Losing Baby Weight



  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hello Girls!!

    Well, today is day number 2 for me. Yesterday I ate within my cals but did not work out at all. I will be hitting the gym tonight to ride the stationary bike and elliptical. I plan to weigh in every Tuesday but may have to take a sneak peak tonight because I think I have been loosing some water weight since I weighed in last week.

    I was reading Jenn's post and it is crazy to me the difference in weight loss when you are in your 20's than when in your 30's! I have lost 10 lbs since I gave birth and Jenn has lost 35 lbs!! So unfair! Old age stinks :wink:

    Kristin - I cannot believe Kadence is 13 lbs and 4 months old already! Oh, they just grow too fast! Amelia had her 4 week apt today and she weighed in at 8lbs 1.5 oz so she is big stuff now! She was only 6 lbs when we brought her home but she still seems so very small in my arms. I will load some pics on my profile of her today since I can never seem to copy and past photos into messages on this sight. That makes me feel old too! Haha! Having a treadmill will be awesome for you! Can you do exercise videos until then? I would not want to leave after being at work all day either! It is crazy how much you miss them when they are not with you. I cannot wait until it is warm out again so I can break out the stroller! That will be the life; enough of this winter bull crap!

    I am starting to take a supplement today called Fenugreek to up my breast milk supply as it has been dwindling. I am hoping by increasing my milk I can satisfy Amelia and loose weight quicker. I need all the help I can get! I just do not see this weight coming off easily; even my face is chubby. I hope with baby #2 I am not so deathly ill in the 1st tri and can workout instead of pack it on like I did with this one...

    Positive thoughts!!

    Hope you all have successful days!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    1/12/10 (week 8)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 187.0
    Pounds lost: 4.0
    Goal for week 8: Down 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Belly size(1/5/10): 43 inches (this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy, and I will only measure once a month).

    Personal Challenge for week 8: Cardio at least twice this week!

    Cris...yes. I can totally relate! I wish I had not been sick trimester one as well...let's hope it's different for both of us for baby #2 someday. Sorry about the lack of breast milk. I thought that was an issue for me also, but turned out to be okay. Is she nursing often? That will help. Or if you have a breast pump, you can pump between feedings. This will also help up your supply. I pump every two hours at work just to get two 6 oz. bottles for her. It's a lot of work, but it's free and better for her! That's the only thing that keeps me at it!

    Yep...I didn't get to the gym yesterday either. The plan is tonight for a run. Wish me luck!
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    Hi gals, I haven't been putting in my eating..still trying to get back on track doing that. I haven't been eating within my calories I'm sure..uggh. But I have been working out..So I am hoping it kicks in and I lose some of this weight! I did lose it easier when I was younger too..seems so unfair! But on to happy thoughts. Okay, maybe you all can relate to my analogy of life..like a frosting tube(you know the one you use in cake decorating class)..just when it's looking like it's coming out all nice, it is coming out the top too making a mess..Just how life tends to be. So even in that we shall prevail! Off to bed so I can workout tomorrow morning!

    Goal this week..to work out 5 times and log in my food. And drink my water!
    Starting weight 198
    Not sure what I'm weighing because I don't own a scale. Last I checked 176!
    Goal weight - 135!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Oh my goodness Cris! I just looked at your pictures! Amelia is ADORABLE!!!!! What an angel!!!! Thanks for posting them!

    So...I got my treadmill last night! We had to take it apart to get it down the stairs, so the plan is to put it back together and test her out tonight! WOOOHOOO!!! I am more than excited!!!!

    ANYways...need to start on some work! Have a great day!
  • vipersgirl28
    Sorry I have not posted in a while. We went to Wisconsin and Upper Michigan to look at houses and we got back this past saturday. All I have to say is thank you myfitnesspal for the app. I tried to log in my food while I was gone. I did gain while I was gone but I went back down thankfully. just two more pounds to hit 30 pounds lost since I had the baby this past november.

    I was thinking of asking hubby if he would mind buying a small portable stepper but I kind of see him saying we have stairs use them. lol

    Might be TMI but I ordered new panties this week. they should get here tomorrow or friday. I got them in a smaller size. First time buying panties that were not the just my size brand. I didn't want grandma panties anymore so I went to lane bryant's website. Ordered them from there since they have a sale right now. I figure I lost almost 30 pounds I should buy something nice. :blushing:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay for the new panties! I think I'm needing some new ones myself! :laugh:
  • SouthernMomma25
    HI, my name Is Kaci, and I had a little girl in July 2009. My weight has went up and down since. I gained prolly 5 to 10 pounds over the christmas holiday because i had my gallbladder taken out right before and i wanted to enjoy eating WHATEVER i wanted while we were visiting family, prolly not a good idea but man i enjoyed it. No that the new year is here im about eating right (as best i can) and working out. My husband is a Marine so he will be helping me witht he work out and losing a little himself, but not like me. I am the biggest i have ever been. 218-220. Im used to being around 170 and my smallest was 128. I wanting to get back down to 140 and be toned. The thing with working out with a man is that he is going to slim down and trim up alot faster than i will. Plus he is deploying in Oct and after he is gone i will still need support, so im hoping to make friends on here (other women) that can relate to having and newborn and wanting and trying to lose weight. What a challenge HUH! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!!

    Well, I had a heck of a day. My little one was up half the night and only napped in 15 minute increments all day and when she was awake she was fussy. Needless to say I did not get to work out but did not exceed my calories. I finally got a shower in just now at 10pm because hubby is finally home. Ugh. I do love being a Mom though even when it is challenging.

    Thanks Kristin! I cannot wait to see how our girls change as they grow over the next few months! They just keep getting cuter!! Congrats on your treadmill!! That is spectacular news; I am so happy for you!!

    New panties sound great! I cannot wait until I am able to buy new panties. I am off to the consignment shop tomorrow to find some larger pants because even maternity feel tight and uncomfortable to me right now. It is no fun to wear skin tight clothes when you are bloated with a baby belly and no baby in there!! I think it will help my self esteem to have clothes that fit; I just hate to spend the money on them. Oh well...

    Hi SouthernMomma! I am new too so we can start togther!


  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hi girls!

    I would really love to join your group! Kristen, our babes are very close in age! My youngest was born August 24th of 2009. My story is fairly similar to everyone else here. This baby is kid #5 for us. I had two from a previous marriage, as did my husband, then we had #5 together. With both of my previous pregnancies, I gained about 60 pounds and managed to lose all of the weight, so I feel confident that I can do it again. But I agree with the others that losing weight in your thirties is not like doing it in your 20s! I ate really well and exercised a lot with my previous two, but the weight just melted off. I swear I would seldom see less than a pound of weight loss a day. Not this time though! I had gained 25 pounds before I got pregnant this time (I blame a job change), and then still gained 60 pounds during pregnancy. I had lost about a total of 30 pounds after the baby was born and I was focusing on losing it. Then for some reason I said to heck with it and I gained back 16 pounds! I knew fresh motivation would come with the new year, and I have been eating very well and exercising almost every single day since the beginning of the year. I have 67 more pounds to lose to get back to where I was when my hubby and I met a few years ago.

    Now I am a stay home mom (just lost my previously mentioned making-me-fat-job due to a relocation) and I am loving that. I am very busy keeping up with 5 kids, housework, laundry, and the baby, but I am dedicated to doing this!

    Southernmama- men do lose weight so quickly and it seems unfair! LOL. My hubby is also trying to lose weight with me and he will probably be a stick figure before I even hit the 20 pound mark!

    CHuffmn- I can soooo relate to needing the new pants! After I gained some of the weight back, even my maternity pants were too tight! So I went out to Kmart and bought these velour things that are pretty hideous but at least comfy! My body is still all floppy and oddly shaped from my belly being stretched out, and I cant stand my belly flopping over the top of any normal pants! Ugh, that's embarrassing to say to strangers! Oh well, we have to be accountable, right?

    I'm really excited to have found a group of other moms with babies on here! I was hoping I would!

    Oh, and BTW, my name is Jessica, LOL.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Oh, and Kristen, I have that exact same outfit for my little girl (her name is Josephine) that she got for Christmas. Only she's too chubby for it and I have to exchange it for a bigger size. Like mother, like daughter? LOL
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Kaci...welcome! We would LOVE to be your support now and when your husband is deployed. That's why we're all here! Glad you found us!

    Cris...oh how I remember the days with no or very late showers. I swear it was like three weeks or something that I went without shaving my legs! CRAZY! But I can tell you it gets way easier! And it's totally okay to leave the little one in her crib...even if she cries. I swear that's how we got her to sleep through the night so early. She was very fussy (almost what we thought was colic) and so after she had been fed, burped, and changed, we'd let her cry in her crib. The first few nights it took her maybe 15-20 minutes to fall asleep (which seems MUCH longer) but then it started being less and less and by about two months she was sleeping for 7-8 hours at night. Now it's about 9 hours at night. If she wakes up, she can go back to sleep on her own. We sometimes just have to give her her pacifier. And we always put her to bed while she's still awake. Sleepy, but awake. I could swear by this! ANYways...I DO remember those firsts days without showering though!

    Jessica...funny about the outfit! It's way cute! She's actually wearing it today! Getting small for her though...sad how those clothes only fit for a little while. Oh well. Welcome to you too! Will be fun to see how our little ones compare since they are about the same age. How much does Josephine weigh? Kadence is 13 pounds 9 ounces. We are starting her on rice cereal today...should be interesting!

    Well...we got the treadmill all set up last night and it works okay. It's kind of loud and the speed is not completely consistent I noticed, but it should work fine. We may need to eventually replace the motor, and it does need a new incline motor, but it should work for now. I think it may just need used also...it's been sitting in storage for months. We shall see! I will try and get a run in this evening!

    Gotta get started on some work! Have a great morning girls!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Kristin, I agree it is so sad that the outfits fit for such a short period of time. I love Carter's stuff though, because it wears so well, and seems a little bigger compared to other brands, so I feel like I get a little more life out of them. And their clothes don't shrink as much! We have a carter's outlet here though, so I usually get pretty good deals on their stuff. They always have coupons online, too.

    Josie is a fat little thing! She was 17 lbs 10 ounces at her last pediatrician visit. That was December 30th, so I guess she's about 18 pounds now. She's long though too, so that's a bit of it. She was a pretty big baby at 9 lbs 4 oz at birth. (that was 2 weeks early). We had been advised to start her on solids a little bit early since she has such an appetite, so she's on stage 1 foods now. The upside to a fat baby is they are good sleepers, LOL. Josie has not rolled over yet, but is getting close. Has Kadence?

    I promise I won't hijack the thread and turn it into all baby talk!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...we all love baby talk...I think anyway!

    Kadence has not yet rolled over either. Well...kinda. She rolled over once, but was on a quilt and rolled over off of it. So she had a little help with the quilt being thick. But she is VERY close. She rolls onto her side all the time but then her arm gets in the way. I tap her just slightly and she rolls all the way over. Then on her tummy she can scoot herself forward but with her face on the floor. She doesn't have the upper body strength to crawl yet. She is getting there though. If I put her arms under her she can push herself up enough to bring her head and shoulders off the ground and look around at things. I'm guessing she'll be crawling in the next month or so. And she has amazing leg strength! Like I said, she tries to scoot herself when on her belly and she LOVES standing (with my help of course). And she has a mean kick when in the bath tub and gets water everywhere! Too fun!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    LOL, well good, cause I can talk about babies all day!!

    Josie gets her head turned and her leg crossed over her body, but her fat little belly gets in the way! If I help her she's strong enough to even pull her arm out from under her body and right herself, but that darned belly gets her every time! She also can lift her head and shoulder up off the floor. But when she pushes with her legs all she manages to do is push her bottom way up in the air. My last daughter crawled by 5 months. I don't think Josie will though. She's a very content baby, which means she's not that motivated to try to get anywhere else.

    I still do her baby bath on the kitchen table, which I really should stop because she makes such a mess with splashing. It's funny though, because some of our cats will gather around during bath time and try to catch and play with the splashing and dripping water.

    On a weight related note, I weighed in this morning. I was dreading it, just because I didn't want to lose my motivation when I've really been sticking with things. But I joined a local mom in her weight loss challenge so I had to weigh in. Well, I lost 7 more pounds!!! Whooooohooooo!!!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Jessica...WAY TO GO!!!!! Nice loss!!!!! Keep it up!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls! I almost said good morning and then looked at the clock; yikes! Where do the days go??

    Jess you totally stole my thunder with your 7 lbs loss haha!! I lost 1 lb so far; better than nada! Amelia screamed all night last night but luckily I had hit the gym before dinner. I am going pretty good with cals I think but need to be more vigilant about entering them.

    So I need some baby advice. Amelia has been SUPER fussy the past 3 nights. She will eat more than usual and even spit up from over eating but continue to root for food and scream bloody murder until she is either fed more or passes out from exhausting herself. I have been giving her Mylocane thinking it is gas and she is trying to pacify but that does not work. She will not calm down once she gets going and I had done the swaddling, swinging, pacifier, rocking, pacing, you name it. I am at a loss. She used to be easy and quiet and now she is just pissed off. Any ideas? I want my happy baby back :wink:

    I am going to try to sneak in a shower now while she dozes!

  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Oh Kristin, I forgot to ask you how the treadmill is?
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Chuffman - How does she react to being outside? Shelby used to get super fussy but if i took her outside for a little while it would really calm her down. Sometimes i could get her to fall asleep in my arms and then i'd come back in and put her down. Hope that helps!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cris...Well, some possible bad news. It may be colic. Usually starts around her age and it's when they cannot be calmed. Seemed like it was this way with Kadence for a while also, but the Mylicon drops really helped (she was pretty gassy). I wouldn't continuously feed her unless she is underweight, because lots of times they feed just to soothe themselves and then spit most of it back up because they overate. If she's fed, burped, and changed I would let her cry herself to sleep in her crib. Try with her swaddled, then try with her unswaddled. Kadence didn't like being swaddled. It took us a while to figure it out, but she was much happier when we put her in her crib with just a receiving blanket lightly over top of her. We got lucky and she wasn't fussy like that for long, but I know some people who have experienced this for up to 7-8 months. You can talk with your pediatrician if it really gets bad, but that's about all we can do. You can snuggle her as much as you can, but you want to save some energy for yourself as well and get some sleep. I hope it's not colic, but I had to share as this is what the doctor told me when we complained at our 2 month check up about her being so fussy every night. Good luck sweetie!

    As for the treadmill...it works good! It's loud and as I may have mentioned previously, the speed fluctuates a bit, but it does the job. I got a 1/2 hour run in last night, and am hoping to do the same tonight. We shall see...
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    I so hope it is not colic! I have been worried that I would have a colicky baby ever since I found out I was pregnant. One of my girlfriends had a baby who cried for 3 months and her and her husband barely survived it without getting a divorce. Ugh. I have been trying to figure out if it was something I ate and realized the problems started the same night I had a Corona beer and I have had 1 the last 3 nights. Maybe the beer is causing her stomach upset? No more beer for me! I will stick with the glass of red wine when needed;). My Mom suggested suppositories and said they work like a charm so we may try that next if the screaming continues. I WISH I could take her outside but I live in Michigan and it is 20 degrees out with 30 mile an hour winds ha! Yuck :(! You are SO a Cali girl femm! haha!