Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    @vinson - wrapping in lettuce/cabbage is what I've started doing to get the tortilla's out of my diet too. Its sooo yummy! Let me know how it turns out, I will probably want the recipe off you!

    @walking - I'm very sorry to hear that. I still pray for you that he will eventually come around.

    @jana - I'm glad you weathered the storm with no damage :D Best of luck with training for your 5k.

    I'm cooking spaghetti squash for the first time ever as we speak...hope it turns out good!
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Thursday truth: I've been MIA for the last....3 months....and I gained 15 lbs. *sigh* I'm kicking myself in the butt for being a slacker and in the past week that I've been back I've been keeping under calorie goal and exercising....and I feel good!!! I had forgotten how great I feel when I'm making healthy choices (so now I'm really kicking myself in the butt!!!).
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    Thursday Truth - I'm stronger than I think I am. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Tuesday proved it.

    Today...not so great. I wore different shoes, and 10 mins in my feet started hurting. 15 mins in, I had to stop completely because they hurt so bad. But, I finished my 30 mins by heading to my favorite bike. Someone on here told me I may have some something, planter something or other. What is it? I have such a bad memory. I also need to find me a new swimsuit top. The one I have is so old and deteriorated, that it feels like it's falling off constantly. Come on Labor Day sales!!!
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Thursday Truth - I was forced to wait so long to get my lunch today, that I got a chocolate shake (blue bell) too. I know I could have said, "No", but I wasn't really in the mood. It was 2 p.m. and I had not eaten since 7 a.m. and I had been on the way to lunch to eat a good healthy lunch when my boss stopped me and kept me busy 2 and 1/2 hours till I was in that my blood sugar is way too low zone (hypoglycemic) and I stop thinking clearly because it takes so much effort and make rash decisions. It tasted good, but I'm way over on calories now. I know opening a new school takes a lot of extra time, but geesh the principal should at least get a lunch break. :D
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Thursday truth: I've been MIA for the last....3 months....and I gained 15 lbs. *sigh* I'm kicking myself in the butt for being a slacker and in the past week that I've been back I've been keeping under calorie goal and exercising....and I feel good!!! I had forgotten how great I feel when I'm making healthy choices (so now I'm really kicking myself in the butt!!!).

    Isn't it amazing? I've struggled with acid reflux for awhile and have always known its due to my weight, but start eating healthier foods and less of them and im not taking a million tums at night just to sleep. Aren't our bodies amazing?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @teka--hang in there and I'm sure things will get ready once the school is up and running. Could you try keeping some almonds or another healthy, filling snack at hand for if (when) this happens again? Maybe that would curb your hunger enough to keep you from giving in to a high-calorie meal whenever you finally get to eat lunch.

    @lamypie--I think you are talking about plantar fascitis. Make sure you are stretching your arches regularly and wear shoes with good arch support (even when you aren't working out).

    @nich--:heart: spaghetti squash. I'm gonna have to get some now that it's squash season. Ooh, and pomegranates--I absolutely adore pomegranates, but they are so hard to find other than in autumn (or they're really expensive).

    @tungsten--thanks for the support; I know you're right--I have to really want to quit for it to happen.

    @nace--OMG, you crack me up!! :laugh: Umm, I actually had that problem when I first changed my diet, but now I only have digestive issues when I eat crap. I read that quinoa is really good for your digestive tract (it's a natural mild laxative)--since I eat it almost every day during the school year, it tends to keep things "normal." :wink: I didn't eat it much over the summer and I definitely noticed a difference. Of course, I ate and drank (mostly drank) a lot more unhealthy stuff too, so that was probably a contributor as well.

    @jt--great words of encouragement for all of us. :smile:

    I had a really great evening. Went to starbucks to grade and then to a Jockey clothing party. The clothes were really cute but a little bit pricey. I was a bit leery b/c my colleague who was hosting said we would get to try on some samples. That made me nervous. What if nothing fit me? The fact that the hostess is about the same size as me helped alleviate my fears, but still...

    Anyway, I tried on some jeans and the size 12 fit, but I didn't love them and I have about a dozen pair of jeans so really didn't need them. They did have some cute workout clothes--specifically an adorable black and gray hounds-tooth patterned running skort. The only sample there was a small. The saleswoman saw me looking at it and said, "I'm guessing you're a medium." That made me happy, and when I told her I wished I could try it on to see where the length hit, she said "Well, try on the small--I'm sure you can squeeze into it." I could, and I did and it was only a little bit snug. I decided to order it in the medium, but I am on cloud 9 that anyone would assume I could fit into the small!! :bigsmile:
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    Happy Friday

    Friday Fitness - Plan for September is to increase calories burned on my 30 minute work outs to over 300
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Skinnyjeanz, that's awesome about the slightly-snug-size-small! :happy: Also, you are 100% correct in your self-assessment that you are addicted to nicotine. So here's a hypothetical for you: is it the nicotine, or the experience of smoking, that you value more? Because you can replace the nicotine with substantially less overall risk to your health. Gum, patch, whatever. (I actually saw a nonsmoker once who had gotten addicted to nicotine gum.) Either way, you do have to decide that it's really worth it to you to quit before you're likely to be successful.

    Nicole, you are not the only one with that issue. I find, however, that Beano is great. I also find that giving up my morning Atkins shakes was very helpful (sugar alcohols are deadly, as it turns out) and that whenever I succumb to junk food, the high-fat stuff produces some truly awful results. For everyone else, too. :embarassed:

    LAMypie, you very may well be experiencing plantar fasciitis. It's an inflammation of the connective tissue that forms the arch of your foot, and in many folks it produces severe pain in the foot/leg whenever you take a step. The reason for the pain is that the inflamed tissue is so tight that stepping down, which stretches the tissue, creates tears in the tissue. Harder steps (ex: when running) create more severe tearing. Symptoms can last for as long as 18-24 months. There are many things you can do to help it, including anti-inflammatory meds (ibuprofen or naproxen -- NOT Tylenol/acetaminophen), ice, gentle stretching (roll your foot back and forth over a hard ball like a baseball, or full can of something), hot showers. But the single most effective thing you can do is to make sure that you have VERY good arch support (hard, inflexible, and therefore more expensive arch support than the crap you can easily find at the drugstore) in EVERY pair of shoes you wear. The only times you should be without arch support in shoes is when you are laying in bed, or in the shower. I'm serious; step into shoes as soon as you stand up out of bed. Do this religiously for a few months and you're likely to see substantial improvement in your pain, if plantar fasciitis is what's causing it.

    Lana, have you considered buying a pair of Vibram Five Fingers instead of running shoes? You seem to be one of those people who does better barefoot, and there's accumulating evidence that it's safer to run barefoot anyway. There is actually evidence that running shoes can INCREASE ankle injuries.

    Thursday Truth: I need to do another two-week Phase I South Beach Diet induction to get my derriere in gear, I think. That seems to be the most effective intervention whenever I go too far off the rails. I am currently nursing what I'm pretty sure is a rhinovirus (too severe a cold to be one of the more typical "summer cold" variant viruses), so I anticipate that I'll be starting next week. I'll need to exorcise most carbs from my diet.... Which will make me cranky at about the 4-9 day mark, but I've done it before and I can do it again. And I usually feel much better when I do.
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    I have to tell you guys something. I am really proud of myself for not giving in today. I was fine, having an okay day I was just tired from not enough sleep but, when I got home something had happened (nothing major or life threatening) and I was so PO'd that I broke down and was balling hysterically on my bedroom floor. While I was still in my room my step-mom called and invited me next door for dinner. Well I finally go and I was still mad and she asked me what was wrong so I told them the jyst of it and she offered me cookies. The fix it food. But I was just like, no. Honestly I didn't even want cookies. So I'm proud of myself of not going there and sabotaging myself more than I already had today. I had 2 sodas and a candy today and even though I was still under I was not going to give in to the depression munchies.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :flowerforyou:

    @Lin I am sorry to hear about your Dad's Hip. Prayers for him and you. Keep strong and take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:
    @Robin-- Was going through the posts and read your Wednesday wish about money. i hear you there-- Money and food. Have always plague me. Now as I am beginning to see some self-control on food and an effort on my part too move gget off the sofa is starting to come together. My husband has decided we need to do the same with our budget. So cheers for you on that. :smile: Also going to look into those cholo covered almonds sounds really good. A nice healthy treat.

    @Skinny I never had the addiction to nicotine but several others food is 1. So seeing it is part of it. Yay on the smaller size. I have never heard of a Jockey Clothing Party before but I have sort of got away from the home party circle.

    @Cath hope you are feeling better
    @Christine--Hugs to you--Praying for your son and his job situation.
    @Rejos That is awesome good job on the cookies shows self control on your part.

    I didn't make Thursday truth and its now Friday Fitness I will just combined the 2.:flowerforyou:

    Thursday truth is I am an over sharer no mystery to me here. I have live inside this cave behind this mask of my over weightness hiding that as I am trying not to hide anymore behind food its like no filter. I just share everything (notthe very personal stuff in person) but a lot and get me on MFP I come back and will reread a post serveral days old like why oh why did you share that. It is scares me I don't want to go back into hiding but am wanting to show more restraint. Sorry for this.

    Friday Fitness: Today at work we took our clients to a golf course never been. It was only9-hole but we would go through with a group help guide them and play too. I had to take 2 groups through after a bit of instruction we went for it. I really enjoyed it.
    I want to look into it.
    keep walking daily
    add swimming/ water jogging in 3 times a week.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Friday.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Friday fitness: I plan on running the weight loss program on my treadmill again tonight and probably the interval program level 2 tomorrow night.

    As you guys probably know I've upped my calories following the eat more to weigh less program. I'll have to say it is scary to follow because if you've been cutting back your calories for a year and have lost a lot of weight the way I have you really don't want to see your weight go up initially the way it did with me. I went from eating between 1500-1800 calories to eating about 2700 calories. Needless to say I gained 5.5 pounds within the first week of doing this(3 days I gained 4 pounds then another 1.5 pounds the next 3). I told myself that I would stick with it and if I hit the 10 pound gain mark then I would consider it a failure and cut back to 1500-1800 calories again. Oddly enough the weight stopped at 285.5 for 2 days. That Thursday I ran 3 miles and weighed the next morning. Still 285.5. I cursed myself for being stupid for trying to fix something that was working for me but kept on keeping on. I weighed again on Monday and was down a half pound. I then ran on the treadmill on Tuesday then weighed Wednesday. I was at 281.5. I freaked out! I was extremely shocked and awe struck that I had to weigh again. How the HELL could I eat that much and lose that much? I then skipped a day of weighing(Thursday) and weighed again this morning and saw my weight at 284.0. It's more than 281.5 but its still going in the right direction. On top of this I woke up this morning at 3:00 to see my wife to work. I noticed right away that i wasn't tired at all. As a matter of fact I was energetic and ready to kick some butt on this Friday! I've never been a morning person and don't claim or will never claim to be but this is the first time I have experienced this. If you're thinking about trying this program I would highly suggest it. The one thing to keep in mind is it requires a lot of patience with yourself and the scale. I don't recommend weighing everyday either because your weight will fluctuate. The only reason I have been weighing is to see how my body reacts to this change. Thankfully it's reacting positively instead of negatively. However you're eating I wish you luck and plenty of water!

  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I hope no one thinks I'm trying to shove this weight loss program down their throats because I'm not. I just want to keep everyone informed of my progress if they have considered doing this program. I know this journey is hard and sometimes information and guessing what to do is all we have. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress and\or lack of progress as I go along.

    Do your best at whatever you're doing and NEVER QUIT!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Good morning everyone
    Friday Fitness For the month of september i am going to work out more ! I am starting back to Zumba on September 17th and i am very excited about that !
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Morning everyone! I'm so glad it's a long weekend and especially glad that I don't have to work over it.

    Friday Fitness - for the next month I'm going to drag myself to our neighborhood gym and workout no matter how late I get home from work. I tried going super early, but I have absolutely no motivation when it's still dark out.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Work was so busy yesterday I didn't have a chance to stop by, missed y'all! I've been procrastinating on a project, so needed to get a good start on it.

    Got on the scale this morning for my official weigh in and I'm down 3.9# this week. I'll take it!!! :bigsmile: Had a great compliment from my trainer last night that I needed to go shopping for new workout clothes. I've noticed myself they were starting to hang, feels good that others are noticing too. So, I may see if I can find some at a reasonable price this weekend - if I'm going to have to find them every month or so, it can get expensive. I'm so picky about t-shirts though, so we shall see. If there is one part of my body that I really don't like, its my arms - so finding shirts with sleeves that are long enough is a task in and of itself. :grumble:

    So, Thursday truth~Not sure I have anything to confess, I'm actually doing really well with everything right now. :smile: I'm watching my food choices really closely and getting in my workouts, some of them exhausting at times but its working.

    Friday Fitness~ Going to trick my body with some different cardio this weekend, trainer gave me some ideas of things to try in the pool and then I'm going to try some different cardio machine workouts tonight and Sunday. Having lunch with friends tomorrow, but we usually choose places where its easy to make healthier choices - they are trying to lose weight too, so that makes it easier.
    I hope no one thinks I'm trying to shove this weight loss program down their throats because I'm not. I just want to keep everyone informed of my progress if they have considered doing this program. I know this journey is hard and sometimes information and guessing what to do is all we have. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress and\or lack of progress as I go along.

    Do your best at whatever you're doing and NEVER QUIT!

    Interesting, Doug. I haven't heard much about this program, do you have a book you are following?

    Today should be a lighter day, so will be by later for more personals.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tina - great plan - another idea - only if you really want to do it with me. I'm going to get myself a new coffee cup - do you want to get one too? Then when you start the morning the coffee cup (or tea mug or milk or smoothie or whatever) will remind you of your re-commitment......Also, you might be too ambitious with a 5 day a week workout. Its not a sin to work out 3 days a week! Whatever you decide I applaud you for your stick-to-it attitude! :flowerforyou:

    Celtic - can you make a change partially? Like half the time or half the amount for the time being to get yourself started on this change your wrestling with?

    Walkingqueen - My sympathies for the conflicts with your son. I can only suggest that when he behaves that way that you give him a hug and tell him you know he's deceiving you but you love him anyway, and you hope he gets his values straightened out. It will give him something to think about and he will be in fear of your ESP.

    Aug - I read that mental gymnastics burn up the calories of an inhaled fly.

    Skinny - I'll just wager when you reach your ideal weight you'll be better prepared to stop smoking. Of course, you'll have to take up hair-pulling, knuckle-cracking, or some other form of stress reliever!

    Shannon - welcome back and glad you're feeling so good by eating well!

    tekavincent - sounds like you have a good enrollment now as you sound super busy. Sorry your boss put you in such a stressful situation. Try to keep some almonds handy in the future.

    regojess - congrats on not giving in to the cookies and the depression!:flowerforyou:

    Lizmil - have you had any more light headedness? It sounds like you really enjoyed golf. I hope you do it more often!

    Dobarber - I'm fascinated that the program is working for you, but you ARE a new man and a running machine, to boot. It does make sense you need more calories when you're expending so much running.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Friday Fitness:

    My goal for the weekend is to stay under my calories and continue my 5k training even though my family will be in town and we will be at the family reunion. :)

    I called my dad last night to let him know that if the fam wanted junk food or sodas that they would have to bring some since I don't keep them in the house anymore. He proceeded to tell me how proud he was of me. :) He mentioned wanting to jump on the weight loss express so I suggested he join MFP. He said he would! I'm going to teach him how to use it this weekend.

    @Skinny: Congrats on getting into a small! How exciting! :)

    @Doug: No worries! I don't mind hearing about new fitness options and diet plans. :)
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Actually i just found the plan on MFP. If you want more info just search for "Eat More" and it'll take you to the group. It has all the info you need.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    we should try to think of a little challenge between the small group of people who are having trouble getting recommitted. anyone have any ideas?
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    I made my yumtastic chicken salad last night here is for a small batch that serves 3:
    Calories: 233
    Carbs: 5
    Fat: 22
    Protein: 6
    Sodium: 318
    Sugar: 4

    For a small batch:4 oz boiled shredded chicken (I used thighs because they are cheap), 4, oz cream cheese, 2Tbsp mayo, 1Tbsp Dijon mustard, 1/4cup finely chopped green bell pepper, 1/4cup finely chopped white onion (or any onion), 3Tbsp shredded or finely chopped carrots. Add pepper not salt.

    To make it healthier use light cream cheese, light mayo or greek yogurt instead of reg mayo, and lean white chicken meat.

    Bake or boil chicken and shred or finely chop. Mix softened cream cheese with mayo (light or greek yogurt) and dijon mustard and if desired pepper, until it is completely mixed and somewhat light and fluffly. Finely chop veggies. When chicken is cool mix in cream cheese mix one spoon full at a time (you might not need or want it all) until it is mixed well together. Then mix in veggies.
    You can but in on bread, in a pita, on a wrap or tortilla, or in cabbage!

    If you dont want to mix in the sauce stuff then just spread some on what ever you are putting it on.