sonshinersmama Member


  • Got Turbo Fire last year and did it a little and then broke my leg about a year ago doing Roller Derby. Just started tonight and did the first it's like Turbo Jam on speed..gotta love it. So do we just keep writing here on this Topic to keep us as a group. I need some encouragement to keep going and Turbo…
  • Very inspiring story! I have had 10 kids and I love that you put your stomach picture up. I am on a journey to get healthy and fit after having 10 kids and then breaking my leg a year ago doing roller derby! I was thinking that my stomach may never lose the beautiful baby scars, but I earned everyone of them and they each…
  • I love the Turbo Jam's also! Mostly done the Cardio Party and the 30 minute one mostly. Want to do the others but haven't quite got there yet. I totally love her style..and feel like you get a real workout! I always feel great after I do her workouts! I wasn't quite sure how to put them in either, but I was amazed at how…
  • Hi gals, I haven't been putting in my eating..still trying to get back on track doing that. I haven't been eating within my calories I'm sure..uggh. But I have been working out..So I am hoping it kicks in and I lose some of this weight! I did lose it easier when I was younger too..seems so unfair! But on to happy thoughts.…
  • Okay it's a new year! :happy: Ready to make some committment to this losing weight thing. I would like to lose 50 lbs this year. My baby is now 6 months old. We just moved back home to Colorado after being gone for 2 years wandering the USA ;) (chasing work). So where is everybody??? Okay, fresh start new goals every week!…
  • Hey all..Went on a trip this last weekend. Home now and back at it. Did a Turbo Jam workout last night and one this morning..whoo hoo. Hard to start working out again after 3 days off and not eating great. But now I'm back at it. I don't have a scale at home, but I lost another 2 lbs when I did weigh. Yeah. Long story…
  • Sorry, didn't know how to quote..learning!
  • How do you all find time to exercise? Do you have equipment in your home? Well I have to say that it has not been easy to find the time to work out. I have never been able to go to the gym and for a long time made that my excuse of why I wasn't losing weight. But this baby and much to much accumulated baby weight I decided…
  • I have heard that nursing tea by Traditional medicine works really well. Nurse them more. That's what I do :)
  • Hi all! My goal this week is to do my cardio (45 min) every day. And to record everything I eat. And to drink my water. Today was a good day. We are going to friends this weekend, but I think we are going hiking. So that will help! Hope all are enjoying your babies..they grow up soo fast! Have a great week!
  • Hi all! I would love to join this post. Looking for friends to help along this quest. I have had 10 children. (20yo - 5mo old, 6girls and 4boys) When I was younger the fat just melted off. Well now after my sweet baby boy was born 6/29/09 I have to really work to get it off. So I now weigh 184 lbs after losing 14 since I…
  • To not still look 6 months pregnant! To get past the block I always hit and then gain! (usually get pregnant again:happy: To be 40 and look good with a one year old on my be able to keep up with that one year old! And thanks this is motivational and makes me want to really stick with it and the reasons why!
  • I'm new here too. Hoping that it is very motivational. It is nice being able to keep track of things.