Ange03063 Member


  • I'm looking to lose 71 pounds too! I started at 219 and my goal weight is 148 (I'm 5'9"). I just started on Monday. Please feel free to add me as a friend. We can do this!
  • I've been battling my weight for most of my adult life. I've probably done every diet you can think of (Fat Smash, Nutri System, Atkins, South Beach, and the list goes on). My husband, son, and I moved to MD from MA a couple weeks ago. It finally hit me that I needed to get my *kitten* in gear when I saw a picture of me,…
  • I'm open to anything. We typically eat a lot of chicken. The specific leftovers I'm referring to are pulled pork and cheddar spoon bread. I like the hash idea for the pulled pork though!
  • I'm with the group. One night won't spoil all your hard work. If you're still feeling anxious, here's some general tips: 1) A glass of champagne isn't gonna break the bank. You're looking at about 100 calories. It's a lot better than hard alcohol or mixed drinks like pina coladas or margaritas. Those drinks almost as many…
  • I will always heart Zack Morris!
  • I'm in! I'll get them in when my little guy is taking his nap! : )
  • Hello! I'm new on here too. I'm sending a friend request your way... Angela
  • I'm looking forward to tonight's episodes! The show is hysterical and the whole family is a riot. And, no, I don't think that all people who live in the south are like that. I have family in SC, right on the GA border. They're not like Honey Boo Boo and her family at all.
  • These look tasty and gluten free (if you buy g-free oats). I'll definitely be looking up this recipe on their site (I'm a fan too) and putting it to Pinterest! Thanks for the post!
  • Sign me up! I'm in! If you create a group, I'll definitely join. I'm in the very beginning stages of my journey (day 3 to be exact), but I'm always up for a challenge and for some friendly competition! I'll definitely send you a friend request.
  • What a great story! You've truly inspired me to keep going on my weight loss journey. Soak in your 15 minutes of fame (they're well deserved!) and best of luck with the Ironman in a couple of weeks. I'll be cheering for you!
  • Congratulations on your weight loss. You look great!
  • Way to go! I just started jogging as well (about a mile to 1.5 miles a day). Although sometimes I feel like I'm moving at a snail's pace, at least I'm lapping everyone still sitting on the couch! Keep going and kudos to your husband for walking with you while you jogged.
  • Hello! Although my current goal is 70 pounds, my goal is to lose 105 pounds total. In a nutshell, when I gave birth to my son three years ago, I weighed 253 pounds (I gained 50 pounds throughout my pregnancy). Through diet, exercise, and actually having him, I lost 60 pounds. Then the stress of work, family, and graduate…
  • I'm 31. I know that's on the younger side, but I consider myself to be an old soul! Please feel free to add me. I'm hoping to lose 70 pounds. I can use all the motivation, encouragement, and support I can get!
  • I'm an only child and as of right now, my 3-year-old son is an only child. Speaking as an only chid, there are positives and negatives. On the plus side, I think it forced me to become a more independent person. On the down side, holidays were always the worst because not only was I an only child, but the only child in the…
  • Great work with the weight loss so far. It's definitely a challenge, but I'm glad you're using your daughter as inspiration. We as parents (I have a 3-year-old son) have to set a good example for our children. It looks like you're off to a wonderful start! Keep up the hard work!
  • I love your topic title "Life begins now!"....I feel like that describes me finally beginning my weight loss journey too! Best of luck on your journey!
  • I'm going through a similar journey as well. I'm 31 years old and I've got about 70 pounds I'd like to lose. I'm glad you've come here for encouragement and support. One thing you said really struck a chord with me. That the process is going to be slow. It's finally hitting me that it's going to be slow (and long....and…