Scale isn't budging?

I've lost a little over one pants size since August. When I last weighed in(with a scale) back in July I was hovering just over 190. Now, even with the loss of a pants size I'm only 188? What gives?
Oh and my food for today is correct. I really haven't eaten. LOL. Too busy to eat, and I'm never hungry. You'd think never being hungry would make me lose weight. *sigh*
Why am I not actually losing weight?


  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    change in % fat

    change in measurements

    are you tracking those too??? dont get stuck on a number on the scale
  • Zexxa
    Zexxa Posts: 13 Member
    I wouldn't even know how to begin to take measurements. LOL. I guess I'll do some googling on taking measurements. :P
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    I wouldn't even know how to begin to take measurements. LOL. I guess I'll do some googling on taking measurements. :P

    very hard to do it yourself... you would have to get someone to do it like a trainer at the gym. best technique is to use calipers to do skin folds from 3 areas
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I had the same problem, and to some extent I still do. I was crash fasting every day for weeks at a time, and I saw very little movement in the scale. I was so frustrated I wanted to not eat even more.

    One of my biggest inspirations was Drew Manning from Fit2Fat2Fit, and it helps to flip the whole question: What if you were trying to gain weight? What if you were trying to pack on pounds, how fast would it go? Drew only managed a couple of pounds a week in weight gain, and he was eating as much high calorie food as he possibly could.

    So for weight loss, the biggest factor is your metabolism. if you crash diet too hard you will minimize the effects of weight loss. Take your Base Metabolic Rate, and then subtract 500 calories. That's the MAXIMUM number of calories you need to be cutting. If you cut any harder you won't see faster weight loss, you will only see your body try and hold onto every last pound. When you eat your body and metabolism reacts, processes the food, and goes on like normal. When you fast, your body starts shutting down.

    If you want "The Biggest Loser" style weight loss, then you need to emulate what they do, the only way to lose more weight than the 500 calorie deficit per day way is to increase activity, work out more. The contestants worked out 6 to 8 to 10 hours a day. They created thousands of calorie deficits PER DAY but only through working out. They still ate at 60-70% of their daily BMR in calories.

    It sounds wrong, but eat a little more, and eat a *lot* more often. Smaller more frequent meals will keep your digestive system turned on, and burn more calories in a day. One last thing, touchy topic, but as you eat less and less, you will have less bowel movements, and it was the case for me that when I was crashing so hard, most of what I was eating was not passing... and after I corrected that particular problem, I lost several pounds immediately. Think FAT loss, not weight loss. if you are cutting then it IS happening.
  • The more often I eat the more I seem to lose. That is, if I eat small over the course of the day I seem better results. On weeks that are exceptionally hectic, where I inadvertently consume far less than my allotted calories, I see less loss on the scale. Your body enters into starvation mode and your metabolic rate decreases.:happy: Hope it changes for you soon!
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    As you are being told, you are not eating enough. You're sending signals to the body to slow the metabolism down. Also, make sure to eat WHOLE FOODS when you do eat - protein, vegetables, fruits & nuts and good fats (olive oil, coconut oil, butter - yes, butter). Stay away from sugar (try liquid Stevia), breads, pastas, grains, etc.
  • EAT and exercise or be active at least 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week :) Small meals throughout the day. Starving yourself does not promote weight loss as you can tell. And yes, whole foods are what the body needs, it processes them accordingly and does not store them away because it does not know what else to do with them. :) Good luck and stick to your guns.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you've lost a pants size in just over a month, why do you care what the scale says?
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    You're not eating enough!!!!