

  • Heisann! Jeg synes fitbit høres kjempesmart ut og har lenge tenkt på å skaffe meg en. Er det noen her som kan dele hva de synes om søvnmåleren? For meg hadde det vært fantastisk å kunne måle søvntid og kvalitet i tillegg til alt annet, men hadde vært fint å høre om andres erfaringer. :)
  • If asked, I would get whatever he needed, but I'm very lucky to have a partner that is also trying to get healthier, so usually there are no great temptations. We are on different levels of healthiness in my opinion and have very different diets (I avoid gluten and lactose, he eats bread daily and loves cheese, he despises…
  • There's a very slim chance there's a connection since you've been smoke free for almost 3 months. I quit smoking a month ago (two weeks before re-committing to lose weight/get fit) and I while I suspect I did gain a bit, it was no more than 5lbs and I lost weight last week (weigh in day tomorrow). People usually gain…
  • Sorry, ladies, but anything simple I can eat lying down. I don't really crave food at that time, so anything that doesn't take long to prepare/make. I only have horrible back and stomach pains for 1-3 days where I lie down most of the day and drink hot beverages like coffee or tea, usually 2x my normal intake. Seems to…
  • Hi, there! I'm 5'9" and looking to lose about 20kg (45 lbs). Basically on here every day and I'd love to get to know people with similar stats. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • If I'm at my own place I usually weigh myself every morning, but I only record it every Friday morning along with all my measurements.
  • Juhu, nordmenn! :drinker: Ja, er det noe liv i leiren?
  • Personally, I have one "cheat day" a week - Saturday. It's not a complete free-for-all day, but I can eat basically what I want guilt free as long as I've had a standard, healthy breakfast. My diet involves no sugar, so I don't really crave sugar anymore, but I still like having some chocolate when I'm allowed. I count,…
  • I just quit smoking three weeks ago and I get what you're going through. It's worth it, though, and if you used to sleep well before you quit, you'll be back to sleeping just as well when your body and mind adjusts. Probably even better! Personally, I felt very weird doing most things several times a day the first couple…
  • I'd just go for the good old truth. You stated you're not a big drinker, so you should tell him that at the bare minimum... Good luck!
  • Just got serious about it a week ago, but I'm already feeling better and I couldn't be happier with it! I would say I eat very close to paleo, but I have my own take on it. However, I do not eat grains, dairy or sugar, except small amounts once a week... Feel free to friend me!
  • I feel very lucky to live half a country away from my family when it comes to this issue. Especially now that I don't have gluten or dairy in my diet. I grew up having it every day (even if I've tested positive for both allergy wise) and it's a big part of my family's diet. This summer I stayed with them for a week (I had…
  • A couple of weeks ago I was completely hooked on mixing orange juice with frozen berries (usually blueberries and strawberries with the occasional raspberries). If you're a frappuccino fan, I can recommend freezing coffee ice cubes (I use very strong coffee). Personally, I'm a sucker for mocha, so I use equal parts milk…
  • I have one cheat day every week, but always the same day - Saturday. As long as I eat a healthy breakfast, I can have whatever I want for the rest of the day. This is also the only day of the week I eat any grains or dairy (my body is not a huge fan, but I basically grew up on it and it's hard to let go completely).
  • I would suggest bringing small bags of pre-cut carrot sticks, fruits or nuts for snacks. Whatever you usually snack on. Zip-lock bags are easy to carry and won't make a mess in your bag. If you're eating out, I would suggest going to a restaurant, rather than a food stand type of place. Order basically whatever you want…
  • 3 eggs + 1 egg white omelette with red chilli, onion, garlic, mushroom, a slice of cheese and tomato.
    in eggs. Comment by Xelace February 2013
  • I've been completely smoke free for exactly three weeks now and I can easily sympathize with what you're going through. It's hard to get away from the fact that the first few days are the worst. There's absolutely no fun in it, but it's worth it... If you slip up, get rid of the pack, I mean eliminate it completely. Soak…
  • I'm gonna join in on this one. Spending the day away from my bf and we've agreed to not go crazy over Valentine's as none of us really get the hype. However, I'm gonna treat myself to some yummy fruit-covered dark chocolate on Saturday...
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