

  • Medical assistant/transcriptionist turning Cytologist :)
  • I have tattoos just because I LOVE them and other than my daughters names I've got nothing that "means anything" I just like them. I'm planning my next big one that i'll be getting done this summer and it will extend down my side and onto my thigh just because :)
  • I've also heard this. I don't practice to burn calories anyways (I do other classes/workouts for calorie burns) I love yoga for the relaxation aspect (Yin Yoga) and to increase my flexibility :)
  • LOVE Bikram (and all types of yoga in general)! It makes me sweat like a *kitten* in church. Your profile pic is amazing! I'm not that good but hopefully one day.
  • You have a lower BMI than 91% of females aged 15-29 in your country You have a lower BMI than 80% of females aged 15-29 in the world Did you know? If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 66,188,638 tonnes fromthe total weight of the world's population You're most like someone from Vietnam*
  • How? Just how? my lunch was 1200 calories... It's really not that hard
  • I am a liquid cheat! I don't usually count anything I drink lol
    in Alcohol Comment by _mlee_ May 2014
  • Psshhh wine and beer don't have calories... It's like water :drinker: lol
    in Alcohol Comment by _mlee_ May 2014
  • Ontario :) look at all these Canadians! I feel like everyone that adds me is from the US. Anybody can feel free to add me :) i like MFP friends :)
  • AHAHAHA! yes, my two canadian idols!! We only raise the most respectful citizens around here :drinker:
  • I just learned that I don't exist and I NEVER EVEN KNEW! :sad: lol
  • That's totally unacceptable :noway: ! BRING ON THE CARBS *fist pumps air*
  • HaHa I learned that too! I guess I will never find a real man :huh:
  • I like MFP friends who log daily :) My diary is open to friends and anyone can feel free to add me :D
  • I was JUST complaining about this! lol. I have that EXACT problem! I've been losing weight but from NOWHERE I want it gone from. I'm the opposite of you, I'm losing inches off my arms and chest but not my belly and thighs! Talk about frustrating :P
  • Are you sure you aren't just being insecure? I text and talk with my brother in laws often... I DO NOT want them.
  • No Luke Bryan??? Whaaaaaaaa!???? :grumble:
  • ^yup, all of those posts. I have a 5 and 7 year old and husband who is getting in shape and we all eat the same thing. Just try to make healthy home cooked meals. You can eat everything that you usually eat just smaller portions. Good Luck
  • Now I'm confused lol. Is it 70g of actual protein or 70g of protein powder as in weight? I think I read your initial post totally wrong :) lol
  • I estimate my food and it seems to be working great for me. I don't feel the need to weigh everything I put in my mouth because I'm seeing the results without the hassel. If it wasn't working for me THEN I would start weighing. I'm just frankly too lazy to have to deal with all that :D He will learn on his own with trial…
  • Thanks for the suggestion :) I have heard of the manuevers but I don't have that kind of vertigo so it doens't work for me :(
  • I'm on your side! I ESPECIALLY don't feel you should have your children displayed all over MFP. There are a lot of creeps in the world and I don't feel like letting them have access to my kids pictures. Also, it is true that they are my kids but they didn't give me permission to plaster their faces on public sites. I…
  • Do you get acid reflux with anything else or at any other point in the day? If you actually suffer from acid reflux you should refrain from drinking any coffee or alcohol (I know sucks lol) OR you could try acid reflux meds (Tecta, Prevacid, Zantac, Omeprazole etc) Some you can get just over the counter at the pharmacy. If…
  • Thanks for all the responses :) Unfortunately I suffer from Vertigo daily and have had episodes that have lasted 24/7 for up to two weeks. I was put on a medication before but it made me feel even worse and after speaking with my physician I decided to stop. I do just power through it but some workouts are just out of the…
  • Don't mess around when it comes to your eyes. Get to an eye doctor and have them take a look. Even if it ends up being nothing, it's better safe than sorry!
  • Have you tried smaller meals all throughout the day so you don't feel like you're starving. Did you just start getting dizzy when you started the 1200 calorie diet or have you gotten dizzy spells before? I suffer from chronic vertigo due to a virus in my brain that I had 2 years ago (very very unlikely that this is the…
    in Dizzy spells Comment by _mlee_ May 2014
  • Do you know what the poses are called? Many yoga poses have modified versions. I would just avoid doing poses like that and talk to your doctor about it. It could be that you aren't doing the pose correctly or it could be an issue with your back/tailbone.
  • My water intake is a work in progress. Before I started tracking I would probably drink MAYBE 8oz of water and a glass of milk a day. Now I'm TRYING to get to the 8 8oz glasses everyday.... I unfortunatley find water disgusting and I'm not a huge liquid person as it is... I never really get thirsty so I have to try to…
  • HaHaHa!! I LOVE this ^^