reading of you being tugged by your dog, as I have been in the same situation many times while walking our 100 pound lovable ball of fur when he wants to chase a cat, squirrel, or any other moving object that comes his way.

    :smile: DeeDee - So glad you finally have water! My dog loves to roll in the dirt, especially on hot summer days.

    :flowerforyou: Lin - Congrats on your amazing weight loss!!! WTG!!!!

    :embarassed: Linda - I can't even imagine how cold it is there. I have been complaining all week about temps in the teens and twenties.

    :cry: Laura - So sorry about the loss of your uncle. Nice to have those memories to share.

    :wink: Judy - That new found confidence probably helped you to land that job. Congrats to you!

    :smile: Karen - Stick with the healthy eating and the rest will follow.

    :flowerforyou: Katla - Kudos to you on losing a pant size. It sure feels great when your efforts pay off.

    :tongue: Michelle - I'm with you on the ice cream thing. Don't keep it around much anymore.

    :flowerforyou: Jane - Happy Birthday! I hope you and hubby can work out a compromise regarding son. Extreme measures either way are never a good solution.

    :embarassed: Barbie - Funny, but I was thinking that when I watch atheletes on TV I'm usually being a couch potato!

    :ohwell: Lori - That grandbaby will surely be worth the wait!

    :smile: Welcome to all the newcomers, and stop by often for some Vitamin F (my favorite new saying).

    Have a wonderful week, and keep warm....

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    it is Monday morning and we're off to a ....start. I slept in a little longer than usual and had my coffee. DH got up earlier than usual for him and mentioned that today is the dog's day to go to the groomer. Out of jammies, into clothes and out the door. I was an hour late at the groomers, but luckily another customer was an hour early.:bigsmile: We started regular trips to the groomer with our last dog in order to save our relationship with her. Keeshonden have LOTS of hair, and she wasn't so gracious about being combed. She'd wiggle and try to escape and I'd get mad, which shows you my stunted maturity level. :ohwell: When our girl passed away and we got the new pup we kept up with the groomer. I know when I've found a good thing.:wink:

    I can't believe how many calories I ate yesterday and still wound up under my goal! This opportunity to eat back part of my exercise calories may turn me in to a jock-ette.:laugh:

    Janehadji: Our kids are grown and gone, but I do remember exactly what you’re talking about. You might want to just fight it out with DH to get doable steps for your son. Otherwise he may move home. :noway: Don’t forget to mention that.:devil:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Are You Ready for some Super Bowl?!

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Monday!!!!! Well I want to THANK YOU for all the congrats on my new job! I am now waiting for the offer call with all my notes ready to go so I can ask for the $$$$$$:bigsmile:

    Kale - Hum...I am trying it again. I want to get it in my diet in a yummy way since it is so good for you! I found some frozen at Trader Joes...haven't done anything with it yet. Also thinking about getting a juicer and starting that :drinker:

    Am I addicted or crazy????????? I bet you are all board with my exercise - exercise - exercise. Saturday I took 3 classes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MELT, TRX and the Pilates!!! I just had to take yesterday off...Saturday night about 10 Cozomosizers plus the instructor got together for drinks...husbands came too and it lead to a second location and Kareoke!!!! NOT ME....but I did enjoy a few glasses of wine :drinker:

    Jane - So sorry about your Dad..that is frustrating and I know how you feel!!!! We went through it with my Mom the last year..it was always something...going to the doctor with no answer, 14 meds and changing all the time, calling the fire dept to help he get up when she would fall, etc etc. Hang in there!!! My cousin would tell me to remember nothing lasts forever!!! :ohwell: You son OMG...sorry again! I am feeling that too..mine keeps changing his mind and I've had to call him out on some not OK stuff he has been doing. He is 18 and I am happy to say has signed up for some good classes starting next week :happy: I'm sending positive thoughts your way! We will make it!!! I don't want to wish my life away but sometimes think I can't wait for 10 yrs from now when he has a good job and maybe starting a family :noway: :ohwell: :bigsmile: :cry: :drinker: ??????

    Well I should get to work...I still have to do my current job and start gathering info to pass on to someone else to worry about :wink:

    Have a GREAT day!!!! :heart: Judy
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was fun from start to finish – going away party for a neighbor on Friday, movie and shopping with DSD on Saturday, get-together with a friend on Sunday, then sushi dinner with DH last night plus some x-Games action. If only I weren’t so sore today – the kickboxing is kicking my booty! It’s so fun, but I’m feeling it.

    Lucy, again I’m sorry about your FIL, but it sounds like you all had a good time seeing each other. Funerals are indeed for the living. I can relate to the brunch deal – I made French toast yesterday morning and for the first time in forever actually sat down and had one slice. I had made a caramel-pineapple sauce to put on it and just had to try it. It was yummy, not too sweet, but it’s been so long since I’ve eaten white bread that it felt a little “odd.” I LOVE orange (grapefruit actually) crushes – we go to Chesapeake City to get them.

    JaneH, if you like it you can try adding v-8 to your list too – a good way to get a lot of veggies in a little can. Kale is really good for you – I toss it in all soups and a lot of casseroles. I completely agree that 4 days is not enough time. Granted, he had to know there would be consequences to his dropping out of school but he’ll need some time. He should have at least a month or so – but in the meantime does he have a friend he can stay with? DS did a lot of couch surfing in the early days.

    Allison, what is the soap? I always go to Reading Terminal when I’m in Philly – I LOVELOVELOVE the Thai stand there – the red curry and grilled salmon are the best. LOL at spending money on motivation.

    Tigress, {{{hugs}}} from afar, with a face-mask on. Hope you feel better soon.

    Julie, we had a the snow surprise this morning too. The ice castle sounds magical.

    DeeDee – love the bossing of the boys :laugh:.

    Welcome, Barbara in Sequim! I spent a good part of the weekend recommending MFP to my friends – I hope I’m not becoming one of those boring people who only talk about diet and exercise!

    Foodie, what are you painting? I love to paint but hope I don’t have to for a bit.

    Sue – I’m sorry to hear your foot is bothering you. I hope it gets better soon. I used to live in Parker – I loved it, could walk to almost every place I needed to go.

    Michele, watch out for that ball! LOL at having to avoid getting hit by a virtual game :smile:. I made whole wheat biscuits with yogurt last week too – and they are very good! I think the yogurt makes them “tender.” The only care to take is not to work the dough too much because they can get tough.

    Renny, we can buy kale here in big bags already cut into small pieces – and washed too. I throw it in everything I can.

    Mary, congratulations on another two pounds hitting the road! That’s great news.

    Gail, aren’t the kale chips the best? Yum! Good for you for getting out with your neighbor. Hatch chilis are the best. I LOVE going to NM in the fall (Sept especially around harvest festivals). DH spent the weekend obsessing about his chili he was making for the cookoff at his work today. It was beyond annoying – thank goodness I don’t obsess about each and every meal like he does – we’d never eat!

    Lila, your weekend sounds like a lot of fun.

    Hi, Dewest – that was my stats when I started too – and I can only tell you that the only thing that worked for me was diligently measuring and entering my calories each and every day, ensuring I ate enough but not too much, and working out A LOT. I mean, resistance training three days a week for an hour and 15 minutes and three days a week of cardio/yoga for over an hour each day, and then I added in another hour of walking each afternoon. It felt slow but I started losing around a pound and a half a week and have continued to do so pretty much ever since – to 40 lbs gone now since mid-June. YMMV.

    DebA, I opened the back door to let the cat decide if he wanted to go out or not (a daily occurrence) it was pelting the ground with corn snow/ice. Brr! I was surprised too.

    LindaC, that’s a good day – you didn’t get a frownie face! Good luck staying ON the list :laugh:.

    Karen, I too throw spinach in my smoothies many days. I find it adds a bit of tartness, but that could be from the blueberries too. Congratulations on the weight loss too!

    Tammy, keep doing the right things – it will change, I promise. Sometimes it takes your body a little bit before it adjusts to its new “normal.”

    Nancy, I’m with you on the wine-free five! I don’t find it particularly hard, but some weeks there are more social obligations than others. I’m trying to limit that a bit and not partake if it can be avoided :laugh:. Let’s see a picture of the new do!

    Laura, hope the outlets were good to you.

    Hope, yum on the mocha mousse!

    Lori, hope your baby gets here soon!

    Katla, I have a set of scales like that too. The kids have them now lol. I have my WW scale that I use now, and I have an upopened box in my closet for a scale that’s supposed to have a fat calculator too – haven’t checked that out.

    Cheryl, love the fuzzy puppy!

    JaneH, why would your family have a fit if you went to Iran? I understand the unrest and I haven’t looked to see if there’s a travel advisory or restriction (it’s not on the top of my places to go), but you’re a grownup and can make these decisions yourself :smile:.

    OK, back to work. Stay warm today if you’re like me and freezing. I’m kind of bummed – with the cold my fingers are shrinking and my brand-new engagement band (I picked one out for myself for my birthday – the jeweler made it a bigger size) keeps sliding off my finger. I’m going to have to get an adjuster for inside it soon.

