Avistew Member


  • What you eat does matter a lot. It matters because some things make you feel full and some make you hungrier, it matters because some things give you the vitamins you need to be healthy, and some don't, it matters because junk food addiction is a real problem, but it also matters because you don't digest everything in the…
  • Myprotein.com has a lot of variety. I get the egg white protein and add 1 scoop to 100ml skim milk and one scoop of any chocolate shake powder I find. It helps it mix and gives better taste to it, although the protein powder alone would be great too. Protein bars are good on the go. I make sure they're at least 25%…
  • My cats are indoor/outdoor cats so they already go out whenever they want, unlike the dogs (the dogs can run in the yards, but not go out in the street). When we walk the dogs, the cats follow us. It's both funny and adorable. They don't just walk next to us though, they go in stalking mode, then dash past us and hide…
  • I was told never to do it more than once a week, as daily variation in weight is normal and would hide any weight loss. So I've always been told once a week should be the most you weigh yourself (at the same time of day, preferably in the morning as you get up) and to do it every other week or once a month would be even…
  • Too much protein can be bad, but it's hard to reach these numbers. There is no consensus on how much is too much. Some say 2g per pound of your weight per day, some say 3g... Chances are you don't reach these amounts, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  • Good luck! One big thing is, make sure not to expect too much, too fast. It will happen, but it will be slow. Don't get discouraged if it's not happening as fast as you wished! You're going to get there ;) Welcome and I hope you get all the support you need.
  • Home>Goals>Change Goals> Custom
  • Unless you're tracking protein because you're working out, just go in the setting and have it disabled. Too much protein can be bad for your liver and kidneys, but too much protein is over 1.5g per pound of bodyweight, or some people even say it's over 2g per pound. Most people would struggle to achieve that, so don't…
  • If you,re really worried about it shooting up, wait until next week to update it. You don't need to update your weight every single week, and by then any loss should be a loss you trust a little more.
  • A good ab workout other than planks has been leg raises for me. You start on your back, and you raise both legs at once, straight, until they're 90 degrees from the floor and your body. You leave them there a second, then get them down slowly, not quite to the ground. You leave them right above the ground, and then lift…
  • there are a bunch of fasting diets, from intermittent fasting to fasting one day a week. When fasting, it's important not to do it for more than 24 hours (sleeping time counts) and it's important not to just eat everything back when you start eating again. It can work, if it's too hard for you to reduce your daily…
  • From your post, it sounds like you're gaining muscle through exercise. You should probably aim for a pants size as a goal rather than a weight, as you might end up staying the same weight but getting thinner. If really you only care about the number on the scale... Work out less and focus on diet, and you'll lose the…
  • When I was depressed, my doctor told me not to force it, that I needed to take care of my stress and depression first and the rest would follow. And that's what happened. I lost weight at the time and I was worried that it was so unhealthy, but he said, if you're body's not hungry, it's telling you that you have more…
  • Heavier weights with less reps for strength, lighter weights with more reps for endurance.
  • I don't sweat a lot. It's annoying sometimes because I know I work hard and I feel like you can't tell by looking at me. But in the end what matters is that you know you're working your hardest, I guess :)
  • Hi, I'm 5'6", I started at 179 and I'm 158 right now. My first goal is 150, my second goal is 140. I think your personal goal will depend on your frame, probably between 120-125 for a thin frame and 145-150 for a heavier one would be my guesses, but the range might actually be bigger than that. Don't forget if you're…
  • In some recent posts it seems your question is now "how can I eat healthier despite not liking it?" so I'm going to see if I can help with that. While I personally like veggies, sometimes I don't have the time or energy to cook them, so what I do is I cook my rice, lentils, pasta... (anything that's cooked in water and…
  • It really depends if your goal is to lose weight or to get healthy. If it's to lose weight, then yes, eating little will do that, no matter what you eat. If it's to get healthy, however... You can be thin and unhealthy. You can be thin and at risk for most of the things people say obese people are at risk for (heart…
  • Never meant that they were killed and thrown away. I assume they're sold as meat, veal is pretty popular and all. In the end, even if killed as an adult, the animal is killed, and wouldn't have been born if not for the milk. It's roundabout and indirect, I already said that before, but I believe it's different than eggs,…
  • If you're unsure whether you're gaining fat or muscle, or if gaining muscle makes you unsure whether you've lost fat... don't rely on weight as a measurement. Rely on body fat percentage. Some scales measure that, doctors will do it, some gyms will do it, and there are websites about doing it at home. Aim for a good…
  • Yeah, that was a pretty stupid comment. The eggs people eat aren't fertilized, especially in the conditions we're getting them nowadays (no rooster around to fertilize them). It would be a risk if you picked up an egg in nature, but not when ordering from a restaurant. It's funny because people tend to say that for eggs…
  • Hi! To lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. That means take in less calories than your consume. One pound of human fat is 3500 calories. That means that in order to lose one pound a week, you need to eat 500 less calories daily than your body consumes. If you want to lose 2 pounds a week (the maximum recommended), then…
  • Yes, be careful not to lower your fat too much! I knew a woman who was obsessed with cutting fat, not just for her but for her kids too (adopted kids. She couldn't have kids, 100% because of her diet making her unable to, not other fertility problem). The father tried to sneak in fat for them as much as he could, but they…
  • How do you do that? I didn't realise it was an option. As for the OP, I'm not sure how much Vitamin C you'd need to have too much of it, but believe me, it's a LOT so I wouldn't worry about it. As for protein, it can be bad for your kidneys and liver if you go over 1.5g per pound you weigh, and even then, if you're a…
  • I took a look at the last few days of your journal, and I don't know if they are representative, but I noticed that the carbs were high. They're under your goal, but by way much than your number of calories. So I calculated and got the result of 60%, 64% and 67% of your calories from carbs respectively for the past few…
  • Strength training is good, but it can be pretty ineffective if the muscles aren't fed enough. Make sure to eat enough protein for them to rebuild on your rest days. If you're miserable at 1200, then aim for only 1lb/week weight loss for now, which would be 1700 net calories a day (net calories meaning that if you work out,…
  • Oh, yeah, don't worry, it's a guideline, and actually very low for those who are working out and trying to gain. I'm not trying to gain and I still frequently eat double the protein they recommend. Too much protein can be bad for you, but "too much" seems to mean over 1.5g protein per pound of your weight, so you have a…
  • In my opinion, do what works for you. If you need to eat a big number of calories, doing it in only a few meals is impractical, so that's one reason to prefer more meals. Another reason is if you want your stomach to get smaller. I have experienced it, I cannot eat portions as big as I used to, due to eating less food…
  • Are your measurements the same too? If they aren't, it could be that your body is slowly changing composition, with more muscle and less fat. Otherwise, there is a method that sometimes work of alternating calories so that your body doesn't get used to anything, kind of like keeping it on its toes. I don't know if it will…