practice quitting and one day you will get it.....I joined a gym then quit 3 weeks later. I can now run like the wind.
I am 46 and have been running for 6 years. Ran lots of 5-K's and a half marathon in November. Got a 10-K this weekend.
Raj on "big bang"
ah yah
I am an old new runner for about 4 years and want to try my first 1/2 marathon in November. I live in Florida and it's been a hot summer! Been running and feeling my age but E for effort. As of now I need to learn to slow down and go for longer distance.
I get every one with my nutra bullet.
I live in Florida and the heat has forced me back on the treadmill. My pace and speed is pitiful and have been feeling my age but I keep moving! I still plan on running my first half marathon in November.
with each new day there is fresh hope!
I run like the wind on pancakes and coffee!
Crestucky Florida!
not too often, my 46 year old eyes need reading glasses to read the scale!
June 13th I will be over half way through it.....46 and I am about to get half crazy and run my first half marathon in December!
eat less, move more!
Get some good sneakers and take it slow.
running get's it done quicker....
I love CAKE!
but all the married people are so unhappy with there spouses.
he was a great stretching pole......
A 6 foot five bipolar catholic vampire that tried to suck the life out of me!
Hi I am 45and took off 25 pre menopausal pounds. Took up running about 3 years ago and love it!
I love my nutra bullet. get all kinds of fruits and veggies down that I would never eat. kale,cabbage,swis my green sludge!
Just watch Pulp Fiction. nothing wrong with a little pot belly, like Modonna had in Lucky Star!
Wow! You didn't just take the weight off, you took it to another level. Healthy, strong and beautiful!
move less, eat more?
eat less,move more.I took up running and the weight fell off!
I always run better on carbs and sugar!
I am going to try for beer and potato chips.For people that know me,it's about the same as to quit breathing!
45 and from Florida!
- less, move more