Losing Baby Weight



  • marie2779
    marie2779 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I hope it is not too late to join! I had my second daughter Feb. 2009. I was really "lucky" to not put on much weight- only 20 pounds- unfortunately that was due to severe morning sickness. So only putting on 20 pounds I thought I'd lose the weight in a snap. Well- I started on here about a month ago with only 10 pounds down out of that 20! (oh- and my daughter weighed over 8pounds!) so- my first goal is to get down to 145- which was my prepregnancy weight for my second daughter after I meet that I would like to get to 140 (prepregnancy weight 1st daughter) My biggest challenge is exercising. I teach Kindergarten full time, no time to exercise in the morning as I have to get the girls and myself ready, then in the evening by the time they go to bed and I make lunches for the next day and tweak any lesson plans- I'm so tired and want to read a book and go to bed! So I need some motivation on exercizing. I do well eating with this site- have lost 3 pounds in a month- not too bad. Just need to keep watching the sweets! Thanks ladies- I look forward to this journey with you!!

  • mandita
    Hi everyone,

    I hope it is not too late to join! I had my second daughter Feb. 2009. I was really "lucky" to not put on much weight- only 20 pounds- unfortunately that was due to severe morning sickness. So only putting on 20 pounds I thought I'd lose the weight in a snap. Well- I started on here about a month ago with only 10 pounds down out of that 20! (oh- and my daughter weighed over 8pounds!) so- my first goal is to get down to 145- which was my prepregnancy weight for my second daughter after I meet that I would like to get to 140 (prepregnancy weight 1st daughter) My biggest challenge is exercising. I teach Kindergarten full time, no time to exercise in the morning as I have to get the girls and myself ready, then in the evening by the time they go to bed and I make lunches for the next day and tweak any lesson plans- I'm so tired and want to read a book and go to bed! So I need some motivation on exercizing. I do well eating with this site- have lost 3 pounds in a month- not too bad. Just need to keep watching the sweets! Thanks ladies- I look forward to this journey with you!!


    hi Marie,
    When I have DH home, I place DS in his arms, and I don't care about anything, I just start my workout. And after workout I have to do the other chores. Just do it. Don't think to much because you are gone end doing nothing.

    If I can't exercise for a whole hour, I am going a walk with DD and DS or we dancing in our home.
  • vipersgirl28
    I weighed myself this morning.

    I have lost the baby weight from this pregnancy. But then again during the pregnancy I think I dropped down to 274 and then went back up. I can lose that and then lose the almost 3 year old baby weight. lol

    I really need to measure my waist.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Updating the list...again, feel free to edit...

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Suzanne (squoozyq)...I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...

    Catalina (Mandita) ,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.

    vipersgirl, 37 years old. I have a few kids. I started myfitnesspal before I got pregnant with the last child. I am trying to get back into the habit of putting everything I eat into myfitnesspal now that I have had her. Right now I am cleared to walk.

    Carrie (MercuryBlue). I'm a mother of two from BC, Canada. My youngest was born a year ago almost to the day (the big first birthday is this Sunday!), and I'm STILL trying to shake off this baby weight, and then some!

    Sonshinersmomma...I have had 10 children. (20yo - 5mo old, 6girls and 4boys) When I was younger the fat just melted off. Well now after my sweet baby boy was born 6/29/09 I have to really work to get it off. So I now weigh 184 lbs after losing 14 since I started this venture. I will turn 40 next year right before my baby turns one. I would like to be far down on my way if not reach 135-140 my pre baby weight.

    Marie (marie2779)...I had my second daughter Feb. 2009. I was really "lucky" to not put on much weight- only 20 pounds- unfortunately that was due to severe morning sickness. So only putting on 20 pounds I thought I'd lose the weight in a snap. Well- I started on here about a month ago with only 10 pounds down out of that 20! (oh- and my daughter weighed over 8pounds!) so- my first goal is to get down to 145- which was my prepregnancy weight for my second daughter after I meet that I would like to get to 140 (prepregnancy weight 1st daughter) My biggest challenge is exercising.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    11/30/09 (week 2)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 191 pounds
    Pounds lost: 0
    Goal for week 2: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Personal Challenge for week 2: Eat within calorie limit each day!

    Well...this past week didn't go too great! I ate way more than I needed to over Thanksgiving, but I didn't gain any weight, so I will could as a success. But we are now thinking about going to Texas over Spring Break to visit my husbands grandparents, so I need to start working hard!! Otherwise, being in a swimsuit will be VERY uncomfortable! So, I am going to have to start really watching what I'm eating and getting that exercise in!

    Catalina...WOW!!! Definite results! You look FABULOUS!

    Marie and Sonshiner...welcome to our group!!!

    Vipersgirl...YAY on losing the baby weight!!!

    Everyone else...good morning!!!

    I'll check back later!
  • mandita
    ok YAY.....

    CW 59 kg I LOST 3 KG

    last week W 62 kg

    SW 65 kg

    GW 53 kg

    waist - 75 cm I lost 5 cm
    last week waist - 80 cm
    starting waist- 90 cm

    Today I did about 45 min cardio, but this evening I ate some balls made with cheese, eggs. Is it ok?

    I made this evening groceries so tomorow defintely a clean day.
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! My goal this week is to do my cardio (45 min) every day. And to record everything I eat. And to drink my water. Today was a good day. We are going to friends this weekend, but I think we are going hiking. So that will help! Hope all are enjoying your babies..they grow up soo fast! Have a great week!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    Had a good day yesterday! Went to the gym last night and did my 5K workout which is a mix of interval walking, jogging, and running for a 5K on all-terrain setting (so it changing incline and resistance). Felt great! Hoping to do the same again tonight!

    For all you who are breastfeeding or have breastfed, I have a question...when your kids went through these growth spurts where they are more hungry, what did you do to help increase your milk production. For me, I nurse in the morning, then pump a couple times during the day at work, then nurse 1-2 more times in the evening. When I pump, I usually get 5-6 ounces at the first pumping, then about 4 ounces the second pumping. My daughter is 3 months old on Saturday and has recently been more hungry. Last night, my husband was feeding her a third bottle when I got home and so I pumped and only got a couple ounces. So, am I producing less in the evenings? I just want to make sure she's getting enough. Any suggestions? I would rather have too much milk than not enough.

    Hope you all have a good morning! I'll check back later!
  • mandita
    Good morning!

    Had a good day yesterday! Went to the gym last night and did my 5K workout which is a mix of interval walking, jogging, and running for a 5K on all-terrain setting (so it changing incline and resistance). Felt great! Hoping to do the same again tonight!

    For all you who are breastfeeding or have breastfed, I have a question...when your kids went through these growth spurts where they are more hungry, what did you do to help increase your milk production.

    'grats for the good day on gym.

    When DS had growrh spurts, I could,'t find better results then bf more often. He stayed all night attached to my breast. For me it wasn't a big problem. Hope it helps . I am sorry I don't have better ideas.

    My DD has fever, my DS is teething and I succed to go to the dentist and eat 2 meals: fruits and yogurt with oatmeal :))
    I had a walk of 3 km, but I don't think today i will make any workouts :( .
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    I have heard that nursing tea by Traditional medicine works really well. Nurse them more. That's what I do :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not sure...for now I'm going to try pumping more often while I'm at work, and nursing more often while I'm a home. We'll see how it goes.

    I must say last night concluded a successful day! I went to the gym for a step class, which I haven't done since I first found out I was pregnant! I burned 580 calories! It kicked my butt, but felt GREAT! I can't wait to continue and also start going to spinning class again also! I will try that again in another week or so. Just going to ease my way back into my workouts!

    Well...off to start some work! Hope you all have a great day!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Why is it that I watch The Biggest Loser and somehow think I'm going to wake up skinnier? All I want to do now is bake cookies.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    all you ladies are doing so well! i can't wait to join you in February!
  • singcoz528
    OH Can I join?! I have a beautiful 6 week old little girl! I had her via c-section so I know what most of you have been through. My abs feel completely shot still. I was on MFP before my pregnancy and lost over 40 pounds! :bigsmile: Then we found out my Mom had cervical cancer and my diet became completely ruined. I turned for food for comfort. A month later I found out I was preggers and it kicked me out of my funk but I gained over 70 pounds :ohwell: My mom has since unfortunately passed away :cry: so I have had a lot to deal with emotionaly and I'm looking to get off the weight rollercoaster!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    We'd love to have you join singcoz528! I'm very sorry about your mom...what a tough thing to deal with, especially with a new little baby.

    I'm going to add you to our list.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Updating the list...again, feel free to edit...

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Suzanne (squoozyq)...I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...

    Catalina (Mandita) ,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.

    vipersgirl, 37 years old. I have a few kids. I started myfitnesspal before I got pregnant with the last child. I am trying to get back into the habit of putting everything I eat into myfitnesspal now that I have had her. Right now I am cleared to walk.

    Carrie (MercuryBlue). I'm a mother of two from BC, Canada. My youngest was born a year ago almost to the day (the big first birthday is this Sunday!), and I'm STILL trying to shake off this baby weight, and then some!

    Sonshinersmomma...I have had 10 children. (20yo - 5mo old, 6girls and 4boys) When I was younger the fat just melted off. Well now after my sweet baby boy was born 6/29/09 I have to really work to get it off. So I now weigh 184 lbs after losing 14 since I started this venture. I will turn 40 next year right before my baby turns one. I would like to be far down on my way if not reach 135-140 my pre baby weight.

    Marie (marie2779)...I had my second daughter Feb. 2009. I was really "lucky" to not put on much weight- only 20 pounds- unfortunately that was due to severe morning sickness. So only putting on 20 pounds I thought I'd lose the weight in a snap. Well- I started on here about a month ago with only 10 pounds down out of that 20! (oh- and my daughter weighed over 8pounds!) so- my first goal is to get down to 145- which was my prepregnancy weight for my second daughter after I meet that I would like to get to 140 (prepregnancy weight 1st daughter) My biggest challenge is exercising.

    singcoz528...I have a beautiful 6 week old little girl! I had her via c-section so I know what most of you have been through. My abs feel completely shot still. I was on MFP before my pregnancy and lost over 40 pounds! Then we found out my Mom had cervical cancer and my diet became completely ruined. I turned for food for comfort. A month later I found out I was preggers and it kicked me out of my funk but I gained over 70 pounds My mom has since unfortunately passed away so I have had a lot to deal with emotionaly and I'm looking to get off the weight rollercoaster!
  • singcoz528
    oh btw my name is Becca
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well then welcome Becca!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Updating the list...again, feel free to edit...

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Suzanne (squoozyq)...I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...

    Catalina (Mandita) ,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.

    vipersgirl, 37 years old. I have a few kids. I started myfitnesspal before I got pregnant with the last child. I am trying to get back into the habit of putting everything I eat into myfitnesspal now that I have had her. Right now I am cleared to walk.

    Carrie (MercuryBlue). I'm a mother of two from BC, Canada. My youngest was born a year ago almost to the day (the big first birthday is this Sunday!), and I'm STILL trying to shake off this baby weight, and then some!

    Sonshinersmomma...I have had 10 children. (20yo - 5mo old, 6girls and 4boys) When I was younger the fat just melted off. Well now after my sweet baby boy was born 6/29/09 I have to really work to get it off. So I now weigh 184 lbs after losing 14 since I started this venture. I will turn 40 next year right before my baby turns one. I would like to be far down on my way if not reach 135-140 my pre baby weight.

    Marie (marie2779)...I had my second daughter Feb. 2009. I was really "lucky" to not put on much weight- only 20 pounds- unfortunately that was due to severe morning sickness. So only putting on 20 pounds I thought I'd lose the weight in a snap. Well- I started on here about a month ago with only 10 pounds down out of that 20! (oh- and my daughter weighed over 8pounds!) so- my first goal is to get down to 145- which was my prepregnancy weight for my second daughter after I meet that I would like to get to 140 (prepregnancy weight 1st daughter) My biggest challenge is exercising.

    Becca (singcoz528)...I have a beautiful 6 week old little girl! I had her via c-section so I know what most of you have been through. My abs feel completely shot still. I was on MFP before my pregnancy and lost over 40 pounds! Then we found out my Mom had cervical cancer and my diet became completely ruined. I turned for food for comfort. A month later I found out I was preggers and it kicked me out of my funk but I gained over 70 pounds My mom has since unfortunately passed away so I have had a lot to deal with emotionaly and I'm looking to get off the weight rollercoaster!
  • vipersgirl28
    Hi Becca welcome. :smile: Sorry to hear about your Mother. *hugs* Congrats on your little girl.

    Kristin I sent you a message.

    I did two sets of 15 minutes today on the exercise bike(once in the morning and once in the afternoon). I put the bike on level 4 and I feel great despite having a cold that is slowly taking my voice away. I am just tired of being all flubbery right now. I also feel like I had hit a plateau. I know that the baby is not even 3 weeks old yet but I just couldnt just sit here and do nothing while I wait for the six weeks to pass. Since I started using the bike I am feeling better, more energy. :smile: