look at this! creepy!

My husband pointed this out yesterday. It didnt look this way the day before when I did my make up. I didnt do my make up yesterday so I don't know if it looked like this yesterday AM but by the evening it was there and noticeable. It doesnt hurt and my vision isnt blurry or anything so im not really concerned about it but i do find it a little creepy.
has anyone seen anything like it before?
my step father has one eye that is fully brown and one that is perfectly split in half. half is blue an half is brown. but he was born that way. ive never heard of someones eye changing colors like this way later (im in my 20s)

I dont know how to upload pictures so heres the link to the pic I posted on IG. Top pic is my right eye. Bottom pic is my left eye.

Edit- Ill call the eye doc and update later.


  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    You need to go see a doctor, sometimes the sudden appearance of a red or dark spot like this, especially one that shows up this vivid in a photo—can be a very bad sign. Best to go get checked out asap.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    This appeared out of no where?? Get in to an optometrist/ophthalmologist or a doctor. Unless it's a distortion of color (I know sometimes colors don't photograph the same), but that looks red, not brown.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You need to go see a doctor, sometimes the sudden appearance of a red or dark spot like this, especially one that shows up this vivid in a photo—can be a very bad sign. Best to go get checked out asap.

    This!!! To the doc right away!!
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I second the seeing a doctor. There was a news article I read not long about about a little girl who had something going on with her eyes. The mom posted a pic on FB not realizing that there was something going on. A couple of her friends noticed and told her to get to the doc. Sure enough, she had something wrong. Go get it looked at. It might be nothing, but just in case it is.....
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I second the seeing a doctor. There was a news article I read not long about about a little girl who had something going on with her eyes. The mom posted a pic on FB not realizing that there was something going on. A couple of her friends noticed and told her to get to the doc. Sure enough, she had something wrong. Go get it looked at. It might be nothing, but just in case it is.....

    I thought of that same story.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    This could be a hyphema--where blood pools in the lower half of the iris. It usually collects evenly at the bottom of the iris, as a result of trauma to the eye (even something small, sometimes) and while not necessarily dangerous in and of itself, it can indicate intracranial bleeding, and should be checked out immediately. I haven't seen any with blood at the side or corner of the eye like yours, but I'd get it checked out anyway, just in case.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I would not recommend waiting to see if you have other symptoms. This could be very serious and could cost you your vision. I hope that it is nothing serious, but if I were you, I would not take any chances. Please be sure to update this thread because I will be following it.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    beautiful eyes, but definitely see a doctor.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Get thee to an ophthalmologist.
  • JoMoMOMx3
    JoMoMOMx3 Posts: 77
    I have only had experienced change on the white part of the eye, dark spots appearing outta nowhere, and disappearing in a few days/weeks again, also not hurting or anything. And doctor could not give explanation for it, nor did he gave me a treatment for it.

    Said, let's wait out, if it's starting to hurt in a few days or it's getting bigger then we go for a full check-up. But it dissapeared 2 days later. Then came back about 5 months ago for the last time, to dissapear again in 4-5 days.
    thats what i read when i researched up on it. that as long as its not hurting (and there was no trauma to it) and you dont have blurry vision etc. then its nothing to worry about. one site even said you can get freckles on your eyes and itll just be there forever, similar to a freckle on your arm or something.
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    Please, don't wait. Go see a doctor right away.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Whoa! That much change, that fast? Doc. Stat. Update all when you return so we know you're okay! (If you're comfortable with that.)

    ETA: Yes, you can get freckles, etc. on your eyes. But that's a BIG change, with other changes around the iris, from what I can tell based on comparison. Even freckles get checked annually by the ophthalmologist to make sure they aren't indicative of anything bad. You should call an opth. and ask them what you should do. I guarantee they'll say come in.
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    Don't mess around when it comes to your eyes. Get to an eye doctor and have them take a look. Even if it ends up being nothing, it's better safe than sorry!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Please please please GO TODAY or as soon as possible to an OPTHALMOLOGIST!

    Second best would be an optometrist to start with...if you cannot get in to an ophthalmologist quickly.

    BUT - in my experience you do not want to see an E/R or family doctor about specialized eye problems. At least not until eye specialists who know the eye inside & out have referred you to a physician for further care.

    (Personal anecdote: spent about $700and a painful 10 days treating blistery growths on my eyeballs with meds given by an E/R doc and then went to an ophthalmologist who fixed it in 2 days with a $40 office visit and $13 eye drops)

    I wish you luck and hope it's nothing serious.
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    I am no doctor, though I agree with everyone else that you should see one if you can, but some googling brought me to this page:


    A google image search of the term also shows eyes with similar spots of discoloration. For example: 25_figure2.jpg
  • mblair1968
    mblair1968 Posts: 323 Member
    You need to go see a doctor, sometimes the sudden appearance of a red or dark spot like this, especially one that shows up this vivid in a photo—can be a very bad sign. Best to go get checked out asap.

  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    UMM yeah! GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! I would be freaking!! :noway:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have only had experienced change on the white part of the eye, dark spots appearing outta nowhere, and disappearing in a few days/weeks again, also not hurting or anything. And doctor could not give explanation for it, nor did he gave me a treatment for it.

    Said, let's wait out, if it's starting to hurt in a few days or it's getting bigger then we go for a full check-up. But it dissapeared 2 days later. Then came back about 5 months ago for the last time, to dissapear again in 4-5 days.
    thats what i read when i researched up on it. that as long as its not hurting (and there was no trauma to it) and you dont have blurry vision etc. then its nothing to worry about. one site even said you can get freckles on your eyes and itll just be there forever, similar to a freckle on your arm or something.

    Strong internet diagnosis.

    Go to a physician, now.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I have only had experienced change on the white part of the eye, dark spots appearing outta nowhere, and disappearing in a few days/weeks again, also not hurting or anything. And doctor could not give explanation for it, nor did he gave me a treatment for it.

    Said, let's wait out, if it's starting to hurt in a few days or it's getting bigger then we go for a full check-up. But it dissapeared 2 days later. Then came back about 5 months ago for the last time, to dissapear again in 4-5 days.
    thats what i read when i researched up on it. that as long as its not hurting (and there was no trauma to it) and you dont have blurry vision etc. then its nothing to worry about. one site even said you can get freckles on your eyes and itll just be there forever, similar to a freckle on your arm or something.

    Strong internet diagnosis.

    Go to a physician, now.

    I have a freckle on my eye, it did not just appear one day, and it sure as heck isn't that big. It's in my left iris and has always been there as far back as I can remember. I would go to a doc asap.
  • czarina28
    czarina28 Posts: 2 Member
    Go to the eye doctor, yes, but consider also getting second opinions if you dont like what the doc has to say. I had an 'eye event' years ago and I swear I had to see quite a few different ophthalmologist to get some kind of answers/consensus among them. It was a pain in the *kitten*, but... necessary.

    Also, request/demand a copy of all test results from any doctor for your own records. When seeing so many diff doctors it was easier if i already had copies all my stuff with me instead of waiting ages for dr x to send my info to dr y.