Zexxa Member


  • I do 30 minutes now, but when I first started I was doing 5, 7, 10 minutes and that was it. It is hard, keep the settings on manual when you first start so you can adjust the intensity. I like the elliptical tons better than the treadmill. I'm a bit of accident prone and I get dangerously close to falling off the treadmill…
  • Can this be made a sticky if it hasn't been already? I'm doing this on my newsfeed as well.(Blatant promotion to ADD ME) 80 Questions 1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight? Current Stats: 5'3" 186 lbs. Goal weight: 130lbs. I'm losing weight because I'm sick of…
  • I'm adding you! I should probably make one of these threads of my own. LOL. When I joined up I didn't really understand how the site worked and I still have very few friends. :P
  • Hey! I'm 5'3" and I'm 25. :) I'm looking to lose at least 50. 50 will put me back at my pre-marriage weight. I'm hoping to lose even more! I'm always up for friends. Mostly friends who will help me eat, I keep forgetting. :P
  • I wouldn't even know how to begin to take measurements. LOL. I guess I'll do some googling on taking measurements. :P
  • Thanks for all the input. I've been doing a little googling on lactic acid and ya'll are probably right. I hope to feel the same tomorrow! Except for the passing out part. I can do without that particular feeling.(I'm thinking I need to turn on a fan or something in my exercise room)
  • I feel your pain. I have the same problem, except I am an A cup so it's even more noticeable. What I noticed worked the best when I was at my lowest weight was to work on the elliptical trainer and make sure to improve your posture. By constantly trying to keep your back aligned you are, in turn, pulling in on your tummy.…
  • Hmm the youtube comment is awesome. I think that's what I'll do. (When I say it's raining, I mean it's storming otherwise I would get out in it)
  • I used to INHALE any chocolate that I could get my hands on. And make mac and cheese and eat the entire thing. I guess developing lactose intolerance was my body's way of saying to stop eating so much chocolate and mac and cheese. The weight has just kind of been peeling off now that I have to think about how everything is…
  • I actually don't have a console. *gasp* But I'm excited for the launch of Mists of Panderia tonight. I'm going to make sure to move as much as possible during flight paths and whatnot so that I don't completely screw up my progress.