

  • I was here all the way; checking in every week at least but not having much to say. I'm just a fairly quiet type, I guess. :-) Lost 7 pounds, so at least that's something. The biggest thing I have gained though is getting my butt to MOVE more throughout the day. Thanks to my FitBit (and my FitBit buddies), I now walk at…
  • I :heart: my FitBit! If I did it correctly, I think I just sent you an invite, Lindsey. If it didn't go through for some reason, my email is
  • I'm also looking to add more FitBit pals. This tiny device is such a great motivator to MOVE it!! :smile:
  • It's OK to go "off-track" in discussions. I don't respond much because frankly I get tired of talking about food, workouts, etc. I'm making small, but steady, changes and I'm happy with that. 6 pounds lost is 6 pounds lost. LOL I'm getting most of my steps in, almost all of my stairs in...thanks to Fitbit but I need to…
  • OMG, you sound sooooo much like me! I also hated gym class and did whatever I could to just get through it. I never played sport either. I atribute that to my total lack of co-ordination and my loner tendencies. I also need help with my activity level. Some days I do well, some days I don't. I'm finding what works best for…
  • You got it! That's what we're all here for. Yay for us!!!! :smile:
  • Take care of that nasty flu first and then ease back into workouts. If you try to do too much when you aren't feeling up to par, you'll supress your immune system. However, if you do feel up to it a light, brief workout can boost your immune system. I hope you're feeling much better today.
  • Great advice Tammi! I also struggle with working out at home. And this week will be especially bad because of the bitter cold we have right now. The most I could walk this morning was 17 minutes. (Poor dog!)
  • I love San Diego! Been there once and I want to visit again. I'm not a "city gal" by any a city must be very special for me to actually like it. Love Balboa Park and the Zoo. :happy:
  • Lancaster, PA here! Right now it is cold again. We've been having major temperature swings this winter, just like last. Morning exercise is dog walking, 30 minutes if not raining or windy. (Dog and I hate both!) Afternoon session (after work) is anything from housecleaning to working out with a DVD or using the dreadmill.…
  • I will be happy to add you, and others in the group once my fitbit arrives. Just ordered one last night! Now....let's see if this very low-tech idiot can figure it out!!! (Meaning ME!) I swear I still have problems with our DVD player! LOL!
  • Didn't look like you messed up anything!
  • Thank you, Marla! I shall need to check them out.
  • Could someone explain this "FitBit" I keep seeing here? I am VERY low-tech here!! (Examples: Didn't even own a CD player until maybe the year 2000! My phone is a VERY basic model.....texts and phone calls ONLY. I don't even want anything else on it! LOL) So, what is this "FitBit"? How does it work? Is it easy to use? And…
  • Week Two, My Goals: Attempt to create time to log in all food this week. Work out for at least 300 minutes, however slowly since I'm still recovering from a cold which zapped me this weekend. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. I find that if I write my planned workouts into my schedule for the week, they tend to get done. I…
  • Thank you SO MUCH for those inspiring words!!!! You don't know how much I appreciated them this morning. I was knocked down with a cold all weekend and this morning was just feeling, well, *blah* I needed your NOT GIVE UP! Big {{hug}} to you,, Laura!
  • Linda, No you are not alone! :-) I am so glad I found this group, too!!!
  • Marla is right, cut yourself some slack. No one will be perfect and you're doing the right thing by planning to work out extra to compensate for the two days you couldn't be fully on track. Good for you! Don't worry about two days.....this is for a lifetime...look at it long term. Unless you're comsuming an entire…
  • LOL! I am having the opposite problem......not being consistent with logging my food, but am getting my workouts in this week! But you're right, steps. Learn and tweek as we go! And honestly, since my time is so limited and if I need to choose between the two on certain days, it's better that I make time for…
  • I see we have some dog lovers here! Yay!! I consider my dog my personal fitness trainer. No matter what, I have to get out there and walk her. :-)
  • This will be a "Lucky" 2013! I see that I was the 33rd member to join this group and the number 3 has always been "lucky" for me. :-) I'm excited by this 12 week challenge. My goals are to loose 15 pounds by the end of March and to fit movement into each and every day, be it actually working out or taking extra steps at…
  • First goal met....joined a group! My next goal will be to stick with it. :-)
  • Making a fresh start also. If anyone out there is 50+, needing to loose 50+ pounds, please feel free to send me a friend request. I need a few good folks that I can relate to and we can help motivate each other. I am one who feels lost in a crowd, so I am looking to form a small, but meaningful support group here. Last…
  • Something that works for me is to find extra movement wherever I can. For example, I park in the furtherest spot in the lot where I work, park far from store entrances, etc. Take stairs whenever I can. Deliver mail as often as I can at work, just to get up and move each hour. Stand while I am on the phone at work, plus…
  • We're all in this together. What sort of help do you need?