

  • Hey guys. I was holding steady at my old goal weight for a while but recently gained a few pounds back. Im now looking to lose those few pounds
  • hmm really makes me wonder about my eating style. I usually don't eat my first meal until about 2pm and then I am eating/snacking until maybe 1 am. I dont go to bed until about 4 am though. So I wonder is this slowing me down? You hear so much about not eating after 6 but hell I don't even get home from work until midnight.
  • Good luck newbie! I'm kinda new myself. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I had that happen years ago and it does feel awesome.
  • I understand your pain. My weight loss is equally slow. It seems like I won't lose one pound in a month and then ill get on the scale and have lost 2. Its like my weight leaves in pounds instead of one at a time. I've lost 13 so far and it was snowing when I started so maybe 6 months total with the last 4 being more…
  • You sound like me, I am 154 and my goal weight is 140. I want to be a lil thick but not a teaspoon away from fat. I have been 115 before and when I look at the pics of me then I looked "crackheadish". I also felt more vunerable being that thin because I felt too light to fight and too thin to win. ha ha! oh I am 5'1. maybe…
  • I also feel like because I am never hungry if I eat 1280 that my body is getting enough food. It this a bad way of looking at it?
  • Ok so my mfp is set to 1280. How do I set it so that it will give me 1200 cals a day? I'm very nervous about eating back calories and I think that if its lower I will feel better because of the cushion. I have my activity set to lightly active or something like that.
  • What has trully helped me is protein shakes. I try to drink one every morning or get some kind of extra protein troughout the day. It helps a lot with cravings for some reason (other then pms when all bets are off!). If I eat oatmeal or a lot of carbs early in the day then I'm going to feel starved all day. So try to up…
  • Very funny! I'm gonna try this!
  • Wow you look great!! You surely dont look like you are 187! I am 154 and my stomach is a gut and yours is almost flat! I guess thats what 8 more inches look like. ( im only 5'1)
  • I am in the same boat as you. Yesterday I annihilated a half of quart of frozen yogurt. I allowed pms to get the best of me. I beat myself up a lilttle bit but then I thought, this is a journey! Don't beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow eat lighter than normal and do extra exercise.
  • What I'm trying to do is to stay within my calorie range even if all 1280 cals come from junk food. Maybe that will help me to not be setback. I hope it hurrys up and comes because once it does my appetite is great again. I didn't eat a lot of junk the past month so I thought I wouldn't have cravings. Ha!
  • Ok thanks. I'm gonna try this because otherwise I will binge as well.
  • I am the same and it is just like being pregnant! I'm sleepy all of the time but one thing that will get me up is my appetite. Any other time I can sleep through hunger. Even though I have been eating more junk I am staying within my calories so that's a good start.
  • Hi! I'm 5'1 and my goal is to lose 14 more lbs. Feel free to add me
  • welcome back! feel free to add me :)
  • I am still so very confused as to why you need to up the calories to lose weight!
  • yes I noticed the exercise "eat back" thing on my food journal. I have been ignoring it and attempting to eat only 1300. I have been eating about 1300 since July 1st and have gotten used to that number. I have tried for a couple of weeks to have a cheat day but it makes me feel sooo guilty when I do it that I don't think…
  • I've lost 8 and looking to lose 14 more. So wait, I'm supposed to eat back the calories I exercise off? So whats the point of burning those calories?? I thought exercise was a bonus to help burn more calories.
  • That's funny! This is how my conversation goes with my boyfriend. 4am (him getting off of work). What to you want to eat? Me: nothing Him: nothing? Me: nothing Him: you sure?? Me: NOTHING!! Him: nothing at all?? Me: sighhh, subject change.. After two months of this he is still testing me constantly.
  • Yes!! Its taken 2 1/2 months to lose a measly 5 pounds and I work my butt of! I guess losing 5 is better than losing none or gaining 5! LoL
  • Chocolate Tea? wow i gotta check this out! I always use tea when I'm craving or just wanting to eat something. Cereal is good too as well as a low fat yogurt. If im hungry (and not just greedy) I will make an open faced egg beater sandwich with low fat cheese. It's only like 125 calories.
  • Hello all, I just joined today and I am so happy to find a site like this. I need support and people who can relate to losing weight and exercising. Its kinda hard to have a weight loss conversation with people in your circle who don't give a hoot about losing weight. I need friends and support! Thanks!