Xandriarose Member


  • I don't mind him having female friends, but as far as texting/calling goes it bothers me if it's persistent. my boyfriend (of 5.5 years) has never been the real flirty type when it comes to other girls, so whenever I see girls texting or calling him it bothers me alittle. I just don't really trust females all that much.…
  • Thanks for the input. I kind of realized after I had posted this that it is probably different for each person and might be a difficult thing to set monthly goals off of. I read online that if a person is losing between 1-2lbs per week it generally should be equivalent to about 1% body fat per month. Not sure how accurate…
  • I used to eat special k cereals all the time and I love them. I have every kind stocked up in my cupboard and they have definitely helped me lose in the past. I did the special k two week challenge about a year ago and I lost the 6lbs they said I would lose in those two weeks. Haha who knows.. but they are yummy so I will…
  • I workout later in the evening and I still sleep like a baby. Usually I'm done with my workouts by 9 or 10pm though.
  • height: 5'5" starting weight: 133 Current weight: 120 Goal Weight: 110 Age: 21 Eat: 1200
  • I'll be your friend! I'm also looking for new friends! feel free to add:)
  • In my case I've found that if I'm stuck for a week or so I just need to have one bad spike day where I don't focus on my calorie intake and just indulge.. and then usually by the 2nd-3rd day I start losing again. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems to work well for me. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water!
  • Holy smokes! GREAT weight loss and determination!!!! Keep it up and you will be there in no time!:)
  • I'm really feeling the "freshmen 15" going into my 4th year this semester. Anyone looking for more college friends or people to help motivate, so am I :) feel free to request!
  • Best decision of my life. Who cares what anyone else thinks? If you are concerned with what other people think, then it's probably time to ask yourself why you want one in the first place and to re-evaluate. There's always going to be people who agree and disagree... but their opinions shouldn't matter as long as you are…