regojess Member


  • Hey everyone just wanted to pop in and let you all know that I'm still here and still logging my calories. Haven't been eating too healthy but, have for the most part been staying within my calories. Try to get some exercise beyond walking for 15 min with the dogs when I can, otherwise just saying it's better than nothing.…
  • I totally feel you. I've been too busy to keep up with all the posts and I'm probably more than 10 pages behind at this point. Been to busy with my school homework and my work work. Tuesday goals..... to get back on it. I've been having a not so great week and haven't had time to fit in any exercise beyond my walks with…
  • Lost another 3 pounds today! I was thinking the scale was gonna go the opposite way but, it didn't. Sunday share...... Today my Dad and I planted the four citrus trees we had to plant. We had them for a few weeks now and just got to it today. It's 2 lemon and 2 lime trees. We have such a rainy climate that we have to find…
  • NSV's for today. Hmmm.... I managed to write my rough draft for English on time and have it for class peer review on Thursday. I even did my math homework the night it was due. Yeah! Also, I bought me a multi-vitamin last night. I went into Target and happened to walk past the shelf with the clearance stuff and there was a…
  • OK so I have been lacking in my exercise lately. Mostly 'cause I have been too busy to fit it in between school and school work. Then today all the "exercise" I got today was to go to work for 5 1/2 hours. Actually I am sitting at the Student Life Center on campus and watching all the people exercising on all the machines.…
  • I have to tell you guys something. I am really proud of myself for not giving in today. I was fine, having an okay day I was just tired from not enough sleep but, when I got home something had happened (nothing major or life threatening) and I was so PO'd that I broke down and was balling hysterically on my bedroom floor.…
  • MyMowMow... hang in there and like others have said just try something new. Try a fitness class you always wanted to try or go swimming, mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, or even just take out one thing that you have been unable to let go of ( if you even still have one) Just keep at it and it will get better. I hope…
  • Wed wish.... that I had more time to read all my homework assignments and to still be able to go for my walk everyday. Thurs truth... I hate sharing a house with my sister. That's just been on my mind today and it was the only thing I could think of to write. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day and that my teacher…
  • It's Monday again. I had a decent weekend. Spent most of it doing homework and i'm still not done. Man, these teachers forget that they aren't the only class we have or something. I got so much reading to do and not enough time to do it. I went for my walk today like a good girl. Got to break in my new sneakers. So far…
  • Don't have any time to read up on everyone:cry: I just know that you are all doing great, keep succeeding at everything you're doing and it will all work out in the end!:bigsmile: Just gonna hit you guys up with my Saturday success real quick and go do some homework. The only thing I can think of is that I finally got me a…
  • OK so I've been pretty busy and was to tired last night to come on. Thursday truth.....hhmmm...I haven't done any homework so far and I've had two days of classes now. Ok so not fitness or food related but still. I also have had like a soda a day for the past few days. I really need it on Thursday after only getting 4…
  • Hello all. Well today was a busy day but I did get in my walk. Yeah me! I told myself that I am not gonna let my school work get in the way of my food and exercise plan. (At least as much as possible, I know there will be days that it may not be feasible; just like any other day.) So I went 2 miles and I was tired after…
  • Hey everyone! I was just trying to catch up on this tread but only made it to page 8 so far. I'll come back later to read some more. Goals: For right now my only goals are to get thru this first week of school. I had my first day today and it was a long one. I managed to pack myself a lunch and even made myself a breakfast…
  • I can totally relate! My 28th is in a few months and I too have been just putzing along for the past few years. Not really doing much with myself and working a dead-end job for 3 of those last 4 years.
  • Hello everyone! I unfortunately don't have time to read all the new posts I have missed. But, I figured I'd at least check in. My computer had no internet last night so I couldn't do my log or anything. Dang cable company! Well yesterday was my weigh day and I lost 4 pounds!! I'm so excited! I was so happy and it was such…
  • *aug.....Congrats, any loss is a good loss. *akelts...sounds like a pretty crazy time at work. Hope it gets better. Thanks for that quiche tip sounds like a good idea. *Cia_clayton...WOW! I can't wait for something like that to happen. Congrats and keep on smiling, you deserve it! *sprinkles...good for you! And congrats on…
  • Thanks for the heads up on the forum location change. I missed what happened I left my last message on somewhere around page 9, I think, then went to bed. *nichols Maybe a banana and a squeezy tube of yogurt. Don't know how those taste though but would be more convenient. I too will have food issues starting next week on…
  • I find that I can't weigh everyday either. It's to discouraging, cause you can fluctuate so much throughout the week.
  • Geez you miss 2 days and there 10 pages already! Sorry I haven't even been on the computer for 2 days So I'll do both. Wed-wishes: I wish that I could see the stars more often. It's always too cloudy even when it's not raining. Also I wish I could've had the courage to have lost the weight sooner, like after high school.…
  • Tuesday goals: Make sure I log EVERYTHING that I eat just to be honest with myself. Pick up on my reading that I've been neglecting. See if I can still sign up for the 5K this weekend. I want to try it and see how I do; then work to improve on it for next year. I know I can walk the distance I just want to see how long it…
  • Monday Check In: I had a hard time eating enough calories and found myself adding 4 cookies after dinner just to get to over where near my daily goal! I've been exercising everyday since I started on Friday and doing either 2 or 3 miles a day usually up hill and back down. Where I live It's either up then down or…
  • @skinnyjeanz QUOTE: "My new goal is to run every day between now and when school starts on the 22nd! Including today (Sun.), that would make 10 days in a row!" I want to eventually be able to go running myself. That's one of the things I've always wanted to be able to do. I don't know why it kinda a weird thing to want to…
  • Hello. I'm new and just noticed that this group will be members only in about a page so I figured I better get in while I still can. Since I'm new it's great to be starting on a Sunday share day!! I'm Jess and going to be 28 in Nov. I have been unemployed for just over a year but, will be starting my new job any day now,…
  • Oh yeah, Peanut butter I'll eat it right out of the jar just give me a spoon! And Doritos nacho cheese I'll eat til my jaw comes sore and then I look and half the bag (large bag) is gone!
  • Ice cream and I too am working on my soda consumption I am a Coca Cola fiend, I swear there's still some coke in there or something that makes it so addicting! But, lately I just don't keep it around so I don't drink it so much. All I have to drink in my house is water.
  • Lovely Children!!! And proof that just cause your poor doesn't mean you are fat.
  • I'm told I wasn't always fat but as far as I can remember I have always been fat. I was the tall, fat girl in my school. I used to get teased by this boy back in 4th grade who was bigger than me! And now days when I see kids, especially kids under 10, who are extremely over weight I feel sad and I say to myself that when I…
  • I'm almost 5'8" so all of you are taller than me but, am still the tallest of all my friends. I used to wear heels even at around 280 but, I gained weight and it hurts too much for my ankles now. I have a closet shoe hanger with all these shoes taunting me. I miss wearing them. Just more motivation to lose the weight!!