

  • Thanks for the tips. Right now I'm Taking Glutamine and Amino Acid, CLA, ACAI supplement and Krill oil. Ill have to add in that multivitamin. There's a new 90 day fitness challenge from Oxygen magazine. I'm a bit concerned with the protein intake. Every day the protein intake varies from 120-160g. Is that too much? I weigh…
  • Hey Ladies, I just hit my goal recently and Now im looking to do a new challenge. I'm content with the stats however I want to tone up...or tighten up (particularly the mid section) The last couple of weeks I've incorporated weights. I do weights/strength training 1-2 a week now. And I don't have a gym membership yet.. Im…
  • I hear your frustration. I have one pair of jeans that actually fits. Ive bought two pair in between from when I started back in august last year. They look terrifying to say the least. I dont enjoy shopping... spandex for life lol. I would say until your closer to your goal dont waste your money. Besides clothes are very…
  • I would take the challenge, why not its a bit fun and healthy competition. I do monthly mini challenges with a workout buddy of mine... each month switch it up and added on top of regular workout routine. But watch out it can be addicitive! Set short goals, reach em and conquer them. Good Luck :)
  • I have the same issue. I took on a weight training class a few weeks ago.. but i think i need to up it more. Why is the midsection always the hardest place to lose!
  • I did my own thing, follow the schedule and do your own combo of 300 abs. Day 1 - 100 sit-ups/100bicycle/100crunches. I'd say maybe buddy up with someone and take turns picking combos. That's what Im doing with my friend atm. Hope that helps a bit?
    in NOTICE Comment by idriven7 April 2013
  • Hey guys n gals! Hope everyone is ready to kick some *kitten* this month! So psyched for for this challenge! Have we determined what the schedule is or is it a free for all of our own combo of 300 abs? Maybe do; 100 full sit-ups, 100 bicycle, 100 crunches? Idk just going of the top of my head! MSG if otherwise or want to…
    in NOTICE Comment by idriven7 April 2013
  • Wow That is Great, first of congrats on your success. That is a fantastic achievement. It's just hard to determine what is a good balance I guess. It's almost hard to know what advice to take and what not, people constantly give advice and sometimes even the opposite. But I will def try a balance maybe do 2 and 2 days…
  • Hey, Yes if somebody please clarify as to what type of AB work we need to do or is it a free-for-all? Kick off Monday! woo hoo
  • I'm halfway through my 3rd week. And I haven't had weight loss either. I lost 2lbs in the first week, but I know that was based purely on nutrition. Other than that, I've lost some inches here and there but nothing astonishing. I'm hoping that the second month will be the turning point and the weight/fat will run away. I…
  • I hope so. I start recovery week on monday and then its onto month 2! That's going to be a butt kicker. Has anyone experienced long-lasting muscle soreness "muscle fever", A few times after the intense workouts (pure cardio & power & resistance) I've experienced this. Someone told me to take glutamine? Has or is anyone…
  • My recovery week starts on Sept 3.. will let you know how that goes. :) A bit nervous for month 2 though! I watched one of the videos just to satisfy my curiousity.. well lets just say I was sweating just by watching it! How will I last 60+ min of cardio! oh haagen daas how i miss you LOL!
  • Maybe another thing that you can try is rub A535 - Arnica. Any pharmacy should carry it. Or the Icy-Hot sleeves. I usually get lower back pains, especially with Power Jacks and Power Squats. I use the Icy-hot patch and it works wonders. :)
  • Hey, I also started on the 6th. I'm half way through my 3rd week. Recovery week should be interesting. I heard its all yoga.. woo hoo *sarcasm*, I may have to call it curse week lol. I'm not the yoga-zen type. Congrats on your current weight loss. that's awesome! I lost 2lbs the first week, which was purely nutrition. I…
  • I've heard that its better to do the entire program in complete (month one/recovery/month two) versus doubling up on the months. You could always repeat the series afterwards? I was contemplating on doing 1st month twice with a two week recovery and then 2nd month twice. But I was advised not to do so. All the best though.
  • No Worries! Thanks for checking. I'm just going to cut out fast food completely. It adds no nutritional factors and are a waste of calories.
  • Thanks for the tip Dale :) I think I'm just going to avoid fast food places unless I have my MFP app ready!
  • I started on the 6th. The first day I wanted to quit at breakfast already, stupid calorie counting. No wonder all the athletic fitness instructors are buffed and chiseled; they all have personal chef's!!! Now after two and a half weeks I'm loving it! even the calorie counting bit. Is anyone thinking of repeating the first…
  • I use -> Pure Protein: Chocolate Deluxe 50g / 180 Calories / 17g carbs / 2g sugar / 21g Protein And best of all their fairly inexpensive $1.76 or a-5 pack is about $6.00 Hope this helps PS Be ware of the chocolate chip flavor its 230 cal!
  • I think the hardest part is the 20/40/40 suggestion. 20% Carb 40% Protein 40% Fat Is there a way to adjust the percentage in the app version? Thanks in advance
    in Hunger Comment by idriven7 August 2012
  • I started on the 6th. I've seen some results. But the scale is still my enemy! First week lost about 2.5lbs (that was probably do to the nutrition) and I've lost 2 inches amongst (chest/abs/butt) and gained 0.5 inch on arms and thighs. Big improvement from first Fit test to Second Fit test. :D Keep up the work and sweat it…
  • I've also had some issues with this. And I also just categorized it as "Aerobics, High Impact" and for Cardio Recovery "Aerobics, General Impact" not sure how accurate it is. What's a good HRM to buy, and where can I buy it? Also are the HRM accurate at local Gyms? Apparently I max out the machines saying my HR is 180-197.…