wimom35 Member


  • This seems like a common theme for many of us. I set a goal to lose 70 lbs. and started out strong. I lost 20 lbs. in 5 weeks, and then started slacking off. I've gained 5 lbs. back. I'm disappointed, but I'm not going to spend too much time beating myself up over it. It's a valuable lesson - I have to stay committed and…
  • Awesome! You're very inspiring, CoolDad! I think I may revise my goal, too. :)
  • Ugh. I feel you. My scale seems to be stuck the last week, too. :( Definitely get a seamstress tape and measure yourself! I've lost inches - mainly on my waist and hips - so that makes me feel better. You can tell by how your clothes fit, but it's always encouraging to see those measurements shrinking. I'm not a patient…
  • Just saw this post, and wanted to comment. I live in Wisconsin - land of long, frigid winters - and I definitely understand falling off the wagon. When the days get short and dreary, I want to eat like a bear preparing for hibernation and then snuggle up and sleep 'til spring. When the weather's nice, it is SO much easier…
  • I've lost 6 lbs in the last 2 weeks, but was afraid to weigh myself this morning. The last 4 or 5 days were less than stellar. It included a trip to the buffet. O_o I still tracked what I ate, but wasn't really careful about WHAT or how much I ate. It's REALLY alarming to see just how many calories a person can pack in…
  • Went over on calories yesterday, because we had a small family reunion with a lot of yummy food. Not too much over, though, because I still got some exercise that night. I didn't beat myself up over it and throw in the towel because of one "bad" day. Today was good, because I did a lot of landscaping again. I enjoyed a few…
  • Could part of it be because of boredom? I know after my kids go to bed, I sometimes don't know what to do with myself. It seems like I want to nosh, just to have something to do. (Especially if I sit down to watch some TV, 'cause everybody knows you HAVE to snack while you watch TV). ;) As a mom, I sometimes seem to forget…
  • It was a good week after all. I had been disappointed when I thought the scale said I had gained back 2 lbs. Today, I weighed myself again, and I'm down to 210. (That's 5 lbs. lost -Yippee!!) I think I misread it last time... it helps that I had my glasses on this time! ;) I may invest in a digital scale, to avoid any…
  • Have you taken in more sodium? Are you very sore from all of the work? If you are sore, remember that your muscles will retain water to repair. [/quote] Ugh. Yeah, I'm a bit sore - not too terrible, but I can feel it. Plus, I usually do go a bit over on my sodium. I don't think I eat a lot of "salty" foods, but it's hidden…
  • What is going on?!? I've been landscaping all week; I put in a long day yesterday. 9 hours of landscaping - including moving about 25 small "boulders" 120 ft. on a dolly, from the back to the front yard. Some of those suckers weighed 200-300 lbs. Burned a LOT of calories, drank a lot of H2O, and was careful with my…
  • Landscaping for 3 1/2 hours - wrestling with a little rototiller that was jumping all over should have jiggled some fat off my arms. ;) Hauling bricks and stones, digging, raking, sweeping. Whew! Plus, I just got back from a 30 min. walk. Over 1,400 calories earned from exercise today. :)
  • Planning meals is a huge help for me - even if it's one day at a time. I can be see how many calories are in what I'm planning to eat, and make changes if necessary. Much better than eating first, then logging and realizing "Crap! I only have 200 calories left for dinner!" LOL I'm going to be doing a lot of…
  • I'm sorry to hear that. :( I sometimes try to find comfort in food, too. And you're right - 1 or 2 pounds is great! Slowly but surely. I just have to be patient , because I have a tendency to expect results overnight.
  • Thanks, everyone. :) I think I'm too chicken to post them online - yet. For now, it may be a good idea to post them on my fridge. ;) Maybe with an older, "thinner" photo of myself to remind me of my goal. What's really sad is that I was unnecessarily self-conscious about my weight back then - I was never happy with my…
  • I did well on my calories. I learned that I can fill up on an entire 16 oz. bag of frozen veggies. I steamed a stir fry blend and tossed them with a few teaspoons of spicy Szechuan sauce. Less than 200 calories for lunch, and I was full 'til dinner. My hubby had to attend a meeting last night, so I was without a walking…
  • I like the idea of "making an appointment" to exercise. I have to work at making time for it - I can always think of 10 other things I should be doing (or would rather be doing).
  • My long term goal is to lose 70 lbs. 140-150 is a healthy weight for my age/size, and I think I could maintain that. Short term (i.e. 90 day) goal would be to lose 12 - 15 lbs. I'm hoping that all my landscaping projects help burn some calories this summer. I'm also taking walks more frequently - did a brisk, hour-long…
  • Hi, folks. I'm Laura, and I've been on a weight-loss/gain roller coaster for the last 6 years. I went though a major depression at that time. At first I lost weight (due to lack of appetite) and went from 150 lb. down to 114. I went on a med that increased my appetite but, sadly, did nothing for the depression. So, I was…