

  • Orignially from Swindon now living in the lovely Lechlade, feel free to add me, need all the support I can get :happy:
  • I'm quite sensitive and would have probably felt similar, but I suppose the world is filled with all sorts of personalities that see things completely differently and this sort of thing will always happen when you expose yourself to them. As we only connect online, you can't really judge if your 'friends' are people you…
  • My hubbie runs his own car business, so I haven't had my very own car for years and years. Plus points of this are they are always nice and clean, down side is there's never any flippin petrol in any of them, I can't put any music, sunglasses, bags..etc in them because I'll forget to take them out and then they get…
  • It's funny, when I lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago, one of my skinny friends said I had gone far enough and that it wouldn't suit me if I lost any more. I reasoned that she weighed more than a stone less than me so what was the difference, she replied 'I'm taller than you' (she isn't). Try and work that one out!…
  • I'm on week 1 and may have to stay there for a bit as knees are not happy about it at all. Did post on the forum and got loads of fantastic advice, so fingers crossed, I'll get to week 2. Sending you a request :-)
  • Great advice, I think I would genuinely feel disappointed if I didn't get the 3 runs in per week, but having read your injury list, I think if my body is saying no, I'll go for a gentle swim instead as was amazed by the calories burned from 30 lengths breaststroke.
  • The great thing about this programme is that is involves lots of brisk walking to ease you in, but I think you're right and my weight is definitely contributing (163lbs) so I need to lose in order to feel better.
  • Love your blog, I am actually starting to feel quite excited about this now having read all the replies, will use all this advice and see what happens. I was feeling a bit disheartened earlier, but now, well, I am on a mission. I am actually envisioning myself in lycra looking for all the world like the lovely slim people…
  • I think I am going to have to do squats, which I find quite hard but if I do that daily that's got to be good for the knees eventually.
  • Have actually just gone and done this and there is a gap, so I don't think feet are flat. but great way to check.
  • Very inspring :-)))))
  • Thank you, they do stop after about half an hour so not injured, the pain is very deep and dull, not sharp and twangy if that makes sense...
  • I have some good asics ones from a running shop but hubbie got them as a pressie so I wasn't there to be fitted up, so think it may be a wise investment to get new ones fitted properly.
  • I've just joined a week ago and started to run, I can only manage tiny sprints at the moments with walking inbetween, but it works for me ar the moment (though saying that my knees are grumbling like no ones business today). Love cooking and will try anything, my kids, as a result, are great eaters too. My only vice is…
  • Good questions and love the detail some have posted, very interesting stuff. 1. Where were you born? The ever growing Swindon, Wiltshire.. 2. Where do you live at the moment? Lechlade, Glos - moved here last year for a better lifestyle for the kids, and it is beautiful. Spend summers at the river, got the obligatory…
  • I have just found this site today and am really excited by everyone's comments. I live in Lechlade but originally from Swindon and would love to have a team of online friends to get me through my ups and downs of trying to get fit. This is going to be so inspirational and I've got a feeling that I'm going to succeed this…