Betty_Canada Member


  • I love this thread. Haven't seen this one yet.
  • I would probably respond by showing up to work in a Darth Vader mask, but that's just because I'm rude that way. Unfortunately, because your supervisor / HR are not responding to this other than finger wagging, which is making it worse because now they've been caught out and instead of stopping, they're blaming you, you…
  • Cabana Boy! (although probably a mechanic in real life...)
  • Krishna Das - Door of Faith, Track 6; "Siri Hanuman Chaleesa / Gate of Sweet Nectar"
  • My original why was to show up a doctor. (I get so angry at doctors who diagnose me as fat and lazy, and I started calorie counting to make a point. My ob-gyn understood my point, agreed that I'm probably IR and put me on Metformin. That's how it started.) Part of the why was knee pain (traumatic osteoarthritis); it was…
  • *pokes head in door* Mind if I chime in? I totally understand the weight loss / depression thing. I got down sixty pounds and then a whole bunch of things in my life sort of went sideways and the black dogs got me. I'm back up to 215 (about 35 lbs gained back) and sitting on a lot of shame and frustration and general…
  • One thing I haven't seen yet: When people have figured out you're losing weight, they'll compliment you all the time - even when you've put back on nearly 15 lbs and haven't been able to get your *kitten* together food and workout wise due to injuries and depression for like, a year. Really? I've GAINED fifteen pounds…
  • I'm also going to point out that most YMCA/YWCA facilities have a sliding fee scale and you can get a discounted membership if the cost is truly not affordable. I would suggest calling them and asking if they offer membership subsidies for lower income people. I was making minimum wage and they gave me eighteen months at…
  • I use a pen and 3"x5" notebook, mostly. When I get home, I log to Fitocracy and MFP. I'll write out what I'm supposed to be dong in advance, so all I have to do is add in the reps and weight. Sometimes the low tech old school ways are the best. *lol* =Betty=
  • -32C (-45 wind chill) ...and yes, it's warmed up quite a bit since Sunday. (that's -25F and -44F wind chill for the Murricans...) Never seen the city shut down due to cold. Seen services limited if more than a foot of snow in 24 hours, and sometimes school buses will stop providing service (I think wind chill has to be…
  • I'm in the low eighties too. Sometimes it gets as low as the mid seventies, but I've got a heart murmur, so my heart has to work at it a little harder. :) My max seems to be about 155-160 if I'm pounding on the elliptical. Every body is different. My stepfather's RHR is so low that he walked into the hospital on his own…
  • I rather like the site Steady 130. They have a mix site with hour long workouts at 130 and 150 bpm ( They do have a limited number of workouts for things like spin classes with variable speeds. And it's free, which is nice, although they gladly take donations. =Betty=
  • Posting so I can follow. I have a long way to go before I've lost enough BF to worry about this, but I want to keep "how to do it right" in my back pocket. You look fantastic. Keep up the good work! =Betty=
  • Two observations: 1) All those women you see with perfect six pack abs in magazines and in competitions have (a) trained for multiple hours a day to get there, usually lifting heavy weights, (b) are photoshopped to within an inch of their lives and probably don't look like that in real life, (c) may or may not be on a…
  • At home, I just finished Divergent by Veronica Roth (I was curious whether it would be worth it to see the movie) At work, I just finished State of Emergency by Marc Cameron Am presently working my way through an ARC of "The Red Knight" by Miles Cameron When I moved in with my partner, I got rid of 300+ books to make room…
  • "Love Your Body More in Three Simple Steps" - Ragen Chastain Note: She said SIMPLE, not EASY. But I've been working with this principle for about six months now, and it helps me a lot. =Betty=
  • Once a week, usually Wednesday morning before coffee. Sometimes I'll climb on another day if I'm curious about the sodium impact of something, like takeout food, but I don't count that. I only record upward ticks if I get over 5 lbs difference, as I did over the summer (8 lbs! Aie!) I don't 'count' weigh ins at the doctor…
  • The machines are a great place to start if you're new to lifting. Yes, some purists will say "NOEZ! Fr33 Waits ONLY or yu SUXX!" but my trainer is doing some machine work with me to help me work around injuries and give me (I am discovering) a week or so of doing the movement against weight in a controlled scenario before…
  • Not true. Weight gain is often symptomatic (i.e. it is a result of poly, not the cause). Nothing is going to allow you to beat PCOS. It's going to be with you forever. (I'm turning 40 this fall, and I had poly at 140 lbs when I was 23 and I had poly at 250 lbs when I was 37 and I have it at 180 lbs at 39.) You CAN manage…
  • Oh, and I forgot FlashForward, loosely based on the Robert. J. Sawyer novel of the same name. That one was actually on ABC, so you've likely already seen it. =B=
  • A couple of Canadian series that I don't see here that got cut off early and had a lot of promise: Odyssey 5 (one season) - science fiction/butterfly effect Blood Ties (two short seasons) - urban vampire/detective crossover =Betty=
  • Hi. My name is Betty, and I am an apple. ("Hi, Betty!") Humour aside, I've been struggling with the belly of doom most of my life. I was about 145-140 in high school and university, mostly due to a combination of semi-starvation and being a broke student who walked three miles wither way to university. And some hussy still…
  • This is more of a "during". I have no breasts to speak of, and very little in the way of a behind, so I sort of follow my belly around like a schooner following a tugboat. I'm not so much an apple as I'm a Tootsie Pop! It's very frustrating. Also a cyster over here (polycystic ovary syndrome) and most of the weight loss…
  • This. Hi Obese+Sassy. I applaud your solid sense of self-esteem. I started this journey into fitness and health mostly to prove a point to my doctor, who diagnosed me as "fat and lazy" when every health indicator I had was perfectly fine (I had better cholesterol markers than my doctor, even at 240 lbs), to prove that I…
  • I'm 5'5" (or 5'6" depending on how recent my last chiro adjustment was) and am presently 183. I started out at 236, so I've managed to lose 54 lbs so far (about nine months). I'd *like* to get to 150 or a teeny bit less. In the middle of tweaking calorie intake due to added activity up to about 1800 so I've been playing…
  • Go to Stumptuous Dot Com. Find the post called "Lurn to Squat Good E-Zy" (I think it's in the technique section; her sense of humour can be a little goofy.) Watch all the videos and find a convenient object to hang on to for your first attempts. I have traumatic osteoarthritis in my left knee from a childhood injury (I was…
  • NOTE: Started in late January 2013 with the Stumptuous workout, switched to midified (see note on Squats) Stronglifts 5x5 in March, and had to deload back to the bar once for benches and rows when I realized I was doing them wrong. I also have knee damage, so the squats are a work in progress 1) A 5 lb vinyl dipped bar…
  • What motivates me: How far I've come. I seriously never thought I would get under 200 lbs again. The fact that I have to buy size 18 pants because my 24s look stupid big, even with a belt. What depresses me: My body's stubborn refusal to lose weight in the one place I would really like to see change. I am aware that one…
  • Whelp, that does it. Paleo's jumped the shark. :) It's on Dr. Oz. and are three great sites for paleo / primal eating. There's even an app for that (PaleoCentral). In short, eat what your great, great, great grandparents might have eaten. Unlikely there was a lot of potato…