junerbooner Member


  • Hello everybody! My name is June Age: 59 for a few more days. SIGH!! I will be 60 on Sept. 15! Missouri SW: 177 CW:??? Haven't weighted yet. GW: 157 Looking foreword to this challenge to get myself motivated to buckle back down and start losing again. I have pulled off nearly 130 pounds in the last 16 months, but very…
  • I miss my computer so much when it comes to not having my stats on this phone. My current weight is 185. I'm still losing!!
  • Not able to get to the spreadsheet...my phone wont let me open the link. Would you please enter my weight for me? I am 185 today. Thank you. Junerbooner
  • Just letting you guys know that I will not be with you on here for a while. We are moving into our new house next week, but I will not have internet service out there for at least a month or more. The phone crew is back logged on orders to fill due to the rainy weather. I will still be working on my weight loss, but will…
  • luvs_choc8, Just letting you know that I will be moving to my new home next week but I will not have internet service out to the farm for at least a month or more. Phone crew is back logged on orders to fill due to the rainy weather. I will log when I can, but I won't be consistent on a weekly basis. I will rejoin this…
  • Hi guys...I'm here too. I have been filling in the spreadsheet but not doing much chatting due to the moving process that I am engaged in at the present. Here are my numbers up to Mon, May 27. SPRING INTO SUMMER CHALLENGE: MONDAY weigh-ins: Host- Damita Medina SW: 208 GW: 180 (28 pounds to lose) March 25: 208 April 1: 208…
  • Sorry that I am so late in checking in with you guys. As you all know by now, my life is very hectic and unreal due to our hurry up to build and move in the next 18 days. I can't keep up with my MFP challenges. lol... As of this morning, I am down another two pounds (YEA!!!) but not close to my goal of 180 yet. It is…
  • Congratulations to all of the losers. On to May!!
  • Bump for later reading!! Thanks for the recipe. I am going to try it this weekend.
  • Hello Ladies... I haven't been in touch with you guys for a month or better so thought I would correct that. I have read some of the latest posts and got a real good chuckle over the mouse in the suitcase story.:laugh: :laugh: A lot has happened in my life since I last posted here. In mid-April we sold our town house and…
  • SPRING INTO SUMMER CHALLENGE: MONDAY weigh-ins: Host- Damita Medina SW: 208 GW: 180 (28 pounds to lose) March 25: 208 April 1: 208 April 8: 205 April 15: 203 (Officially have lost 100 pounds!!!) April 22: 199 (Finally made it to ONDERLAND!!! (Grin, laugh, scream, shout, dance!!!) April 29: 199 ~~mini goal weight: 200 or…
  • Still here as well. I have been so busy with getting the farm house ready to move into in a months time, household items packed to storage and/or ready to move, as well as substitute teach during the week, that I haven't had time to concentrate on my weight loss. I did make my mini goal of losing down below 200 in April…
  • Congratulations!! I do know how you feel!!! I hit the Onederland last Saturday and my feet hasn't hit solid ground since. Like you said... on the the next goal. Mine is to get out of Obese and into Overweight...14 pounds away! Keep up the great work!! YOU'RE DOING AN AWESOME, JOB!!! June
  • SPRING INTO SUMMER CHALLENGE: MONDAY weigh-ins: Host- Damita Medina SW: 208 GW: 180 (28 pounds to lose) March 25: 208 April 1: 208 April 8: 205 April 15: 203 (Officially have lost 100 pounds!!!) April 22: 199 (Finally made it to ONDERLAND!!! (Grin, laugh, scream, shout, dance!!!) April 29: ~~mini goal weight: 200 or less~~…
  • Mine was around the 20 mark for my family and most co-workers. But lately ( since I have dropped 70 or so pounds) the compliments are becoming more frequent and from people who know me only casually. It feels so good to hear someone you don't really know say that I was looking really good. When I reply that I have lots…
  • SPRING INTO SUMMER CHALLENGE: MONDAY weigh-ins: Host- Damita Medina SW: 208 GW: 180 (28 pounds to lose) March 25: 208 April 1: 208 April 8: 205 April 15: 203 (Officially have lost 100 pounds!!!) I am so-o-o-o excited to meet my 1st mini goal for April...100th pound lost!!!!:drinker: :drinker: It has taken me 10 months and…
  • Week 2 4/9/13-Tuesday Exercise-2 (walked 110 mins) Food-5 Vitamins-1 Water-2 Total Points--10
  • SPRING INTO SUMMER CHALLENGE: MONDAY weigh-ins: Host- Damita Medina SW: 208 GW: 180 (28 pounds to lose) March 25: 208 April 1: 208 April 8: 205 Did OK this week!! Pulled off 3 pounds that has been stubbornly sticking around longer than I appreciated!! hahaha Still working on losing my 100th pound (2 pounds away now) and…
  • Week 2 4/8/13-Monday Exercise-2 (Walked 75 mins at 3 mph) Food-5 Vitamins-1 Water-2 Total Points-10
  • Week 2 4/7/13-Sunday Exercise-2 (Walking 3.5 mph for 75 mins) Food-5 Vitamins-1 Water-2 Total Points-10
  • Week 2--4/6/13-Saturday Exercise-2 (walking 2.0 mph for 120 mins.) Food-5 Vitamins-1 ( Same everyday...fish oil, krill oil and Vitamin D) Water-2 Total Points-10 June
  • Week #2 4/5/13- Friday Exercise-2 (walking 3.5 mph for 60 mins) Food-5 Vitamins-1 ( fish oil, krill oil and Vitamin D) Water-2 Total Points- 10
  • April Challenge for Week # 1-Friday- 4/5/13 June's Weekly Points: Weekly daily points: 30 (Tues through Thurs,) Mini goals points: :10 Weight loss points: 10 (lost 1.0 lb this week ) Posting your points daily: 0 (Missed posting on the 3rd but caught up on the 4th) Total weekly points: 50
  • Congrats to all on this thread. Your stories are truly amazing!!! I too hope to join this group of 100+ pounds lost in the near future. bump to find you when this happens to me. Only 4 pounds to go!!!
  • I'm behind a day so here are Wednesday's and Thursdays. 4/3/13 Exercise-2 (Walking 3.5 mph for 60 mins.) Food -5 Vitamins-1 Water-2 Total points-10 4/4/13 Exercise-2 (Walking 3.5 mph for 70 mins) Food-5 Vitamins-1 Water-2 Total Points- 10
  • I hear you. cbungard1! Congratulations of your achievement!! It is awesome to lose so much. I am getting impatient myself as I am only 3 from 100th pound loss and 7 from ONEderland. I know how you are feeling. Good luck and hope that April is your "special" month as well!! June
  • I would like to join and will try to do it daily. Exercise-2 (Walking 3.5 mph for 60 mins.) Food -5 Vitamins-1 Water-2 Total points-10 June
  • I'm 5'6" and weight 207. I think my goal weight is 140 to 145, but hope I will know once I get there.