

  • Thanks PurpleTina, I had a look at it, I think it might be a bit much too soon for this year but its something i will put on my list to work towards :) Thanks x
  • Thanks aa62579, I looked up her videos this morning. I found it pretty fasted paced walking so it was nice to feel i was pushing myself a little. I did 25 mins of on of her vids this morning and I will finish it off tonight when i get home (about another 20 mins) plus what i normally walk in a day should be a pretty good…
  • Thanks for the warnings about hurting my beck, i never really though of that. I'm pretty novice to regular exercise so tips like that are much appreciated! Thankfully i live in Scotland so hills are pretty easy to come by! I think I will see if i can add one or two to my walking route. Will give me a chance to build on…
  • Thanks Carrie, some great ideas there :) I am walking about 2-3 miles a day just now so i will try and up that to four when I can and keep building. I'm tempted to put a few of my textbooks in a back pack and wear that when i am walking too, see if that helps me any either. And you are so right PurpleTina, I would love to…
  • Full fat is what i call non-diet lol! So basically coke...
  • Well here goes... My worst ever was a whole large stuffed crust pizza, 2 portions of chicken wings, a portion of mozzarella sticks, 4 liters of full fat coke a whole raspberry cheesecake a pint of ben and jerrys cookie dough ice cream 4 large white chocolate and raspberry cookies and 6 chocoalte filled doughnuts in the…
  • "Whats she gonna look this with a chimney on her" A song from my childhood that drove me crazy!!! what does it even mean!?!?! When i was little i asked my mum and she said "what do you think?" I said, " with a Chimney on her she would look like a house..."
  • I love it when my other half tells me he is proud of me :) No better feeling in the word and it makes it all worth while :)
  • You're another year older and i have to admit That today on you're birthday I don'g give a.... High quality card like this to just anyone!!
  • From a world class champion bringer, the trick for me was learning to control my guilt. I grew up with a very unhealthy relationship with food, where everything that was bad or me became all that i wanted and i learn to associate eating rubbish with feeling good. So when i stepped on the scales and felt bad, my first…
  • feel free to add me anyone :) i have 200 to loose and would love the support!!
  • I would love some friends on MFP so please add me :)