I'm New Here!!

This is my second day using MFP and I already love the ease of the program. I have tried other "free" calorie counters online and they have been so difficult that I have not stuck with them. I'm serious about getting back in shape and loosing about 12 pounds.......

My strategies to help me along are:

1) to stay within 1200 calories daily. And to make that a lifestyle change. I don't want to "diet!!" I still want to eat cookies and cake when I want to!! I still want to enjoy my life. But I need to learn not to over-eat and to account for what I'm eating.

2) I'm also seeing that planning is key. The more I plan meals the easier it will to make sure I'm eating the right stuff, and I can eat the "treats" I want, when I want.

3) I'm also doing Pilates every day for 20 minutes. I plan to add some cardio in as well, just not sure what kind.

Well, if any of you have suggestions, please share. I'm ready to live a healthier life. I do LOVE to cook, it is my passion, so learnign to cook healthier is going to be fun!!

Thanks & God bless!


    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • jillianarnould
    Thanks!! How do I get one of those cute weight-loss trackers at the bottom?
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Thanks!! How do I get one of those cute weight-loss trackers at the bottom?

    go to tools, and make one, then copy the code, then go to your home page, and then go to settings, then go to change forum signature, and you should know what to do from there. I hope this helps.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    This is my second day using MFP and I already love the ease of the program. I have tried other "free" calorie counters online and they have been so difficult that I have not stuck with them. I'm serious about getting back in shape and loosing about 12 pounds.......

    My strategies to help me along are:

    1) to stay within 1200 calories daily. And to make that a lifestyle change. I don't want to "diet!!" I still want to eat cookies and cake when I want to!! I still want to enjoy my life. But I need to learn not to over-eat and to account for what I'm eating.

    2) I'm also seeing that planning is key. The more I plan meals the easier it will to make sure I'm eating the right stuff, and I can eat the "treats" I want, when I want.

    3) I'm also doing Pilates every day for 20 minutes. I plan to add some cardio in as well, just not sure what kind.

    Well, if any of you have suggestions, please share. I'm ready to live a healthier life. I do LOVE to cook, it is my passion, so learnign to cook healthier is going to be fun!!

    Thanks & God bless!
    welcome aboard to an awesome site ..... you will get lots of support and motivation on here (the people are awesome on here) good luck with your weight loss :wink:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    You sound jsut like me...i looove sweets i jsut need to learn to eat them in moderation.....here are a few tips i have learned in the few days i been on this site....
    1. Log EVERYTHING you eat.....even down to the little bitty piece of candy you grabbed from the candy dish at someones work desk.....You will see how fast they add up
    2. fill out your profile for weight loss and go by teh calorie intake that mfp suggests....dont try to set your own goals cause you might actually be starving yourself
    3. for healthy recipes there is a forum and they have some pretty neat, tasty dishes
    4.ALWAYS eat your exercise calories......so if you are on a 1290 cal diet and work out and burn 150 cals make sure you eat 1440 calories.....if not you migth be putting your body in starvation mode and will not lose weight.
    5. Share your feelings or struggles.....we are all here to support each other and listen and give advice!!!! You might be surprised who else is going though the same thing as you!
    6. I started buying weight watchers icecream or cookies, or even chocolate cake, and they are low in cals and are nice to fix that "sweet tooth" without feeling horrible about it afterwards....i also buy 100 calorie pack chips or candy bars......pita chips are also a nice alternative to regular chips and are less in calories....

    Hope this helped and good luck and i can't wait to see your after pics!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    You chose a great site to join. I was offline for 2 weeks and didn't lose any weight, I get back online and I start losing weight again. It's a great site and really helpful.
  • jillianarnould
    Thanks!! I too, love that verse (phil 4:13)... And YES, we Can!!
  • ♥seoid♥
    hello hello!
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    I'm new here too. Hoping that it is very motivational. It is nice being able to keep track of things.